Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 745 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 745 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (19)

She quickly cooked a few dishes and packed them in an insulated box.Then, she looked at Little Milkshake and smiled: "Milkshake, mom will take you to the hospital."

The corner of Milkshake's mouth raised a hint of timidity, and he made a triumphant gesture with his hand: "Mom, you have finally woken up. Finally understand that Milkshake is also for you~"

"Oh, how did Little Milkshake know?" Lin Xi smiled lightly, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.Looking at Little Milkshake, there was also a hint of pampering and affection.A good daughter, let her father ruin it!
"After all, Mom has only had Aunt Xiaoshui by her side for two years! No matter how good Aunt Xiaoshui is, she can't stay with Mom forever. I think Daddy is very good, Mom, how about you being together?" Little Milkshake prayed, Stare straight at Lin Xi, hoping that Lin Xi can agree.

But upon hearing this, Lin Xi's hand slipped, and the car keys suddenly fell to the ground.It turns out that my daughter can understand it!It turned out that she was deceiving herself from beginning to end!
"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Little Milkshake thought her mother was not feeling well, so she looked at Lin Xi with concern.

Lin Xi shook her head, and got into the car without saying a word.
In the hospital, Gu Nianchu was sitting on the hospital bed beautifully, waiting for Lin Xi to come to deliver food later.

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door, he cleared his throat, and said "Come in."

Then Lin Xi walked in holding Little Milkshake's hand.

Lin Xi laid out the things she made and put them on the table of the hospital bed.

Lin Xi looked indifferent and said nothing.It was Little Milkshake who looked at Gu Nianchu excitedly and smiled, revealing two shallow pear dimples.

"Susu~ My mother's cooking is delicious!" Little Milkshake hugged Gu Nianchu's arm and opened her mouth coquettishly.

Lin Xi touched Little Milkshake's head, smiled slightly, and did not speak.

"I know." Gu Nianchu smiled, looking at the little milkshake.

"Little Milkshake, have you met this uncle before?" Lin Xi asked unconsciously, looking at Gu Nianchu who was eating, touched Little Milkshake's face, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Little Milkshake was caught off guard at all, completely unaware that this was a trap, and nodded naturally: "Yes..."

But before she finished speaking, Gu Nianchu stopped her: "Good boy, did you remember wrongly. Two years ago, I was always in S City. I heard that you were born in Sioux City. "

Gu Nianchu smiled awe-inspiringly, looking at the little milkshake, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Little Milkshake understood immediately, it was a little secret between her and Daddy.

"Mom, I..." Little Milkshake looked at Lin Xi and paused, not knowing what to say.

Lin Xi was a little angry. The daughter who had raised her for two years, why now when she sees this father, she can't wait to pounce on him immediately.

She was jealous!Eat Gu Nianchu's vinegar!
For some reason, she felt a little irritable, and suddenly wanted to leave the ward.But after seeing the little milkshake, she took a long breath.

"Lin Xi, I wonder if there was some misunderstanding between us?" Gu Nianchu raised his head, looked at Lin Xi who was blushing, and asked.

Lin Xi shook her head, but from the beginning to the end, her eyes did not fall on Gu Nianchu's face.

What did Gu Nianchu do that he didn't know?Are you still here to pretend to be her?
"Don't get me wrong, Little Milkshake has to come. I didn't have to come here." Lin Xi looked at him and explained slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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