Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 113 Destiny is really interesting, isn't it?

Chapter 113 Destiny is really interesting, isn't it?
"No, I'm not interested. You should know what will be waiting for me if I return to hell."

Akeli clearly rejected Xiao Hei's proposal.

Xiao Hei didn't react too much, or rather, this was within his expectations, no one would be willing to do a terrible job, not to mention that Akeli is not Xiao Hei's subordinate now, so there is no reason to obey him.

Since it was expected, Xiao Hei certainly has a solution. At this time, he put aside the subject and said, "Akeli, I want to ask you a question. Your old friend is good. Which god do you believe in?"

To Akeli, Xiao Hei's sudden question seemed a little surprised. She didn't understand why Xiao Hei asked this suddenly.

The gods of nature, including but not limited to the gods of the four seasons, include all the gods of the natural department, including Yaoguang. Of course, the father of the gods of the four seasons, the god of nature is the general boss of all the gods of nature.

"Summer God, Anoklas." Although she didn't understand, Akeli answered Xiao Hei.

After hearing this, Xiao Hei was silent for a moment, and then ordered to the nest of the fortress: "Go to Feiyan Forest."

Feiyan Woodland, a large forest area in the middle of the western region, as one of the current controllers of the western region, Xiao Hei can be said to be familiar with everything in the land, it is naturally impossible not to do topographical survey work, where there is nothing, of course he also know.

"Feiyan Woodland, where are you going and what are you doing?"

Xiao Hei stared at Akeli, and there was a special taste in the spirit voice: "It's nothing, go find someone to talk to."

Two hours later, the nest of the fortress arrived at Feiyan Forest. After landing, Xiao Hei left the nest of the fortress alone. He did not let Akeli or other bugs accompany him, and went into the forest alone.

In the end, Xiao Hei came to a very familiar big lake. In the center of this big lake was an isolated small island. A towering old tree grew in the center of the island. He swam to the other side and dived down , closed his eyes.

There is no metal product here, but there is a clear and soul-stirring bell sound from the ancient tree moving with the breeze!

"Get up, my humble believer!" A ghostly command revealed a pretentious, old-fashioned voice from the top of Xiao Hei's head.

Although the voice seemed to be deliberately pinching his throat to change his voice, Xiao Hei could still tell who was speaking.

"Where is Miriana-sama? Tsubaki!"

Xiao Hei opened his eyes and said the name of a certain little angel.

Chun appeared from the air, pouting and floated on top of Xiao Hei's head, looking a little dissatisfied: "It's really boring, can't you cooperate with me?"

"Don't make trouble, I want to see Miriam-sama!"

Although Xiao Hei's body shape has undergone earth-shaking changes, she still can't escape Chun's eyes. As an envoy of God, she has her own divinity, and she can see things that ordinary people can't see. Seeing through the truth is nothing.

Chun floated in front of Xiao Hei, and said with a lazy look: "Don't think about it, Lady Miriana won't see you!"

"Why?" Xiao Hei was slightly puzzled by this.

And Chun curled his lips and said: "Sincerity, desire, and purity, the combination of the three can see the true god. The last time Miriana met you, it was because you had all these three elements together, but now it is different. First of all , you don’t desire what you want now, and secondly, your prayer this time hides a trace of deceit, um, it kind of means that you want Miriana-sama, and moreover, pure, understand? Not pure sincerity, no Pure desire."

Speaking of this, Chun's expression became more playful: "That's why, some mortals can see gods, but they may only see them once in a lifetime, while others, no matter how pious they are to gods, they will never see them once in a lifetime." You are lucky enough to meet Miriana-sama once, of course, because of your special reasons, Miriana-sama asked me to give you a message!"

What Chun said can be said to be completely correct. Xiao Hei's prayer this time is not as pious as before, and what he desires is only dispensable, not the kind of extreme purity.

Not seeing Miriana, to be honest, Xiao Hei still feels a little lost in his heart, but just like his impure desire, loss is just loss, not unacceptable.

"Miss Miriana, what do you want to say to me?" After a brief disappointment, Xiao Hei shifted his attention to what Tsubaki wanted to say to him, and asked.

Chun smirked and said: "Master Asmina gave you two choices. I will tell you after you choose. The first choice is to gain the future and lose the past. The second choice is to lose the future and control the present! "

Hearing this, Xiao Hei's animal face became weird. He didn't understand what these two choices meant. At the same time, he also suspected that Miriana was just a demigod. It's not like a demigod can make a mortal answer.

Chun seemed to see what Xiao Hei was thinking, and said: "No, no, no, your understanding is a bit wrong. Although Miriam is a demigod, the original source comes from the Creator. Those who later became demigods , or because it is very powerful and can compete with demigods, there is no way to compare with Lord Miriana! God controls the fate of mortals, but the god who controls fate does not only refer to the main god, Destiny is something that all gods control together, of course, gods control the fate of mortals, and naturally there are existences that control the fate of gods, but we don't know who it is."

