Chapter 196
In the heavy snow, I was buried for almost 2 hours before I was escorted by Mubai and Xintai.

Find, find me when I have no consciousness.

My whole body is already hard.

Of course Mu Bai was already numb, he didn't know what to do, fortunately his heart was too experienced.

First aid was given to me.

But even when I was brought back to the tent like this, I was still lifeless.

When Wen Xin saw this, I was already stunned, and even my senior brother lost his composure.

However, Senior Brother quickly regained his composure, and then the imperial doctor of Dianchi Kingdom was summoned from Rongcheng.

Start my diagnosis and treatment.

Eight days later, Dianchi Guorong City Daisy Pavilion.

My body has gradually recovered, looking at Wen Xin with a cold face towards me.

Looking at the elder brother next to him, he also had the same cold face.

I have had enough of this face since I regained consciousness 7 days ago, okay?

Look at my face full of begging for mercy.

Wen Xin and Senior Brother didn't relax in the slightest.

Hey, the two of them really want to send me into the [-]th floor of hell.

I had no choice but to try to make the two of them laugh.

But it was of no use at all.

It's really pity for me as a patient, and I still have to make others laugh.

Just when I was at a loss, Princess Yingqin came to visit me.

As soon as I saw Princess Yingqin coming, the light in my eyes lit up.

Finally, there is a person who is not cold to me.

But my hope was soon dashed.

Because Princess Yingqin didn't appear in front of me with a cold face.

But Princess Yingqin's expression was unspeakable.

And because of my health, I can't talk to Princess Yingqin much.

Hey, the suffering of being curious but not knowing is more tormenting than looking at two people with cold faces.

Because my heart will keep guessing.

This time I haven't seen Princess Yingqin for a few days, why is it different from before?

Seems like I'm missing something.

Hey, it's all because of my poor, vulnerable body.

Just thinking about it makes me want to hit the wall.

Just when I'm about to put it into reality.

Brother Mu Bai came to see me again, brother Mu.

I nodded to Mubai, you came to visit me.

How about a few days passed, although I was sick.

But now that we've returned to Rongcheng, we can't delay the bride price for Princess Yingqin.

What else do I want to say.

But he saw Mu Bai's look of being separated from his soul.

How strange is this.

What's the matter, Mu Bai and Princess Yingqin.

They all looked indescribable.

Did something big happen to me during the few days I was sick?

Thinking about it secretly, if something big happened, it should be those beautiful heavy snows.

Not sure why these days, since I've been sick.

Dianchi Country has been snowing for several days in succession.

I am happy to see that big snowflake.

It also healed very quickly.

But I don't know why everyone except me looks unhappy.

Looking at Mu Bai's powerless back after visiting me for a while, he left sadly.

I thought of Brother Xin, so I asked, why didn't Prince Xinnan come to see me and old man Nan didn't come.

Wen Xin first smiled coldly and then said.

They have to have time if they want to come, this heavy snow.

I'm afraid that life in Dianchi Country will become more and more difficult.

There is no way to hunt in this heavy snow.

It was only when I heard Wen Xin say that.

It turns out that the heavy snowfall in recent days is not a good thing, that's why Princess Yingqin is so hard to explain.

Brother Mu Bai had such an unspeakable expression just now.

And that old man Nan Yunguang didn't bother to visit me when I was sick, and talked to me about winning Princess Qin's dowry.

Brother Nan has no time to visit me.

(End of this chapter)

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