Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 195 In danger, who will save me, Aoxueche

Chapter 195 In danger, who will save me, Aoxueche
Miss Ao disappeared, and Nan Yunguang was surprised in the central tent.

"Why did Miss Che go to the deep forest alone early in the morning and disappeared without anyone following her?"Nan Yunguang was also shocked.

"Qingxin, please be more careful", "Of course my senior brother Ao Lianqing is the one who can survive the crisis."

Wen Xin also calmed down a little after hearing Senior Brother's voice.

"Mr. Lianqing is like this", "Miss woke up very early this morning", "After doing daily meditation", "Wen Xin is going to prepare breakfast for Miss".

"Just at this gap", "Miss walked out of the tent", "and met Miss Matchmaker".

Wen Xin said here, and looked at the matchmaker standing beside Mu Bai together with everyone.

He saw the pale face of the matchmaker.

Wen Xin stopped looking at the matchmaker and continued.

"After I asked my heart, I heard the lady say", "I want to go into the woods ahead with Miss Hongniang".

"Miss seemed very hesitant at the beginning and didn't decide to go", "But because of her heart, she also wanted to go together, and later she asked the guards to go with the lady."

"Miss made up her mind instead", "It seems to be to prove herself".

"Speaking of it is the responsibility of asking the heart."

What I said here is full of self-blame.

Senior brother Ao Lianqing seemed to understand, so he said calmly.

"Wang Xin, you did a good job", "I can't blame you for this matter", "If you want to blame it, blame Xue Che".

"This matter is also a lesson for Xue Che."

Senior Brother Ao Lianqing said this, and looked at Prince Nan.

And Nan Yunguang.

Said, "Your Majesty, the prince, still hopes to send someone to look for my worry-free junior sister Xue Che.

I'm tired."

Looking at the frowning of senior brother Ao Lianqing, Nan Yunguang laughed heartily and said.

"Mr. Lianqing, what are you talking about?" "Miss Ao is my guest of Dianchi Kingdom."

"I'm lost now", "Of course I, Dianchi Country, should be responsible for looking for it."

Prince Nan has already walked out of the big tent and ordered the soldiers to search for me in the woods.

And came back after giving orders to comfort senior brother Ao Lianqing and Wen Xin.

"Don't worry, both of you, fortunately it's daytime, and the beasts are pretty honest."

"It should be nothing."

Wen Xin and senior brother Ao Lianqing didn't answer, but thought of it.

Then you also need to see what kind of physique Aoxueche has.

Just when Senior Brother and Wen Xin were worried about me.

At this moment, I have been on the manic horse for an unknown amount of time.

The horse under him didn't know why, but the strength was just right.

Even if they don't get me down, they don't let me be safe.

Obviously trying to scare me, plus I'm not feeling well.

After swaying a few times, I was actually swayed to sleep.

I lay quietly on the horse, and slowly became silent.

Well, I'm dizzy. Let me take a break.

There was only darkness left in my mind.

Uh, what is this place, hmm, it's so cold.

Oh, by the way, I was taken to the depths of the deep forest by the horse, can senior brother find me?

After all, I have been out for a long time.

The matchmaker doesn't know where it is, has she noticed that I am missing, the matchmaker will come to find me.

Or go back and find someone, come in the woods and find me.

And Wen Xin, who hasn't seen me for a long time, will find someone to come in and save me.

So I will slowly wait here now.

Thinking of this made me want to sleep even more.

But there is another thought in my heart.

If Wenxin forgot, tell the brothers and the others that I went into the woods, and the matchmaker didn't go back, but was somewhere in the deep forest, catching prey.

So what should I do, continue to be teased by the horse under me for a day.

What should I do, um, it's so annoying.

Consciousness gradually disappeared until.

At last I fell off my horse all at once.

fell to the ground.

With the sound of Peng, I completely fainted.

On the other side, Hong Niang's abnormal expression has already attracted Hong Changqing's attention.

She has been pale and trembling since just now.

Isn't such a matchmaker abnormal?

Could it be that she was worried about that girl Aoxueche who strayed into the woods because of herself.

Without trying to attract everyone's attention, Hong Changqing called the matchmaker aside alone.

"What's wrong with you, Hong Niang", "Why are you restless".

Especially when you heard that Aoxueche hadn't come back just now, your expression was too abnormal.

The matchmaker turned paler at first, and then whispered everything that happened before.

"What about grandma", "I just want to scare Sister Ao".

"I didn't know it was going to happen".

"I thought it was just a joke."Looking at Hong Niang's appearance, Hong Changqing sighed.

Hey matchmaker, you are really messing around.

"Grandma, I know about this matter", "I have to solve it".

"Matchmaker, don't come out until the matter is completely resolved", "Fortunately Wenxin and they didn't rely on your matchmaker just now, otherwise."

"The disappearance of Aoxueche this time is not something that my Red House can afford."

"Your Majesty still doesn't know how to punish us."

The matchmaker looked at Hong Changqing in horror, what would the grandmother do?

Hong Changqing has a calm face, Hong Niang, you go back first, don't tell anyone what you told your grandmother just now, including you, Brother Mubai and Brother Xintai, you know.

The matchmaker nodded, sobbing, and turned back to her small tent.

As for Hong Changqing, she collected her mood, turned around and returned to Nan Yunguang's side.

Your majesty's matchmaker seems to be feeling a little uncomfortable, and she is also worried about the proud girl who is lost in the deep forest.

Changqing just asked Hong Niang to go back to rest first.

Nan Yunguang's face was indifferent, even if Hong Niang was a little girl, what happened this time was enough for her.

Must have been terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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