Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 748 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 748 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (22)

"Milkshake, are you going to be here today?" Gu Nianchu asked back.

Little Milkshake nodded as a matter of course: "I can still take care of Daddy~" As she spoke, she pointed to the cup over there, and a cup was automatically filled with water, and then floated over from the air.The cup floated into Gu Nianchu's hand, and Gu Nianchu took a deep breath.The water temperature was just right, neither hot nor cold.

The two people seem to be interacting normally, but in the eyes of the two people over there, they feel a little mysterious.A two-year-old milk doll is so powerful?What is it called?Teleportation?Could this be the so-called spiritual power of the Cheng family?
"Having a daughter seems pretty good." Mo Liunian smiled slightly, and looked at An Sishui beside him, with a hint of ambiguity in his eyes.

An Shishui pretended not to understand: "Yeah, Little Milkshake is very smart. But they have cheats."

"Cheating?" Hearing this, Gu Nianchu couldn't help but glance at An Sishui, and asked in doubt.Is there a plug-in for the small milkshake?Thinking about it, he couldn't help but glance at Little Milkshake.She sat obediently beside Gu Nianchu, looking at Gu Nianchu with her black grape-like pupils without blinking.

After hearing An Sishui's words, Little Milkshake nodded and grinned.

"She is a spirit body. She has absorbed spiritual power since she was born... No, she has absorbed spiritual power since she was born in the mother's womb. She restrains all kinds of ghosts, so it can be said that she is not afraid of anything. Once again, she yawned and let A ghost flies away. She has a lot of spiritual energy, her mother Lin Xi, and her mother's mother Cheng Fengrao are the pride of the Cheng family. Now even this milk doll has become the existence of the Cheng family to show off." An Sishui proudly After telling the story of Little Milkshake, he looked at Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian.

The faces of both of them were full of praise and disbelief, after all, they were just a child.

But at this moment, An Rushui suddenly felt a force in her body, which seemed to be quietly spreading to her limbs... She frowned, and this feeling disappeared instantly.After that, she didn't care anymore.

A voice came from deep in her soul: "Spiritual body! Hahaha! This is a good thing. After eating it, my strength can be greatly increased!"

It's Joe One.

"I thought about abandoning your body after a while, but I didn't expect you to have such a good thing by your side!"
After Lin Xi left, she suddenly lost her sense of control, not knowing what to do now or where to go.

She couldn't bear to leave the little milkshake there alone, but today's little milkshake really disappointed her.

These are not angry words, this is the truth, Little Milkshake is by Gu Nianchu's side like this, have you ever felt her experience?
Lin Xi took the car keys, walked to the underground parking lot, drove her own car, and prepared to come out unhappily.

But suddenly, she saw a familiar car.

leaf, lean, love,

Lin Xi's eyes suddenly burned with anger, watching her drive her car into a parking space.

Maybe she came to see Gu Nianchu?

Gu Nianchu asked her to come, right?
Lin Xi rolled her eyes, but suddenly remembered that Little Milkshake was still at Gu Nianchu's place, what if Ye Qingqing did something to Little Milkshake after seeing Little Milkshake?
Lin Xi struggled for a while, but she got out of the car in a panic and hurriedly followed.

In front of the elevator door, Ye Qingqing just got into the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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