Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 732 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 732 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (6)

The worst of the situation right now, though, is the small milkshake.She was wrapped in a gust of wind, and in the baby carriage, she suddenly burst into tears.The crying of a baby is already noisy, let alone the crying of a small milkshake.

Fortunately, Lin Xi used a special technique to cover An Sishui's ears in time, otherwise both of them would suffer now.

An Sishui has recovered from Mo Liunian's injury just now, after all, with Lin Xi around, she is not afraid!An Sishui looked at Little Milkshake in amazement, never expecting... Didn't expect Little Milkshake to have such an operation.

Just say it!A yawn by Little Milkshake can make a ghost fly away, and now when she cries, she naturally weeps even more shockingly.Within 2 minutes, the wind around her dissipated, and Little Milkshake gradually stopped crying.

She moved her lips, and suddenly uttered a voice: "Ma Ma~ Scary! Naiqi afraid~" She was still very unskilled in speaking, and the words she spoke were not in the same pitch at all.

But Lin Xi's voice as a little milkshake naturally understood it.Milkshake said she was scared.She quickly hugged the little milkshake in her arms, but she suddenly realized something, and looked at the milk doll in her arms in disbelief.

"Milkshake! You just started talking!" Lin Xi said incredulously, looking at the little milkshake in her arms.

Little Milkshake grinned, and said again: "There is a bitch! There is a bitch!"

The corner of Lin Xi's mouth twitched, what did this mean?Have a baby?
"What baby? Good boy, where is it? Tell mom, mom will get it for you." Lin Xi asked patiently, looking at the little milkshake in her arms.

Little Milkshake pointed out the door and stuck out her tongue.

Lin Xi smiled, that ghost seems to have a treasure in its hand!Her little milkshake is very interesting, sorry, this bitch, gave her little milkshake.

Then, Lin Xi put the milkshake back into the stroller.The two pushed the stroller again and walked out.

Well, Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian have an enchantment here, so don't worry about it so much.

The three went out and started looking for the big spider.

First of all, this big spider is not a sperm.After the death of the black widow, it was trained to become a ghost, but it was so powerful that its master was backlashed.

Secondly, Little Milkshake specializes in all kinds of ghosts, so Lin Xi and An Sishui are not afraid at all, so they dared to come out boldly.

The three of them seem to have been walking here for a long time, but none of them found the ghost.

Lin Xi frowned, this time looking carefully at the surrounding scene.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L less

Ghost hitting the wall?
Playing with her, Lin Xi?I'm sorry, she, Lin Xi, is covered in hacks all over her body!
She smiled, and said wickedly: "Milkshake, spit."

Little Milkshake was very obedient, and cooperated with Lin Xi, and spit out a mouthful.

Lin Xi smiled, made a gesture with her right hand, and hit the ceiling hard.

Then, I heard the sound of broken glass, and heard the ghost growl——

Countless spider silks seemed to fall from the sky, trying to stick to their bodies.

Sorry for not giving you this chance!
Lin Xi directly released her spiritual power, which turned into a ball of fire and burned on the ceiling.

Soon, the spider silk disappeared completely.

Lin Xi didn't plan to talk nonsense at all this time, and directly took out dozens of charms, and quickly pasted them in various places.

Without giving the ghost any chance, Lin Xi made a trick.

Then, without any suspense——

(End of this chapter)

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