Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 114 The Grid of Fate

Chapter 114 The Grid of Fate

After saying goodbye to Tsubaki, Xiao Hei returned to the nest of the fortress.

To be honest, Xiao Hei didn't know why Tsubaki asked him to look for that artifact, but since he chose this path, he would definitely use that artifact, even if that artifact didn't sound like a mortal eligible to have.

"What did you do?" Seeing Xiao Hei coming back, Akeli asked.

For Xiao Hei, there was no need to conceal what he had done, and he said bluntly, "I went to pray to Lady Asmina."

Hearing this, Akeli showed a hint of surprise on his expression, and said: "Are you also a believer in the natural god?"

Xiao Hei didn't know how to answer Akeli's question. If he said yes, he was not a qualified believer. Got a response from Asmina.

All in all, the two sides are not close but sticky.

"Barely counted, but not counted. As a mortal, oh no, mortals, I still respect God very much. Even if I don't have faith, they are elders and wise men. Of course, this is not the point. I will pray this time. Not only for myself, but also for you!"

"Huh? For me?"

Xiao Hei nodded: "Master Asmina once gave me a left-body envoy, this treatment is not comparable to ordinary people, so I want to see if I can go through the back door and let her old man help your old friend's soul I want to come, but..."

Before the words fell, Akeli heard the sound, showing a look of surprise on her face, burning, when she didn't say that sentence, her expression naturally became a little nervous: "But what?"

"No, Master Asmina didn't see me, she gave me a chance to choose my fate, two options, if I guessed correctly, the first option would let me get the soul, but unfortunately, I Picked the second."

Akeli's expression changed from anxious to disappointed, but she didn't blame Xiao Hei. First of all, the relationship between them was just a two-faced relationship, and there was no friendship between them. Secondly, the two of them did not establish a formal relationship. Xiao Hei's guests naturally have no right to complain about Xiao Hei.

The choice of fate cannot be said to be wrong or right. Even though Xiao Hei has glimpsed a certain possibility in the second option, he is still unclear about it.

"It's a good thing for a mortal's soul to be blessed by the gods. It's a thousand times better than being in this dangerous mortal world. You don't need to worry too much about it."

What Xiao Hei said is not unreasonable. On the Violet Continent, death may be the key point, or it may be the starting point, but obviously, if a soul floats to the mortal world, the risk he has to bear is even greater than when he has a physical body. , There are more than one kind of creature that peeps at the soul, such as demons.

Akeli sighed and didn't answer anymore, but Xiao Hei still had something to say to her: "On the way to the Kingdom of God's Grace, I once heard a friend mention a kind of magic, saying that it can be obtained from God. I don’t know if it’s true to snatch the souls of mortals in my hands.”

If it’s quite big and Xiao Hei’s words, Akeli’s expression didn’t change much, she just nodded and said: “It’s not a secret that Celius’ spirit travel forbidden technique, but this kind of technique needs to go deep into the magic net. , using the power of the magic net to make one's soul sneak into the world of gods, find a certain soul, and pull it back to the present world, but no one can bear that kind of mental pressure. Serius is a Momoka tribe from the upper world , but even she, after using this kind of prohibition, her soul is almost broken, how can a creature belonging to the lower world bear it?"

What Akeli said made Xiao Hei very interested, the upper world, the lower world, the upper world races living in Violet.

However, being curious, he didn't ask at this time, but said: "If I say that a certain bug can manipulate the material world from the atomic level by relying on its spirit alone, tell me, can this bug perform this?" What about a forbidden technique?"

As time passed, the mother nest of the fortress changed its direction again, and the target was the south, the southern border of the Theocracy.

Gangjinghu Xiaohei had never seen it before, but he heard about it from the Five-Party Federation in his spare time, so he naturally knew its location.

Just to the east of the border between the Kingdom of God and the territory of the demons, it is a lonely place that no one will go to. Even if ordinary people know that Gangjing Lake may be extraordinary, the prohibition that cannot be broken through makes them know but do not know.

Perhaps because of impatience and lack of time, the fortress brood is advancing with all its strength. In Xiao Hei's mind, he hopes to return as soon as possible. After all, who can guarantee that the demon will not come again while he is away?

Flying Dragon Scorched Earth, where the Theocracy borders the territory of the Demon Race, and to the north of this place, there is a huge fortress named Enna, Lugulu, and Harulas. Of course, it also has a short nickname Fate, Feilongbao.

The real name of Feilongbao sounds very weird, but there is a secret hidden in this weird name.

If the name is translated in Taznom's ancient divine language, a silent spiritual language, then its meaning becomes life, exchange, resistance.

And the ancient divine language is not an ordinary language, it is power itself, just like anything related to the ancient gods has a strange ability, when someone speaks certain words in the ancient divine language, then the speaker The same scene that matches the meaning of the word will appear in itself or around.

