Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 106 Being harassed and guerrillaized.

Chapter 106 Being harassed and guerrillaized.

Late at night, the black sand lair.

Italin waited for Xiao Hei to finish his work. He was very devoted and serious, but Italin could feel the confusion in his heart, but she didn't ask any questions.

After a long time, Xiao Hei put down the work in his hands, and looked down at the petite Italin next to him: "You have guilt in your heart, but I don't know who your guilt is for."

Itlein was silent for a moment, and said: "You are right, I feel guilty, but it is not for others, but for you."

"Me?" Xiao Hei was a little puzzled, and said, "Can you tell me?"

Itlein shook his head: "No, it's a promise, I can't say it."

Xiao Hei didn't force her, but changed the subject and said, "If you don't want to talk about it, forget it, then at least tell me, what's the matter with coming to me at this time!"

Italin nodded, and said with a straight face: "Everything is ready, just waiting for your order."

After hearing this, Consumer stood up, but his meaning did not follow Itlein's thoughts: "No, not yet."


Xiao Hei replied: "There is still half a month, and our potential allies are about to act!"

This remark made Italin puzzled, a potential ally?Who are you referring to?

Perhaps seeing what she was thinking, Xiao Hei said with a smile: "Talk to Farona more, she has a good relationship with the Five-Party Federation, and there is a lot of interesting news coming from the rebel army, for example, the Divine Grace The neighbors in the south of the country are going to be restless."

This is quite clear. Of course, the neighbors to the south refer to the Demon Race, and of course Eitrein knows it. After all, she was the one who slaughtered the royal family members of the Demon Race.

Relying on the team of experts sent by the Zulong Empire, the Demon Race established several large arsenals in less than a month. After several months of non-stop operation, they have already produced enough weapons Magical instruments and engineering equipment of several armies.

Xiao Hei was waiting, waiting for the troops of the Demon Race to attack from the south first, attracting the troops of the Divine Favor Kingdom, and at that time, he would lead the swarm from the north into the hinterland of the Divine Favor Kingdom.

The two sides were attacked at the same time, and the Divine Grace Kingdom fought against the swarm several times in a row, losing a large number of troops. If they wanted to take care of both sides at the same time, they would be powerless.

Italin doesn't talk to others very often because he doesn't know the information.

After some explanation from Xiao Hei, she also wanted to talk to Faona.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hei received a series of urgent psychic signals, and they came from several towns in the west.

The message is short, with only two meanings, enemy attack, and demon.

That's right, several towns in the western region were attacked by demons at the same time, and it wasn't a single demon, but a large number of space-time rifts, and even domain master-level demons rushed out of them.

Ordinarily, high-level demons need to set up large portals on the main plane to cross the boundary. However, this time the demons did not use the portal to cross the boundary, but directly tore the space to cross the boundary.

Xiao Hei was surprised that the demon suddenly attacked them, but he was not surprised when they tore apart space and crossed boundaries. It was very simple, what the demons couldn't do, their allies could.

The combat power of human beings is really limited. The Vengeance Army is okay. Among them, the rebellious Knights of the True God accepted the ceremony led by Faona and became the Crusaders. The strength shown against the demons is crushing. But not yet suppressed.

But the towns where the members of the other five-party federations are located are different. Although there are a few insect swarms stationed and those city defense facilities, fighting against the sudden army of demons can only buy time at best.

The eye worms watching over the major cities and towns immediately sent a picture, the city has turned into a sea of ​​flames, countless huge figures are raging in it, and those stationed worms have also turned into dust under the flames of hell.

These red and dark flames are very far away. The insect swarm has extreme resistance and has a strong resistance to ordinary flames, but under those flames, this resistance has no effect.

Do you support it?
This is of course, but first of all, Xiao Hei looked at Italin.

Without words, the latter understood what Xiao Hei meant, and said, "It's still the same, half of the troops are stationed. This scene looks like a tiger away from the mountain. We are the core of the Western Territory. Their target will never be an ordinary town!"

Xiao Hei nodded. He personally commanded the swarm, took a few as long as the nest, and began to march towards other towns. Faona also set off immediately after receiving the message.

Etrein stayed in the black sand lair to guard, and as she said, when Xiao Hei led the swarm to leave, several space cracks opened in the black sand lair, and countless strange demons swarmed in. If Xiao Hei saw him at this moment, he might wonder who is the swarm?

Fortunately, Italin mobilized early, and the demon was blocked from the crack.

It's just that during the battle, Etrein noticed some strange things. Those who came out of the cracks were all low-level demons, and there were no higher-level demons, let alone domain master-level demons. They attacked Heisha It seems that the lair is not intended to capture this place.

After only fighting for more than ten minutes, the demon retreated. Italin did not send any detective bugs to follow her. She knew the conditions of the cracks. Unlike the portal, not all creatures could bear the distorted space in these cracks. Yes, without the blessing of beings who didn't open those cracks, any ordinary creature would be torn to pieces as long as it got into it.

The mother nest of the fortress has undergone a special evolution, and their speed is faster than before. Just as the demons in the black sand lair retreated, Xiao Hei received a psychic signal again, but it was not from the Five-Party Federation, but five Those ore areas given to him by the Fang Federation.

The demons attacked all the mine veins owned by the insect swarm in the west. There were only a few insects stationed there, and most of them were worker bees for collecting work, without much fighting ability.

Undoubtedly, when the information came, there was no need to say what the outcome of the worker bees in the veins would be.

This was a premeditated attack, and the planners also investigated in detail all the locations of the swarms and what they possessed.

Although I was a little angry in my heart, if the mine was lost, it would be lost. Xiao Hei still mainly went to rescue other towns, but when the swarm just started airdropping, those demons rushed back to the crack, and the swarm caught a null.

Harassment, guerrilla attacks, what a familiar strategy. In the past, demons would never use this method to attack others. For demons, they only use one fighting method, which is to crush their enemies head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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