Chapter 720 Gu Nianchu in front of Naihe Bridge (2)

Soon, I saw several familiar buildings.But the scene is still changing, and then, I saw where they are now.Sioux City Military Region Hospital.Lin Xi frowned.

Blood was everywhere in the Sioux City Military Region Hospital, and there were not many patients left.But that bloody scene made Lin Xi feel a little nauseous.But seeing the picture, she seemed to smell the smell of blood.

Lin Xi frowned, subconsciously covering Little Milkshake's eyes.Then, she and An Shishui saw the broken limbs and broken arms, everywhere.But the further you go, the weirder the atmosphere... Moreover, not only the disabled and broken arms, but also the various parts of the human body.These things were all taken down by people, or by an extremely cruel method.

Hmm... like, like being pulled down by force, it looks shocking.Even An Sishui looked at it for a while, but couldn't help but look away.

"There are still people alive?" Lin Xi frowned now that he was deep in the hospital, and suddenly spoke.An Sishui quickly raised her head and looked at the space-time mirror.

Those people inside may be people from special departments. They waved their limbs in the air, as if something was restraining them, preventing them from walking.

Lin Xi frowned. This ghost is very powerful... There has never been such a powerful ghost in Suzhou City for so many years.Lin Xi smiled and looked at the scene in the mirror with interest.

Little Milkshake looked at her mother's hand in front of her eyes, curled her lips in dissatisfaction.Then, he quickly turned his head to the side and looked at the scene in the mirror.

unmmm... she is no ordinary baby!

Suddenly, the scene in the mirror became silent, without any change.

It just stopped on the two people.

They were covered in blood, as if they had experienced a fierce battle.

Lin Xi frowned, and soon realized something.

She made a tactic with her right hand, and suddenly hit a certain spot in the mirror.

Then, an old voice came from the space-time mirror: "You finally made a move... Hahahaha..." He laughed wildly, and at the same time, it appeared in its shape.

It was a huge spider—

It was originally just a black widow, but after it died, it was made into an extremely powerful ghost by the ghost raiser.

It's just that after it woke up, it was so powerful that the ghost breeder got a backlash.If not, the ghost raiser would probably be dead by now.

As soon as the ghost woke up, it chose a place with both yang and yin energy.Of course, it is none other than a military hospital.

The military hospital in Sioux City is a hospital specially built for veterans, serving soldiers, and current soldiers.It is a hospital built by the people of Sioux City with their own funds.

There is a lot of yang in it, after all, these soldiers are all official.But the Yin Qi is also extremely heavy. Hospitals naturally have some Yin Qi.

What's more, these soldiers can't make any waves at all, so this black spider chose this hospital.

Although, the same is true for schools... But the people in the school are not easy to deal with, they are all good students.The hospital is different, there are many dying people.

These people are great supplements for the black spider.

After the special department learned about it, they quickly transferred some people to Sioux City.

However, these people still sacrificed a lot.

Lin Xi made the move because of those two people.

(End of this chapter)

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