Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 744 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 744 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (18)

"What's her cell phone number?" Gu Nianchu asked slowly, and then took out his cell phone, ready to write it down at any time.

An Sishui: "..." She was a little afraid to say it, but also a little bit afraid not to say it.On one side is Lin Xi, and on the other side is the indifferent Gu Nianchu.

Well, she still chose to tell Gu Nianchu.After all, the two of them had a good time.An Sishui reported a series of numbers, and Gu Nianchu also saved them on his mobile phone.Then, he called Lin Xi.

"Hi, hello, who is it?" Lin Xi quickly connected, and her nice and clear voice came.

"Come to the hospital, I'm hungry." Gu Nianchu's tone carried a trace of grievance, and a trace of imperceptible love.

"You made a mistake!" Lin Xi hung up the phone after saying this.How could she fail to recognize that the person over there is Gu Nianchu.

She was cooking at home when she received such a call from him.

The little milkshake I had been enjoying upstairs suddenly appeared outside the kitchen door.She seemed to have noticed that her father was calling Lin Xi, so she came down quickly.Just in time, when she was at the door, she heard her father call her mother again.

Before Lin Xi had time to block, she frowned when she saw the caller.Just about to block directly, but the phone suddenly disappeared!

She looked outside the door, and there was Little Milkshake standing there, holding her mobile phone in her hand, and directly connected the call: "Susu~ah! It's okay, don't pay attention to my mother, she is a knife mouth and a bean curd heart! Mom is still very sweet Okay, Susu~"

"Little Milkshake, thank you." Gu Nianchu smiled softly and said slowly.

"It's all right~ Susu. By the way, Susu, do you have something to ask your mother?" Little Milkshake finally asked the topic, and Gu Nianchu also remembered that he was still hungry.

"It's okay, I'll cook for Susu later, don't worry!" Little Milkshake smiled, holding Lin Xi's phone, standing outside, and gave her mother a provocative smile.

Oh, by the way, Lin Xi didn't come over, because she knew that since Little Milkshake could snatch her mobile phone, there must be a way to protect it.

She just looked at the little milkshake like this, just put a little pressure on the little milkshake.

Little Milkshake, who was angry all day yesterday, hasn't said a word since she came back.Whether it was Liang's mother, Liang Qichen or Lin Xi who came to coax her, she didn't say a word, not even a look.

If it weren't for her being too young, Lin Xi would have been angry a long time ago!

But today, a phone call from her father made Little Milkshake laugh like a dog's leg!

Lin Xi was really out of balance!Tut tut tut!

Little Milkshake ignored her mother at all, and called Gu Nianchu seriously.

"Don't worry~ there's a little milkshake here, and I'll ask mom to bring you something to eat later. If Susu is hungry, eat something else to fill your stomach first." Little milkshake said sensiblely, and after speaking , and looked at my mother who was speechless.

"But little milkshake, you can't make your mother angry." Gu Nianchu spoke again, explaining the last sentence.

Little Milkshake pondered for a while, and quickly said, "After Mom brings Susu food, Milkshake won't make Mom angry anymore."

Her words made Lin Xi both angry and funny.

But soon, she remembered one thing.

(End of this chapter)

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