Chapter 107
Xiao Hei began to get tired of running around. After the demon retreated, the attack signal came again, and the demon continued its offensive in another place.

The Five-Party Federation has mastered the town, and at the same time has mastered the weapons inside. Naturally, it has some resistance, at least it can buy some time. Now, Xiao Hei can be said to be very upset. Although he is not an extremely intelligent person, the devil The purpose can be seen clearly.

They need time, and they are also procrastinating. As for who they are procrastinating for, I am afraid that they can think of it with their buttocks, but they don't know what they are procrastinating for.

In hell, in the Palace of the Devil Emperor, those in charge gathered together, and near them, there were these octopus-headed monsters.

Talia Anas, the lord of lust, can also be regarded as the secretary of the devil emperor, responsible for assisting the devil emperor to remove all kinds of hell things.

Now, her brows were tightly locked, and she looked at the Devil Emperor and asked: "Master Devil Emperor, it is not wise to fight those bugs. We have just recovered some magic mouths in hell, and now we are losing them rapidly. Although we There is a covenant with the True God Cult, but you can't hand over the fate of hell to them, right?"

At this moment, the Devil Emperor was also holding his forehead with one hand, with a distressed expression on his face. Obviously, this matter was not his original intention, but he had to do it out of some pressure.

"Talia, I know what you mean, but you have also seen that the True God Sect is in a hurry. These octopus heads are standing here. If I don't agree, you can imagine what they will do. Now we can only hope that the human cub Frann will keep his promise and hand over the population of the entire Divine Grace Kingdom to us after it is done."

That's what the Devil Emperor said, but some suspicious demons would never believe what humans said.

The King of Lies, Sindul Canox, is a footless, six-armed, skull-faced demon with huge horns and a height of seven meters.

He floated in front of the devil emperor and bowed: "Master, do you really believe what humans say? Compared with humans, we demons are much more honest."

The Devil Emperor waved his hand, then shook his head and said, "Okay Siendulu, to use human words, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Before they have the consciousness to perish with the main plane, they can only respond to them for the time being." gone."

Between the words, the devil emperor looked at the creations of the true god with a vague look.

The discussion in hell is still going on, but the main point is not about fighting with those bugs, but about the survival of the ethnic group.

At the same time, on the other side, Xiao Hei pulled a rogue brood into the sub-dimension, sneaked in the sub-dimension, and finally came to the sky above them without disturbing the demon army.

And the commander of this army is a huge human-shaped demon, tens of meters tall, with raw wings on his back, and the horns in front of his forehead are burning with flames. Every time his hooves take a step, the surrounding ground will be ignited. His skin was extremely bright red, but compared to the flesh of ordinary creatures, it was more like red metal.

"Hahahaha, burn you bugs, and turn them into ashes in front of the great Lord Sauronhahn!"

During the roar, raging flames spread out from his body, whether it was a house or a life, just like what he said, they were all reduced to ashes when touched.

Most of the town has been destroyed, and most of it is because of this demon.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xiao Hei immediately locked the location, in front of those cracks, and prepared to drop swarms of insects to block the retreat route of these demons.

But at this moment, a small portal suddenly appeared in the demon army, and a figure slowly walked out of it.

Relying on the hearing ability far surpassing that of normal life, even in the brood, Xiao Hei can still hear the words spoken by that figure.

"Soron Hahn, you are really an old tortoise. In order to reshape your physical body, I didn't have time to say hello to you when you appeared briefly last time, but now, hahahahahaha! Should we settle our score? "

The figure that appeared was a woman, no, to be precise, it was a female demon, humanoid, with two horns, fleshy wings, and hooves. She was a succubus demon.

When Sauron Hahn, who was raging, heard this voice, his body froze involuntarily. He turned around and saw that figure.

"No, it's impossible, Akeli, you, didn't you..."

"He died a long time ago, right? Sauron Hahn, we haven't settled our debt yet, how can I go ahead? Now, it's time for you to pay for him and me!"

The conversation between the two was short. After Akeli finished speaking, she flapped her wings and rushed towards Zoro Hahn.

The appearance of Akeli surprised Sauron Hahn, but this does not mean that he was afraid of Akeli. The former Akeli died in his hands. Seeing the other party rushing, Solon Hahn snorted coldly, With a move of his right hand, a hole opened up in the space beside him, and a giant lava sword burning with flames was drawn out of it.

The size gap between the two is huge. Akeli is no different from ordinary people, while Sauron Hahn is a giant. This battle does not seem to be evenly matched. From a certain point of view, it is more like a crush without any suspense .

However, this is only on the surface. They both have the same status, both of them are one of the seven domain masters of a certain hell, and their strength is also comparable.

Sauron Hahn's giant sword was hard to hit Akeli who led the command, but the long whip drawn by the latter was mixed with purple-black lightning, and it easily hit Sauron Hahn's body, but the opponent was rough enough, This one-shot attack on an ordinary person was like scratching an itch to him.

The two fought and fought again, and both demons and humans around them noticed their situation. However, those low-level demons would not take care of the domain master's private affairs, and they continued without stopping. Attack, while humans, are too busy resisting to pay much attention.

If there is time to watch them fight now, only Xiao Hei in the sky is the only one who is curious about what kind of personal grievances these two demons, who are evenly matched in terms of magical reactions, have in attacking others. Sometimes they can turn back and fight each other.

Of course, curiosity is curiosity, he can't let the five-party federation lose too much, otherwise it may affect the future control of the territory of the Divine Grace. At this time, other fortress broods have already gone to drive away the demons. After all, there is no black Now, demons can easily detect them and evacuate.

Now, holding the idea of ​​supporting one place, Xiao Hei began to airdrop swarms of insects downward. When countless airdropped sacs fell from the sky, all the low-level demons immediately turned their faces, as if they had been told in advance As if they had a plan, try not to confront the swarm head-on.

Of course Sauron Hahn knew about the death of a domain master in the Yin Desire Realm from the insect swarm. What kind of power those insects that seemed to have no magic power could unleash. Now the demons are very clear. Of course Hahn was unwilling to confront him.

But it is a pity that the low-level demon ran away. He wanted to evacuate, but was blocked by Akeli. Although Akeli's whipping did not do any harm to him, it was just a normal attack, and some tricks , even Sauron Hahn did not dare to insist on it.

Akeli flew in front of the large crack, and suddenly an inverted pentagram array flashed behind him, several black blades, and the long sword guarded by the pink peach heart sword floated out of the inverted pentagram, tightly blocking Contain the space crack that can accommodate Sauron Hahn's retreat.

Seeing this scene, Sauron Hahn was anxious and cursed even more: "Akeli, I will settle your account with you, but if you influence Lord Devil Emperor's plan, you will betray hell, you know The consequences of doing so?"

However, the latter snorted coldly: "Consequences? Huh, I don't care anymore. Now, I just want you to die here!"

 It's time for Akeli's foreshadowing to come to an end, and the scene will be a little later. Anyway, she is also a character with every sense of existence, and I almost forgot about it myself!

(End of this chapter)

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