Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 749 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 749 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (23)

Lin Xi frowned, looking at the elevator that had already started to ascend.It doesn't matter, Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian's ward is at the highest level of the inpatient department, even if she runs up there, she might be ahead of Ye Qingqing.

After weighing it, she stepped up the stairs.After all, someone was going to get off the elevator, so Lin Xi could use this time to reach Gu Nianchu's ward.

She is not afraid of being tired, and she has experienced more tiring things in the past two years.So soon, Lin Xi arrived at the top floor, and the elevator was still parked on the floor below.Lin Xi took a deep breath, hurried to Gu Nianchu's room, and opened the door.

The four people in the room got along very well, and Little Milkshake was also very well-behaved, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.At this moment, when she saw Lin Xi came back, she happily called out to her mother.She was just about to say that I knew mom was back, but Lin Xi covered her mouth.

There was a trace of panic in Lin Xi's expression, Gu Nianchu frowned and looked at Lin Xi, and said softly: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lin Xi didn't answer, and didn't even give Gu Nianchu a look.She let go of her hand and looked at the little milkshake apologetically.

Then, the door was suddenly pushed open.

The gazes of several people focused on the outside of the door again, Gu Nianchu's eyes became indifferent almost the moment they saw the person outside the door.

"What are you doing here?" Gu Nianchu looked at Ye Qingqing indifferently, with a hint of contempt and disdain in his tone.At the same time, he touched Little Milkshake's head with a gentle hand.

Ye Qingqing naturally noticed the changes in Gu Nianchu.In the past two years, she did not continue to mix in the entertainment industry.After Gu Nianchu regretted her marriage, she took the initiative to go to the mountainous area and worked as a supporting teacher for two years.

This summer vacation, she went back to S City and stayed at home for a long time, but she didn't get any news about Gu Nianchu.Last night, when she saw a news that something happened in Sucheng Hospital, she always felt that Gu Nianchu was here.

Then, with the power of the Ye family, she found out that Gu Nianchu was currently in a certain hospital in Sioux City.She found out the room number and hurried over this morning.

Ye Qingqing has always been plain, and went to the mountains for a few years, so now she looks extraordinarily simple and elegant.

She always thought that after she came in, there might only be Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian.

But I didn't expect Lin Xi and An Sishui to be there...

Pfft, what do you mean by having such a child?
Could it be... Could it be that Gu Nianchu didn't enlist in the army in the past two years, but was making a baby with Lin Xi?
Although... although this little girl is very cute.

Facing Gu Nianchu's questioning, Ye Qingqing remained silent, and then walked in silently.

She put the things brought by Mr. Gu on the table, and was about to say something, but Little Milkshake suddenly asked, "Mom, who is this aunt?"

"She is your aunt." Lin Xi smiled, watching Ye Qingqing explain to Little Milkshake.

"'s your uncle's daughter-in-law." Lin Xi pointed to Gu Nianchu and explained to Milkshake again.

Little Milkshake's eyes flickered slightly: Mom, you lied to the baby again!

Ye Qingqing paused slightly, she didn't understand, what does Lin Xi mean by this?
Could it be that he wanted to dig a hole for her to jump into?No way……

Gu Nianchu narrowed his eyes, looked at Lin Xi who was leading his daughter seriously, and said slowly: "Lin Xi, is the name of the little milkshake wrong?"

 I'm still coding =
  Look at the comment area, what if this article disappears that day...

  I fell asleep yesterday, let's go to the eighth watch~
(End of this chapter)

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