Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 119 Darkness Chen Cang

Chapter 119 Darkness Chen Cang
Akeli's sudden arrival was unexpected by all the demons. As the domain master, all intelligent demons in hell know her.

Seeing that Akeli dared to set foot in the palace of the devil emperor without receiving any summons and committed a felony at the same time, the expressions of the devil kings became a little playful at this moment.

Of course, most demons are like this, however, Da'halon the Wrath King is just like his title, with only anger on his face.

The domain master of hell is not so easy to find. The death of Sauron Hahn is a heavy blow to Angry Hell. As humans often say, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. As the head of Sauron Hahn The boss and sub-master, his subordinates were killed, and the murderer was standing in front of him. How could this make the king of anger, who had almost no other emotions besides anger, not angry?

"Look, who is here? The whore of the lustful hell! I doubt how you, a bastard who only seduces male creatures, killed Sauron Hahn!"

With a body like a giant humanoid dragon, Dahalon stepped on the road ahead of Akeli, and the roaring sound was louder than the artillery fire in the war.

Facing this behemoth with a height of more than [-] meters, Akeli did not show any timid look. Of course, she didn't need any reaction, just heard a loud bang, Dahalon's left cheek Was slapped invisible.

Of course, it couldn't be Akeli who slapped her. She didn't have the power to contend with the devil of hell. The one who slapped Dahalon was Talia Anas, the king of lust.

"Dahalon, your mouth is still so stinky!" Talia, her appearance is the same as that of a human, of course, this is not true, she has countless appearances, these are just illusions, as long as she wants, Tali Ya can even change her appearance all the time.

Being slapped in the face, the King of Wrath is of course very angry. However, he is obviously not an idiot if he can achieve the position of Demon King of Hell. Getting angry depends on the person, just like the saying that beating a dog depends on the owner. Among the devil kings, who is closest to the devil emperor?

No need to think about it, it was Talia who was the secretary, relying on her close relationship with the Devil Emperor before, it can be said that no one in hell would dare to stare at her.

Although the King of Wrath is angry, he can only suppress his anger. However, although this anger is not good, it is reasonable. After all, as a high-level intelligent life, sometimes the effect of talking is far greater than that of doing it. .

"Talia, do you still want to protect your weaknesses at this time? Among the 49 domain masters, you know the fighting power of Sauron Hahn. Killing him will not benefit anyone. However, your subordinates not only interfere with the invasion plan, She also silently killed Suoron Hahn, I want to punish her, it's not too much!"

What the King of Wrath said was very reasonable, but among the Seven Demon Kings of Hell, his wisdom was not the best. His seemingly reasonable words were full of loopholes, and it was clear that it was an opportunity for Talia to hate him.

Talia smiled softly, with a look of disdain on her face and said: "Dahalon, who do you think you are? It's not your turn to punish Akeli, let's not mention that Lord Demon Emperor has not spoken yet, even if you have to punish him, It’s also me who is the master, so you are the first to attack? Well, it’s fine if you overstep my power, but if you don’t take Lord Demon Emperor seriously, this is not a small crime!~”

Hearing this, Dahalon's eyes twitched violently, and he snorted angrily, "You let go..."

However, before the third word was uttered, Talia slapped Dahalon's right face again with an invisible slap, and said symmetrically to him: "We are powerless in front of Lord Devil Emperor, Dahalon, How many heads have you grown?"

"You..." The angry king's eyes were wide open, but, but...he didn't have much to say this time, and turned his face away angrily. In terms of bickering ability, I'm afraid that among the seven devil kings, there is none. People are Talia's opponents, and if they speak rashly, they may get themselves into trouble.

Seeing that Dahhalon withdrew, Talia looked at Akeli. As for the other demon kings, after seeing Dahhalon and Talia quarreling, even if anyone wanted to say something, they had to Thinking about how many mouths he had grown.

"Akeli, we all know the grievances between you and Sauron Hahn, but the situation in hell is not as good as before. If it used to be, the death of the domain lord is nothing. You can understand the grievances between you at will. At worst, change to a demon. But now... do you have anything else to say?"

Talia didn't finish her sentence, but everyone understood the meaning of her words, and so did Akeli. At the same time, there was another meaning in Talia's words, that is, she didn't intend to keep Akeli.

The reason is not that she doesn't want to, but that Akeli's current position is not in the world of yin and desire. If she meets Talia in the world of yin and desire, then the latter will try her best to help her get rid of her crimes, but now, in front of the devil emperor In the face of many demon kings and domain masters, even if Talia wanted to protect her, she was powerless.

