Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 132 Confrontation

Chapter 132 Confrontation
The battle started, during the rush of the huge sun-blocking monster, countless small twisted creatures were trampled to death, and the spines all over the sky just baptized the enemies of the swarm.

However, long-range strikes can effectively kill those small twisted creatures, but they have no effect on those powerful Gargus. Only flying arrow insects and aerial bombardment can kill a little bit.

There are only two gigantic sun-blocking behemoths, but their overwhelming size and physical strength are hard for even Gargus to resist.

But the battle was very fierce, and it was not the two giant sun-shielding beasts that could control the battle. Although they were powerful, when more than a dozen Gargus climbed onto the giant sun-shielding monsters, they launched an attack on the joints of the sun-shielding monsters. After a fierce attack, it didn't take long for the huge sun-blocking behemoth to fall and be torn into pieces by Gargus.

Countless velociraptors also rushed into Gargus's army. They climbed up to them like Gargus climbing the sun-blocking behemoth, biting them non-stop, relying on the sharpness of the single molecular level Claws and fangs, tearing apart the flesh of the ancient gods, which is tougher than metal.

The cannon worms took root in the ground, and two chitin venom venom cannons began to carry out long-range strikes, using poisonous bullets with amazing corrosive effects to attack the descendants of the ancient gods. At the same time, the acid sprayed by the shells would also Speeds up the healing of those wounded bugs.

The insect swarm in the sky has also come into contact with the Fallen Ghost Battleship. The trypanosome mistress and the bomber are assisting in the bombing of the ground. The fission was dense, and swarms of bugs kept flying out from the back of the fortress' nest, and scattered towards the fallen ghost battleship.

The flying insects all over the sky scattered through the fallen ghost battleship, and the tentacles arranged hit the armor plate of the fallen ghost battleship. But this time, the lethality of the air bugs on the fallen ghost battleship was far less than the last time they came into contact with them. Whether it is the blasting fly with amazing bursting effect, or the extremely penetrating flying arrow insect, it is impossible to cause too much damage to their armor plates.

These fallen ghost battleships have been strengthened, which is a strengthening method that Xiao Hei does not know at all. At the same time, a new type of unit has appeared in the fallen ghost battleship group, a ship with a length of 80 meters and a front end that looks like a skull. , like a battleship with huge artillery.

After the battle started, these special warships ejected an organic cannonball from the skull that looked like a flesh-like diaphragm on the outside and an extremely unstable blood-red liquid inside.

The range of these shells was astonishing, and once they were hit, the flying insects would instantly turn into what looked like a hardened blood clot, falling from the sky, and shattering into pieces when they hit the ground.

The number of flying insects seems to have an advantage, but after real contact, this numerical advantage becomes somewhat weak.

The Mother of the Cracked Armor, commanded by Eitrein, began to scatter to lock on to the target battleship, and then the abdominal cavity was opened, and the cracked beetles were thrown out one by one.

After they left the mother body, they suspended in the air for a while. Relying on their own locking ability, they immediately burst out a powerful force field after catching the target, causing them to enter a subsonic flight speed and collided with a ship. On top of a fallen ghost battleship.

Violent explosions kept ringing in the fleet, and the attack of flying insects finally showed its due effect, no, it was the bursting power of cracking beetles, especially because the damage to armor was far greater than that of blasting flies. The fallen ghost warships within the range had their decks torn apart, exposing the fleshy tissues inside.

After these armored organic lifeforms showed their weaknesses, the thunder needle bees shot their lightning needles and pierced the exposed flesh tissues, and the plasma sparks flickered suddenly, and the bursts of psionic lightning It caused devastating nerve tissue damage to the entire fallen ghost battleship.

The fallen ghost battleships began to fall in pieces, but at this moment, the decks of some fallen ghost battleships opened, and some humanoid creatures with six spiked tentacles on their backs got out of them.

Their overall appearance looks like flesh that is about to melt, even their heads. The most important thing is that they also have octopus heads, heads that are about to melt, but their body shape is completely incomparable with the children of the ancient gods , just the size of an ordinary person.

As soon as these guys appeared, Etrein had already noticed their existence, and eagerly conveyed to Xiao Hei: "Those things are very unstable!"

As the commander of the swarm, Eitrein possessed a perception ability beyond the reach of ordinary zerg, and Xiao Hei, as the ruler, was even more so. Naturally, he could feel the unstable energy in those humanoid octopus heads that were about to melt.

Their energy waveforms are extremely special. Not only are the substances in their bodies unstable, but even the energy emits two waveforms with completely different frequencies. One is the unique energy waveform of the children of the ancient gods, and the other comes from the fallen. Ghost Battleship.

Xiao Hei has never tasted their genes, but he can be sure that these creatures are by no means natural continuations, but artificially synthesized synthetic lifeforms. No, to be precise, they should be artificially synthesized lifeforms again, so The fallen ghost battleship itself is a synthetic life.

Moreover, this kind of synthesis is not a synthesis at the genetic level. The True God Sect has not been able to start from here. It is more like they forcibly blended the two lives together by some means.

After these beings climbed out of the deck, they launched an attack, a melee attack!Undoubtedly, as long as those fallen ghost warships that climbed out of the synthetic life forms are close enough to the swarm, those life forms then jumped into the swarm, and the six tentacles on their backs were flying around. The flying insects stabbed away.

The speed of these tentacles is astonishing, as if the body of synthetic life also has a high pressure chamber, these tentacles are ejected out.

After the tip of the tentacle penetrated into the flying insect's body, it squirmed for a while, and then pulled out and retracted. Those synthetic life forms fell powerlessly from the sky as if they had lost their life after the attack.

And those flying insects injected with unstable substances, within a very short period of time, within a few breaths, the whole body began to disintegrate, and then disintegrated into fragments.

"They are injecting unstable substances into the worms, which mutates the worms and breaks the molecular chain! Expanding the density of the flesh makes it disintegrate!" For a long time, Xiao Hei has conducted all-round training on Italin. Knowledge is naturally indispensable, and the spiritual link also allows her to completely control the swarm and perceive the state of the swarm.

After those unstable substances were injected into the worm's body, she immediately conveyed the message to Xiao Hei.

For the future plan, Xiao Hei handed over the command of the bug swarm to Eitrein, and his psychic signal was only connected to a few people, so Xiao Hei is now unaware of the changes in the bugs.

Got information?Designate a response policy?No, Xiao Hei has no way to deal with it now. Unstable substances are different from ordinary mutations and abnormal states. The reason why they are called unstable is that they are elusive, completely chaotic, and cannot mutate into corresponding resistance.

At this time, Xiao Hei also became a little anxious. Not only the fallen ghost warships that approached the swarm were crawling out of synthetic life, but the fallen ghost warships in the rear were also starting to crawl out of hybrid life, relying on their jumping ability , using the rows of fallen ghost warships as a springboard, they kept approaching the swarm.

"Damn it, what about the reinforcements that Darien mentioned? I'm afraid he's cheating me?" Xiao Hei said anxiously in his heart. With the addition of synthetic life in the Fallen Ghost Fleet, Xiao Hei's insect swarm will be even more disadvantaged. If this continues, he may not have the chance to face the existence he has to face.

However, just as Xiao Hei was anxious, under the dark sky, a golden light suddenly lit up in the far east. Relying on the Zerg's line of sight, he saw countless battleships shining with golden light speeding towards here come.

(End of this chapter)

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