It's just that, not to mention the Violet Continent, even the gods of this world don't know the vocabulary of the ancient language of God. In today's world, only one person can know some simple vocabulary and master the skills of pronouncing it by relying on certain objects.

Of course, the effects of the ancient gods' language are not effective on all existences. Indeed, they can affect gods, but they can't affect the descendants or dependents of the ancient gods, such existences that have or control the power of the ancient gods. Effect.

Not all descendants of the ancient gods possessed the ancient divine language of Taznom. Only the creations of the true gods possessed the ancient divine language. However, their IQs were too low. I can speak this kind of language, but I don't understand what I'm talking about, and if I don't understand what I'm talking about, then the power contained in the ancient divine language cannot be exerted. After all, the essence of this language is still through the spirit. Link to the distorted law left by Taznom in the universe, and then produce effects.

How can you test yourself to trigger something that you don't understand?It is precisely because of this that the creation of the true god is a huge monster in the eyes of others. It is usually silent, and occasionally there will be a gurgling sound from its throat.

Feilong Castle, Lord's Mansion, a certain bedroom.

There was a knock on the door, followed by a female voice from inside the room.

"The door is unlocked, come in."

As the female voice came out, a girl in mage robes walked into the bedroom, holding an exquisite spar staff in her hand.

"Tana, I have come to bid you farewell."

After the girl's voice fell, Taana, who was recording something on the desk, put down the pen in her hand, stood up and looked at the girl.

Tamara looks like a very quiet girl, with long brown wavy hair, glasses, casual clothes, long-sleeved trousers, brown color, and some freckles on her face.

"Bionna, are you leaving?" Tamara asked, with unspeakable reluctance in her tone.

Biona nodded lightly and said: "Although the demons are not moving now, the recent insect plague in the western region is too dangerous. They have already occupied the western region. It is only a matter of time before they come here. The sisters have already sent me I have written a lot of letters, I... have to go."

There were still things Beyona wanted to say to Tamara, but, she knew, it would be useless to say them.

Tamara is Biyona's friend, but at the same time, they have another relationship, they are not the sisters of the senior sisters, the great magister Rankuro is the common master of Biyona and Tamara, But the latter is not an official disciple, but a student of an outer sect, which belongs to the relationship between a lecturer and a student, but this student is a permanent resident. Strictly speaking, the two cannot be regarded as the same sect.

As early as half a year ago, Biyona and her sisters came here, of course, to take Tamara to the Zulong Empire. The magic advisor of the psychic, wanted to take her away, but Tamara refused.

There is no way, the Divine Grace Theocracy is very dangerous, it is not a place to stay forever, within two months, Biyona asked her other sisters to go back first, and she stayed alone to persuade, this persuasion, again A few months have passed, but Tamara is still as determined as she has eaten the weights. She is unwilling to go to the Zulong Empire, but said in words that she wants to protect innocent civilians from the demons, and stay here to protect herself. Requires the post of Magic Advisor.

But now, Biyona can't wait any longer, she really hopes that Tamara will go with her, but to be honest, in Biyona's heart, compared with her sisters, Tamara is a little... lighter .

She didn't want to die here. The information about the insect plague was not only in the hands of the officials, but also circulated among the common people, and it was even more exaggerated.

In a short period of time, the plague of insects has already occupied the entire western border of the Divine Grace Kingdom, so it is only a matter of time to come here. In the eyes of Biona, the defensive power of the Divine Grace Kingdom cannot be compared with the Ancestral Dragon Empire at all, so , Therefore, she plans to return to Zulong Empire as soon as possible.

And tonight, when she came to see Tamara to bid farewell, she was also holding on to the last ray of hope to get Tamara to agree to return to the Ancestral Dragon Empire with her. Of course, she also knew that this possibility was very slim, which is why, she The words just said the general reason.

What was on Beyona's mind, Tamara knew.

Feilongbao is very dangerous, but Biona is still willing to persuade herself here for several months, which makes Tamara very grateful in her heart. How lucky is it to have such a sister who cares about her?
From the bottom of her heart, Tamara wants to leave with Biona, but she has seen the scene of the demons raging in the human city, and she doesn't want to see that tragic scene again. Even if this is a chaotic place in the eyes of other empires, where demons, disasters, and diseases are raging, they cannot stop her desperate attempt to defend the country. What's more, she was personally received by the Pope and passed on to her A strange musical note formula.

And the reason why she came to Dragon Castle to work as a magic consultant was also personally recommended by the Pope. Not only her, but in the eyes of ordinary people, Tamara also has a bright future.

Humans have desires. Tamara's teacher, the great magister Rahnkulo, is not optimistic about her. Tamara hopes to be recognized by others, not only for the pity of the common people, but also for the pope's different eyes. The root cause of the longing in her heart is precisely because of this, she chose to stay here and guard Feilong Castle.

(End of this chapter)

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