Chapter 721 Gu Nianchu in front of Naihe Bridge (3)

They were already very weak, and they were hanging with only one breath left.There were wounds all over his body, and he didn't have any strength to fight back at this moment.Those were Mo Liunian and Gu Nianchu...

An Sishui also recognized it. She was also anxious, and tugged at the corner of Lin Xi's clothes: "Lin Xi, what should we do? They were injured... they were seriously injured..."

There was a whimper in her voice.At the same time, Lin Xi frowned, as if thinking of a countermeasure.An Sishui didn't bother Lin Xi anymore, and asked her to think about it.

"Little Milkshake." Lin Xi suddenly turned her gaze to her daughter, "Can you deal with that ghost?"

I saw Little Milkshake's big eyes like black grapes rolled away, and then pouted again.Then, her mouth opened and closed, as if she was saying something.The speed of speech is very fast, and it seems to be calculating something...

That ghost is very powerful, there is no doubt about it.However, when Lin Xi encounters ghosts, he will not easily call for a small milkshake.In case something happened to her daughter, it would be impossible to save her daughter after killing all the ghosts in the world.

Even though Little Milkshake is small, she was very cautious, and Ling He quickly relayed a passage to Lin Xi: "Mom, that spider is really annoying~ Little Milkshake can't deal with it, but with Daddy around... Little Milkshake..." You can try the milkshake!"

Lin Xi: "??" My daughter is going to show off Gu Nianchu's face now... Her mother of two years is not as important as a father who has never met?
Lin Xi was dissatisfied, but she didn't show it. She just let out a long breath and looked at her little milkshake: "Well then, when shall we go there?"

Little Milkshake smiled, and relayed something to Linghe: "I know mom is tired, so we'll go there tomorrow."

Only then did Lin Xi nodded in satisfaction, she really didn't want to go in this muddy water.Even if Gu Nianchu is really there... well, she doesn't want to go either!Seeing him, the two of them had nothing but embarrassment.

"Little Milkshake, it's so dangerous, you don't want to go. I'll send you to the Cheng family later." Lin Xi said quietly, the meaning was already obvious, she wanted to send Little Milkshake to Cheng Yizhen.Apart from Lin Xi, only Cheng Yi could really watch Little Milkshake.

Hearing this, Little Milkshake instantly exploded!Why why not let her go!She's so cute and so useful!
Woooooo~ Qihu is also young.

Thinking of this, Little Milkshake burst into tears.

An Sishui: "..." This little baby used tears to win sympathy again!Every time, it hit An Sishui and Lin Xi's weakness!There is really nothing to do with her.

Of course, this time is also the same, Lin Xi held the little milkshake in her arms, comforted her, and said the conditions through spiritual voice transmission: "milkshake~ this time is very dangerous, if you want to go, you have to promise mom Require."

Lin Xi spoke to Little Milkshake in a discussing tone.

For some reason, Little Milkshake suddenly felt a little cold in his mother's arms.She nodded subconsciously and let her mother continue.

" can't call someone else's daddy. No matter who the other party is, you are not allowed to call him." Lin Xi still used spiritual power to transmit the sound to ensure that An Sishui couldn't hear it.

Phew... Little Milkshake is Gu Nianchu's daughter, An Sishui still doesn't know about it.

Little Milkshake rolled her eyes and hit it off with her mother.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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