Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 131 Final Battle

Chapter 131 Final Battle

The plain of Iros, where the Holy City is located.

At this time, it was already the twelfth lunar month of winter, but on the plain, there was no frost for a hundred miles, and it was still the scene of spring and summer.

Rumor has it that Archbishop Palette was afraid of the cold, and the Pope prayed for the blessing of the true God to make this land like spring and summer forever, so this place is also called the Land of God's Blessing.

The mighty, hundreds of thousands of giant insect swarms poured into the plain like a huge wave, and the flying insects covered the sky, like a black cloud covering the swarm of insects running wildly on the ground.

Flann had already noticed the arrival of the swarm. When the swarm was several miles away from the holy city, he was already standing alone on the platform with the best view in the holy city, the top of the true temple.

The soldiers stationed in the holy city are all ordinary people. They don't know what they are going to face at all. The members of the true god religion have never revealed that the architectural model in the holy city is a huge steep slope from the city wall to the true temple. Roads, buildings are located on both sides, facing south directly.

The garrisoned soldiers passed the ramp and saw the mighty swarm of insects outside the holy city, and the densely packed flying insects in the sky like dark clouds. Fear was revealed in their hearts. To them, this scene was like that. It is the end.

When there was a noisy sound from the gate of the guarded soldiers, the gray and white believers of the True God who stayed in the holy city came out of each building. No one could see their faces clearly, and there were endless hidden under the cloak. dark.

They didn't say any words, just made gestures to gather the noisy soldiers.

The soldiers may not want to obey orders because of the fear in their hearts, but they know the consequences of disobeying the orders of the True God, and the strength of these believers in front of them, they have no choice but to obey the orders.

After the [-] soldiers gathered, the voice of Pope Frann of the True God Religion echoed throughout the holy city like an oracle.

"This is a trial given to us by the true God. Destiny allows us to make choices. Our enemies are in front of us. They are powerful and inexhaustible in number, but don't be afraid because the great true God is watching us, and he will protect us. Give us great strength, defeat the enemies in front of us, and face the trials of God! Children!"

The voice reverberating in the holy city seemed to have a magical power, which dispelled the fear, timidity and cowardice in everyone's hearts, as if they had never had these feelings.

But these languages ​​are not just for boosting morale, they also have other functions. There are some silent language notes hidden in Fran's words, and the ability of these silent notes will be activated due to a certain opportunity.

Palette leaned on a cane and came to Flann's side. His face was bloodless, no, it was not just bloodless, but if you look closely, his body was a little...transparent.

Palette is Frann's good friend. Although he is not a crusader, he is a veritable Southerner. He has been following Frann in order to realize their common ideal.

"My lord Pope, my mission has been completed..." A faint voice sounded beside Frann, with exclamation, hope, and... reluctance in his tone.

Frann closed his eyes tightly, raised his head slightly, and a little tear slid down his cheeks.

"Thank you, my...old chap!"

After the words of exclamation fell, Palette showed a smile on his face, and his body drifted away with the wind like dust and smoke.

The mighty soldiers rushed out of the holy city, without timidity and fear, they regarded the insects in front of them as...insects, without howling to charge, or beating drums to help, they rushed towards the swarm without hesitation.

Flann opened his eyes, looked forward, raised his arms upwards, and shouted: "Come down, Yaoguang! Let those ants witness your endless power!"

Frann's loud voice spread throughout the plain and went straight into the sky. At this moment, a brilliance shone in the sky. However, it was not a pure white brilliance, but a dim black brilliance.

The ancient Sky Temple of the Yaoguang Empire, Yaoguang's residence, and the Yaoguang Temple descended from the sky amidst black rays of light, and the light it emitted covered the entire sky, shrouding the earth in darkness.

The appearance of the sky temple was accompanied by countless fallen ghost warships, which surrounded the temple like a swarm of bees.

At this time, the black brilliance emitted by Yaoguang also began to show its effectiveness.

Screams, howls, rang out among the human troops outside the holy city, bursts, waves, heart-piercing.

In this mournful cry, the human shell began to distort, and countless tentacles pierced through the skin. They spread to the human body, and then dissolved again, merged into the flesh tissue, and the cycle went on and on. Something in him is also activated at this moment.

The soldier's, undistorted monster's body began to grow bigger and bigger. Even Xiao Hei was a little curious, how could human beings' limited material grow to such an extent?

In the end, under the distorted brilliance of Yaoguang, all fifty thousand human soldiers turned into giants tens of meters high.

It is not the highest creation of the true god, nor is it the lowest level of Danuya, but the heir of the ancient god that Xiao Hei has never seen before, Gargus. Their appearance is still human, and they also have a huge octopus head, but the difference The reason is that their bodies and thighs are covered with countless cavities, and as they move, purple-black liquid continuously flows out of them.

Where Gargus passed, the black liquid spread into patches of black areas, and all the vegetation touched were withered and withered in an instant.

In addition to the vegetation, other creatures that inhabit the plains have also been attacked by the distorted brilliance, whether it is hares, beasts, birds, or reptiles, flying insects have all begun to distort, but these small species have not been distorted into The descendants of the ancient gods have instead become some semi-solid life forms that are only the size of ordinary people, like slimes. Their softened bodies dragged on the ground are covered with tentacles, and only a big mouth full of sharp teeth grows all over their bodies. .

They have no names, and their production is not so much derived from the ancient gods, but rather like evil insects, derived from the descendants of the ancient gods.

After being evil insects, the swarm is the descendants of three generations of ancient gods, and has no resistance to the power of the ancient gods, until Xiao Hei, through genetic modification, made the swarm immune to infection and distortion, awakening the part that belonged to the ancient gods. The power of the children of the ancient gods.

Frann was not surprised by the distortion of the swarm immune to the ancient gods. Since he knew the eyes of Italin, he naturally knew the evil insects, and he also described some people who looked exactly like Iterin. After joining the bug swarm, Fran confirmed the origin of the bug swarm. Even though they were not the same as the evil bugs, there were still some similarities.

The battle has begun, and Etrein will become the official commander of the entire swarm. To participate in this war, all the air-to-air flying insects rushed to the sky temple, and all the ground troops met the descendants of the ancient gods. The living body joined the sun-blocking behemoth of the swarm and became the pioneer, leading the swarm to launch the final battle against the ancient god army.

(End of this chapter)

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