Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 120 Procrastination

Chapter 120 Procrastination
The bug that Akeli follows is not only a tool for genetic modification, but also a signal transmission tower, which sends what it sees to its owner all the time.

Obviously, with the passage of time, the hell demons have also gotten used to the more convenient continental language on the mainland, which is shorter than their demons' own language, and the expression is easier to understand. Commonly used.

The former Xiao Hei didn't know the common language of the mainland, but after such a long time, even if he didn't learn the basics, but with his current brain, he has already mastered it subconsciously.

Chongzi passed all the information he got to Xiao Hei, and he gave an order to Chongzi.

In the Devil Emperor's Palace, Talia was about to open the summoning array in response to the Devil Emperor's order, when she saw a demon hunter summoned here, but before she could deploy the runes to form the matrix, that one was still quiet The worm suddenly moved.

I saw dozens of tentacles scattered like blue charging tubes suddenly sprang up from its back, interlaced and woven into a huge ring, and the blue energy burst out, forming a portal.

The change of the bug's intrusion attracted the demons to choose their eyes. There is no doubt that the hell demons are masters of teleportation. The space energy emitted by the blue light circle above the bug is so familiar to them that they can no longer be familiar with it.

Dahalon, who had a little personal resentment towards Ake, immediately shouted: "Akeli, you are so brave, and you have cheated on foreign enemies, and that bug can open the portal. You, what do you want to do?"

Faced with Dahalon's questioning, Akeli also looked blank. She only heard from Xiao Hei that the bug could change the genes of the demon hunter, but she never heard him say that the bug could open the portal!
The scene at this moment is very similar to some kind of decapitation operation, through the infiltration of spies, and the internal and external cooperation to kill the leader of the enemy army.

However, apart from Dahalon, the other demon kings and domain masters, including the Demon Emperor, seemed calm.

This is the core of hell, the home of the Devil Emperor. Leaving aside the strength of the Devil Emperor himself, the creations of the true gods who stay here alone cannot be dealt with by soldiers transported by a portal.

In this hell, there is no natural god in charge of the land. Judging from the past swarm strategies and the information that the true god taught hell, the leaders of those worms are very, very smart existences. Thinking about it, it is impossible to deal with it. Will be stupid enough to face the Devil Emperor in hell.

Of course, just as these devil kings, domain masters, and devil emperors thought, this portal is not for transporting troops, but a passage opened solely for a certain bug.

Just when Akeli wanted to explain that she didn't know what was going on, the fluctuation of the portal stabilized, and a figure leaped out of it.

It's nothing else, it's the leader of the swarm, and the only one in the swarm that has the symbiosis of the main nest.

Xiao Hei, who jumped out of the portal, roared all his life when he landed, and blue dust like mist burst out from his body, spreading out, and the bug that opened the portal also stopped the portal. , but its work is not over yet, those tube-like tentacles scatter traces of arc-like energy and scurry around in the blue dust mist.

Xiao Hei came in person for two purposes. Although negotiating with the Devil Emperor is the main purpose, the auxiliary aspect is more important. Time, he wants to delay here for a while.

There are countless portals in the Seven Hells, and each demon gathering place has a portal, and it is connected to other gathering points. Through these portals, the swarm can quickly clean up the demons, but the risk is very high, because he cannot really guarantee that he will not There will be demons that can sound the alarm.

Therefore, he wants to interfere with the ability of all beings in the Devil Emperor's palace to receive information.

"Lord Devil Emperor, this is the first time we meet, please allow me to introduce myself!"

Xiao Hei's tone was very playful. Although he was alone, he was not afraid of these powerful existences in front of him.

The Devil Emperor frowned slightly, but he behaved very gracefully and made a gesture of please.

Demons are demons after all, and they don’t have the complicated etiquettes of humans. Xiao Hei Hou Yunshou replied: "I don’t have a name, Lord Demon Emperor can call me Master, of course, you can also call me Xiao Hei!"

"You are the leader of the swarm!" Although he asked, the Devil Emperor's tone was very sure: "To make a long story short, what do you want?"