For her secondary master, Akeli used to be very respectful, because in hell, there is only one demon king who can protect her shortcomings like her, such as Dahalon's anger, his anger only comes from The loss of a powerful general in the hell of anger is definitely not a sympathy for his subordinates.

To this day, Akeli's reverence for Talia has not dissipated. Even though she swore to submit to the Lord of the Swarm and betrayed hell herself, her respect for Talia remains the same as before , Akeli knelt down on one knee.

A reverent voice came out of her mouth: "Master Talia, I have done something that harmed the interests of hell. I am sorry, but I am not here today to pray for forgiveness from you and Lord Demon Emperor, but to Because of another thing that may influence the fate of the devil!"

Pray for the forgiveness of Thalia and the Devil Emperor?Instead of the King of Wrath?That's right, in Akeli's heart, besides the ultimate master Demon Emperor and the secondary master Thalia, that is, Hillia is worthy of her attention. Of course, because a certain demon has died, he is not here. its columns.

Hearing Akeli's words, Talia's eyes narrowed slightly, not only for her, but equal to all demons, Akeli's words are very interesting, can they influence the fate of demons?
However, no one will believe this, even Talia has doubts, after all, Akeli is just a domain master, and the fate of the demons caused headaches for all the demons present. .

But Talia didn't ask first, but turned to look at the Devil Emperor on the throne, and asked respectfully: "Master Devil Emperor, do you want to listen?"

The devil emperor's expression has not changed much, and he always looks a little tangled. It seems that these demons in hell can't find a way out. Now he urgently needs a breakthrough. Therefore, in Akeli's words, It still caught his attention.

"Tell me, I also want to hear, what can Akeli do to get hell out of the current predicament!"

Talia nodded, then turned around again, looked at Akeli and said, "Say it! If you really have a way to get the devil out of the current situation, I don't think Lord Devil Emperor will let any devil Make things difficult for you!"

Thalia pointed at something, and in the words, she gave Dahalon a fierce look, and the latter could only grit his teeth and grunt.

Akeli nodded gratefully, she knew that her secondary master opened up a retreat, but whether this escape can be taken depends on her own.

"I have found a way to make demons fertile like ordinary life!"



"You're not kidding, are you?"

As soon as Akeli finished speaking, all the demon kings and domain masters showed shocked expressions on their faces. Even the aloof demon emperor stood up from his throne because of the words, and the confused expression on his face disappeared, replaced by I'm a little excited.

The devil stepped down from the throne, and he walked towards Akeli. When he approached, he said in a majestic tone: "Akeli, you have to know what the price is for lying!"

Akeli looked up at the Devil Emperor in front of her, her face was full of determination: "Master Devil Emperor, please look at that bug, it is an opportunity to change the fate of hell!"

Of course, the demons noticed the bug brought by Akeli, but compared to Akeli, the traitor from hell, it seemed less conspicuous.

At this moment, the words were everywhere, and the demons looked back, and the Demon Emperor saw it, and asked a little bit puzzled: "This bug? Akeli, what do you have to do with those bugs?"

The devil emperor is still very sharp-eyed. Although he has never really faced the swarm, he has seen some "video" materials. Although the worm brought by Akeli has a great difference from the swarm in the video No, and there is no such bug in the swarm, but the Devil Emperor still instinctively feels that this bug has an inseparable relationship with those swarms.

Akeli didn't deny it, and she replied honestly: "Master Demon Emperor, this is a gift from the leader of the swarm. He said that this worm can give the miserable demon hunter the ability to give birth. You make a deal, and if he makes it, he can give birth to all the demons!"

The news of Akeli seems to be good, but the words made the demons very uncomfortable. Not only did it tell them clearly that Akeli betrayed and joined the camp of the swarm?
The other demon kings are glaring now, but looking back at the demon emperor, he is very calm. Just like what a certain swarm commander said, if the demon emperor can't see the situation clearly, he is obviously not qualified to sit in this position up.

There are still these few true god creations in the hall, but their IQs are so low that they are not as good as reptiles. Even after hearing all the demons' conversations in the morning, they don't know how to report back. Therefore, in a way, talking in front of them It is also very safe.

Just when several demon kings were about to rush over, the demon emperor reached out and stopped them from moving forward. He did not blame Akeli, on the contrary, he saw what Akeli was thinking. For her, going to hell The possibility of death is very high, but even so, she still came back, and what she brought was news that could reverse the fate of the demon, which meant that her heart had not betrayed hell.

"Talia, summon a demon hunter. If it's what Akeli said, then I really want to meet the leader of the swarm who is regarded as an obstacle by the True God Sect!"

Of course, the devil emperor at this time didn't know that a certain bug who wanted to reach a certain agreement with him was slaughtering his people!
(End of this chapter)

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