Chapter 722 Gu Nianchu in front of Naihe Bridge (4)

The communication between Lin Xi and Little Milkshake relied on each other's spiritual power to transmit sound, so An Sishui couldn't hear it.

Finally, Little Milkshake slowly stopped crying, and An Shishui stirred up a lot of excitement: "A two-year-old body, a 20-year-old mind, I have the nerve to act cute and pretend to cry!"

Little Milkshake looked at An Sishui unconvinced, then secretly mobilized her spiritual power, and sprinkled tea at An Sishui's feet.An Sishui smiled, and his eyes fell on the face of Little Milkshake: "Wow! A little kid still has a temper!"

Little Milkshake snorted arrogantly, but didn't speak.

Lin Xi's gaze has been fixed on the time mirror all the time, without saying a word.The ghost had already been hidden, and Mo Liunian and Gu Nianchu were lying on the ground half dead, as if there was no sign of life.

But just now, Lin Xi had quietly used her spiritual power to hang the lives of two people.That is to say, if Lin Xi is gone, none of them will die.As long as the two of them want to live, they can definitely wait until tomorrow.

Hmm... Even if Mo Liunian has to suffer for what happened ten years ago, and Gu Nianchu has to pay for what happened two years ago.

Lin Xi looked at An Sishui, who had also calmed down.After all, she has experienced many things in the past two years, and An Shishui has calmed down a lot.

When Lin Xi saw him, she knew what Lin Xi meant.Soon he opened his mouth and said, "Lin Xi, accept it!"

After all, it is extremely wasteful to support a time mirror.

If Lin Xi was strong enough, he wouldn't be able to last for 10 minutes.

Lin Xi nodded, stroked her hand, and soon, the lake water slowly entered the lake, just like before, without any movement.

"Lin Xi, you've been out for so long, and your husband doesn't care about you?" An Sishui couldn't help but joked, looking at Lin Xi's face.

Still indifferent, when mentioning her husband Liang Qichen, Lin Xi always had no expression on his face.Sometimes An Sishui even wondered if Lin Xi didn't have a husband at all.

Lin Xi raised her eyebrows, slightly curled her mouth, and looked at Little Milkshake: "Milkshake, do you want to go home today?"

Seeing Little Milkshake shaking her head, Lin Xi glanced helplessly.

It seems to be saying that if the daughter doesn't want to go back, there is nothing they can do~
An Rushui is speechless——

She frowned, and looked at Lin Xi, who showed off her baby whenever she disagreed with her: "Oh, your little Milkshake is too thoughtful."

"That's right, my milkshake is a genius~"


In the end, Lin Xi decided to return to the Liang family.Lin Xi was driving the car (he had to do things by himself in the past two days, so Lin Xi learned to drive~), An Sishui was teasing Little Milkshake behind.

Little Milkshake is indeed a genius. He has a very strong physique and is also very smart. He can almost learn it immediately.

Say she doesn't look like a child, but she can cry and make trouble; say she is a child, she is too smart and knows everything.

So now Lin Xi began to wonder nervously if this was her daughter...

Helpless, little milkshake~-
Lin Xi sent An Sishui home, let Little Milkshake sit on the baby chair, and the two returned to Liang's house.

Although Little Milkshake rejected boys, it did not reject Liang's mother at all.Every time I go home, I just throw myself into Liang's mother's arms.

I'm afraid that Milkshake will learn to speak, and Mother Liang is eager for Milkshake to call her grandma.

Lin Xi was suddenly thankful that she didn't let Little Milkshake learn to speak~
Otherwise, how many incidents would have been caused.

(End of this chapter)

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