Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 743 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 743 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (17)

After Lin Xi left, An Sishui quickly followed.She said that there were Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian in the ward, and it was not suitable for her to stay in the ward as a girl.

Hearing this, Lin Xi didn't say much, and sent An Sishui home.But along the way, Little Milkshake didn't say a word.Just teary eyes, has been looking out the window.

But there is no way, some things are just unavoidable.
Early the next morning, An Sishui went to the hospital again, and brought Mo Liunian a big bag of things.In comparison, Gu Nianchu's side is rather lonely.He didn't tell the Gu family that he was in Sioux City at all, so the Gu family didn't know anything about his injury.

He never thought about notifying Gu's family, for the whole night, there was a dream in his mind.He dreamed that he went to Guimenguan, walked through Huangquan Road, and arrived at Naihe Bridge.When he was supposed to drink Po Meng's soup, Po Meng stopped him and said something to him:

"Your daughter hasn't called you daddy yet, and you want to die? Your grandfather is also in trouble right now, but you want to die? Your wife finally hanged you, and you still want to die?"

He now suspects that Milkshake is really his daughter.After all, only Lin Xi and Ye Qingqing had sex with him.I haven't heard that Ye Qingqing has a child yet, maybe Little Milkshake is really his daughter... But it's not sure, after all, Lin Xi was in Sucheng during that time.What happened, he really didn't know.

Hmm... But the grandfather at home, could it be that something happened to Mr. Gu?It doesn't matter, he still has a hole card in S City, which can ensure that Mr. Gu will not have any accidents.

Then let's talk about his wife... Gu Nianchu suddenly pursed his lips and smiled. The only person who can hang his life is Lin Xi.With Lin Xi's strength, he can definitely wake him up again...uh, so much so...that even the underworld refused to accept him.

Gu Nianchu carefully recalled the events of that year.

He suddenly remembered that after the one with Lin Xi, he woke up with a feeling the next morning... But after the one with Ye Qingqing, he didn't feel it at all.

It's like a normal drunk and sleepy...

Could it be... Could it be that Ye Qingqing wanted to design him?
No, he agreed to marry her at that time, and with Ye Qingqing's personality, he would never take the risk of doing this.

Could it be...she was planning Lin Xi?
No wonder Lin Xi hasn't been in touch since then...

Gu Nianchu seemed to suddenly understand something, his eyes narrowed, and the aura around him became a little indifferent.

This Ye Qingqing is really cool!
It seems that I need to find an opportunity to explain clearly to Lin Xi.

He looked out the window and suddenly felt that the sky was still so blue and the sun was so dazzling.

In her city, every place has her breath.

This time, he gave up all his pride and just wanted to be her him.

He suddenly thought of Little Milkshake, that little guy with aura.Especially her eyes, really looked like a black grape embedded in her face.

At this moment, An Sishui and Mo Liunian had finished their ambiguity, Gu Nianchu looked at An Sishui, and said lightly, "Have you been with Lin Xi for the past two years?"

"Ah?" An Sishui was stunned, she didn't expect Gu Nianchu to ask her.

But soon, she nodded and hummed to express that she had been in Sucheng for the past two years.

(End of this chapter)

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