Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 733 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 733 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (7)

That ghost appeared!Well, that's right, that ghost appeared!not dead!It just appeared in front of the eyes of three people.

It was a huge spider with big eyes like two big lanterns, looking straight at the three of them.Those eyes can be greedy!It seemed as if they were going to eat the three of them.

Because of Lin Xi's blow just now, he directly crippled two legs.But at this moment, he was already standing in front of them perfectly, looking at Lin Xi and the three of them in a swaggering manner, as if saying, I'm not dead!
Lin Xi felt as if she had been despised... Oh no, she underestimated the enemy.She felt that this spider was very weak, very weak, how could it not be killed in one hit! ?

Lin Xi raised her eyebrows, wouldn't it have something to do with the bitch Little Milkshake mentioned?Her eyes rarely looked at a ghost carefully.Her gaze seemed to be penetrating, staring at the ghost with a trace of temptation and contempt.

Hmm... its eyes are weird.Why are spiders' eyes so bright?Then, will she, Lin Xi, have to shut off the eyes of this old monster later?Fog Grass!It's scary to think about it!
Lin Xi frowned and looked at Little Milkshake.Similarly, Little Milkshake's eyes seemed to be shining, looking at the ghost's eyes, wishing to close its eyes right now.

Lin Xi smiled helplessly. If Little Milkshake wanted it, she would find a way to get it!

She threw spells one after another, hitting the ghost.

But it was unscathed.

"What the hell are you?" Lin Xi suddenly released his spiritual power, and the powerful fluctuations of the spiritual power caused a slight change in the surrounding air.

But the ghost was already standing there, just looking at the three of them greedily, without any reaction.

Finally, after Lin Xi released his spiritual power, the ghost roared in disappointment and wanted to leave——

Little Milkshake didn't know when she stood up from the stroller, she pointed at the spider with her chubby little finger, and tapped lightly.

Then, the spider couldn't move at all.

Little Milkshake suddenly started to walk forward step by step, slowly approaching the ghost.

Just as Lin Xi wanted to stop her, she seemed to think of something and stopped her steps.

An Sishui looked at Little Milkshake nervously. She wanted to stop her, but she couldn't move.

An Sishui frowned, and after realizing that Lin Xi hadn't moved, she understood something.

Little Milkshake walked very slowly, and after walking for a long time, he was only five or six steps away from the ghost.

Little Milkshake pointed to its eyes, and suddenly spoke: "You, can you let that little boy go."

She uttered such a sentence suddenly, which caught everyone present off guard.

Lin Xi looked at Little Milkshake in disbelief, little boy?Milkshake is only two years old!Are you going to fall in love early? !
The ghost didn't seem to understand the little boy, he shook his head.

Little Milkshake smiled and spit out her little teeth, which was very cute.She pointed to the ghost's eyes and clicked twice.Then he said, "Give one to me and one to him."

Then, the spider couldn't help but agree or disagree, and just took his eyes off.

Strange to say, Little Milkshake didn't know what to do, two beautiful beads flew out of the spider's eyes, one landed in Little Milkshake's hand, and the other was spinning in the air.

"Go find your master!" Little Milkshake waved her small hand and suddenly smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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