The Devil Emperor didn't talk too much nonsense, and those words were dispensable when talking with smart people.

Of course Xiao Hei also knew what the Devil Emperor meant, referring to what the other party had to pay to make him feel satisfied.

Of course, in order to delay time, Xiao Hei could not reply decisively according to the other party's intention, but said: "Yes, I want to negotiate a deal with you. See how it works, if you are satisfied, we can talk about it in detail!"

As the words fell, Xiao Hei flicked his tail forward, and a fainted demon hunter was thrown in front of his eyes. part of his memory.

The demon hunter was the main force who invaded Xiaohei's territory before, and his appearance did not attract too much attention from the demon sect. After all, it is a war, who can not have a prisoner?

"Very good, let's get started. I'm curious, how did you allow the infertile demon to obtain this ability!" The devil emperor's tone was full of majesty. have to.

Xiao Hei gave his head lightly, without saying a word, the worm crawled over, stretched out a tentacle, plunged into the body of the demon hunter, and began to tamper with the genetic sequence in his body.

Generally speaking, with Xiao Hei personally directing the knife, the transformation process of the genetic sequence does not take much time, but it is a rush, but at this moment, on the contrary, he wants to delay the time, so he said: "The transformation will take a certain amount of time, probably Five hours!"

Demons have an almost endless lifespan, and the concept of time is weak. To them, a few hours is no different from blinking an eye. Therefore, these demons, relatively speaking, are much more patient than humans.

The devil emperor sat back on his throne, and the other demons didn't react much, they waited patiently for a while.

However, as a think-tank character, the blue dust and mist raised by Xiao Hei still made Talia suspicious. After all, she didn't know what those were, and any life has an instinctive fear of the unknown. .

"What are those things?" Talia asked, and everyone present knew what she was referring to.

Regarding this, Xiao Hei said nonsense: "This is hell, and I'm just a little bug living in the real world. The environment here is too bad for me. Naturally, I have to take some countermeasures, otherwise I'm afraid Before taking two breaths, I am going to meet God!"

Who is God?The demons don't know, and they don't care. However, Xiao Hei's lie is so fake, no one will believe it. The demons have fought with bugs before. Their vitality is simply MAX. As long as they don't get hit, it's better, even if they get hit. If you can recover from tearing off half of your body, what is it compared to this hellish environment?
However, Talia knew that the other party was lying, but it was difficult for Talia to ask again, because the other party's answer had been clearly told to her, and even if she asked again, the questions would still be nonsense.

Time passed slowly, and during this period, Xiao Hei also noticed those huge descendants of the ancient gods. The energy fluctuations contained in their bodies were so powerful that it was shocking, almost comparable to the devil emperor on the throne.

But because of the perception, Xiao Hei also has some doubts. This kind of thing can be seen as a thing of the True God Sect at a glance, but why did the True God Sect not dispatch these monsters when they fought against each other?As long as there are them joining the battle, as long as Xiao Hei does not deal with it personally, I am afraid that tens of thousands of bugs may not be able to defeat one.

In terms of the total energy load, Xiao Hei is not strong, and all the demons present can sense it. However, all the demons, including the Devil Emperor, did not contempt him. The reason is also very simple. The bugs are beyond their cognition, those bugs without any energy response, the steel thorns they shoot can penetrate the hardest demon armor, after clustering, they can send away the domain master in an instant, and as the leader of these bugs , and has the guts to come here alone, he would not be a weak scum.

And just as these demons thought, it is true. For example, all the demons present can easily kill Xiao Hei, and similarly, Xiao Hei can also easily kill them. Both sides are units with 1 attack, 1 blood and 0 defense. Whoever gets hit will die.

Xiao Hei's armor can't resist the impact of those super superior beings, and those beings, as material units, can't resist Xiao Hei's material decomposition, even those creations of true gods and the devil emperor on the throne can't resist. so it is.

It's still the same old saying, the world's strength is only relative but not absolute, even the ancient gods have died at the hands of mortals, let alone these little lives in the mortal world?

(End of this chapter)

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