Chun's words are taboo, and they cannot be said to mortal creatures. As for why she told Xiao Hei, the reason is not only the suspicion of talkativeness, but also another possibility with a deeper meaning. As for what it is, she is also at a loss , because Miriana asked her to tell Xiao Hei.

The seemingly insignificant words allowed Xiao Hei to glimpse a part of his destiny. Destiny is very special. Rather than being controlled by God, it is better to say that God is allowed to fiddle with a part of the thread of fate, and the god who fiddles with the thread of fate, other Itself is also bound by fate.

It's just that gods are very special. Although they are bound by fate, fate itself can't control them. In other words, fate is fixed for them and always stays at a certain point, unless the existence that controls the thread of their fate fiddles with them.

"Tell me, which one do you choose, I can tell you, as a caring little angel, I am very busy!" Seeing Xiao Hei who was stunned for a long time, Chun began to urge.

But these two choices are labeled as unknown to Xiao Hei, gaining the future and losing the past, it sounds like throwing away everything in the past and focusing on the future, while losing the past and controlling the present, it sounds like a It is to cut off the future, but now you can be as happy as you want.

But no matter which one it is, it doesn't seem to be a good thing. Losing part and gaining part seem to be equal, but the things contained in it may not be worth the loss.

"Can I not make a choice?" Xiao Hei confessed, but at the same time, combined with Chun's words, he seemed to have glimpsed some hidden points in the choice.

However, for Xiao Hei's answer, Tsubaki shook his head and said negatively: "No, because these two choices are not really the choices given to you by Miriana, but your current situation. If you return without answering, then when you do something after you leave, you are equivalent to choosing one of the options. Lady Miriana is not embarrassing you, but giving you a visual fate choice. The opportunity to choose and choose one of the paths, how can I say it is a gift!"

Choice is a must, at this moment Xiao Hei couldn't help but feel a little funny, and said in his heart mockingly: "Should I say that my fate is up to me?"

However, this is just self-deprecating. Although the words are very imposing, they are very ridiculous. Fate cannot resist. Although he is unwilling, who can believe that the choice he made is not predetermined by fate?
At this time, Tsubaki's smirk crept up her face again, she poked her eyes with her little finger, and said like a "hill" little underworld: "Ahem, friendly reminder! If I were you, I'll pick the first one!"

What kind of virtue this little angel is, Xiao Hei, who accompanied her all the way, also understands in her heart that her words are very useful, and most of the angels are very serious, but there is a little smirk on this face, and the meaning in the words has changed drastically So, from a certain point of view, Tsubaki can be regarded as a person who puts his heart on his face.

In normal times, Xiao Hei could believe it, but if he believed it, there would definitely be a hole in his head. Since he couldn't avoid it, he had no choice but to choose.

"Come on, I'd better choose the second one!"

As soon as the words came out, Chun pouted and said, "Are you sure?"

"Definitely! Definitely, and Ken..." The last word was "unspoken", but Xiao Hei's meaning was already very clear.

After hearing this, Tsubaki sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, since you choose this way, then I can't help it! Just look at this! This is what Master Asmina wants me to convey to you, um... words! "

After the words fell, Tsubaki held up her little hand, and a scene appeared in front of Xiao Hei's eyes. It was a small lake, but the water flow in it was not half colorful.

"Steel Mirror Lake?" Xiao Hei asked!

"Yes, this is what Lord Miriana wants to tell you, and it is also a choice of fate. Under this lake, there is a small space with reflections. To be precise, it was formed when the main god fell. There is an artifact left on the other side of the body, which can wrap a world and completely separate from the main plane, while the surface of Gangjing Lake is infected by its energy. Although it does not achieve the effect of active ability, the main plane Existence is inaccessible, even space cracks cannot break through, but this small space shares the sub-dimensionality of the main plane, well, fate is really interesting, isn't it?"

Xiao Hei understood what Chun meant, and at the same time, he also saw something else, and said with a sigh: "Yes, fate is really interesting, but I want to ask, what if I choose another fate? Then how will you guide me?"

At this moment, Chun did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "Then I will tell you how to get a certain soul you wanted before, and you will meet two monsters, they will make your swarm strong enough to survive in a short period of time." The civilization of mankind will be wiped out in time!"

Xiao Hei smiled lightly: "Then it looks like I made the wrong choice!"

regret?No, of course Xiao Hei will not regret his choice, because he spied the second choice, which would allow him to get more.

Afterwards, Xiao Hei said goodbye to Chun, but before leaving, he looked back and said with a creepy smile: "Tsubaki, do you think God has no future?"

Hearing this, Tsubaki turned her face, and said with a cut: "Beasts should be stupid, I really hate you now!"

Xiao Hei stopped talking, turned his head away, and Ling Yin smiled lightly and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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