Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 133 Reinforcement?

Chapter 133 Reinforcement?

The son of Junwu of the Zulong Empire, the general of the dragon pattern of the Zulong Empire, one of the four major sword masters in the mainland, Reinhardt, the sword master of the wind, was ordered to lead the true and strongest fleet of the Zulong Empire, Dilong, the northern snow storm The fleet went to the holy city of God's grace to assist the swarm in eradicating the true god religion.

On the deck of the Emperor Dragon Mothership, Reinhardt stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the flames of battle in the distance. His face was not good, but it was not because of the terrifying war ahead, but because of the order of the Dragon Emperor. puzzled.

"Why do we help the bugs? Aren't they a disaster? They should be eradicated, let them kill each other, why should we intervene?" Reinhardt thought in his heart.

He didn't want to participate in this matter, but this was not his father's order, but the old emperor's order. As an imperial general, he could not disobey Emperor Zulong, so he had no choice but to accept the order.

Accompanying him was Darien, the mysterious guest of the Ancestral Dragon Empire. It was not until a few days ago that Reinhardt knew his true identity. True identity, a traitor to the Crusader.

At this moment, Darien is in the fleet, and it is his legendary power that protects the fleet. Without the protection of the holy light, without the power of the ancient gods, these mortals cannot compete with the children of the ancient gods. If you join rashly, you can only become the minions of the True God Sect.

The streamer in the sky fell on the deck, different from the physical flight of ordinary crusaders, when Darien condenses the holy light and flies, he will also become holy light.

After falling on the deck, the holy light spread on the deck like a cloud, and then condensed. Darien's figure appeared. Although he didn't know the detailed activities in Reinhardt's mind, he looked reluctant. You can also guess his general thoughts from his appearance.

"You're wondering why we're helping those bugs! Are you?" Darien asked.

When Reinhard heard the voice, he turned around and saluted Darien. In any case, the other party was also Emperor Zulong's guest, and even Emperor Zulong treated him very politely. He was just a general, and How can you be rude?
"What you said is that I am really puzzled. You know that those bugs are the enemies of human beings. If they are allowed to grow, they will definitely threaten the survival of human beings. If this is the case, let them fight with the True God Cult. Why do we Want to help them?" Reinhardt asked puzzled.

At this point, Darien shook his head lightly and said: "Although I told you about the identity of the True God Cult, you don't know the horror of the True God Cult. If it wasn't for my younger brother who still has a conscience, he would never have thought of destroying the world. , I am afraid that there is no living creature in this world anymore."

"Your brother? Pope Frann?" Reinhardt's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief. Of course, this was not only because of the relationship between Darien and Frann, but also because of the method he described. Rann's strength.

Darien gently nodded: "He was expelled from the family because of an idea that he didn't know whether it was wrong or right. He wanted to eradicate Fallen Moon, but his path was too bloody, and it required countless blood and blood. Life has been paved, and the Southern Continent was destroyed because of him. There are less than one person left, and only one city is left. I don't know how much blood he needs to complete his goal, but I can't let him continue."

Except for the high-level members of the True God Church, no one knows the true purpose of the True God Church, except him, Darien, the elder brother of the True God Church Pope Frann.

While speaking, the fleet was already approaching the battlefield, and there was no time for them to chat anymore. Darien leaped and flew out in the form of Holy Light. At the same time, he left a sentence for Reinhardt: "Don't be confused anymore. Young Juggernaut, so far the first battle is related to the survival of the mainland. Frann doesn't care how many human beings are killed or injured. He only cares about whether human beings can continue. , and almost everyone on the mainland will be sacrificed, if you don't want Violet to become the second Salinas, then fight with all your might!"

Darien's words are undoubtedly telling Reinhardt the pros and cons, the victory of the insect swarm may be a great threat to the Zulong Empire, but if the insect swarm fails, then there will be no more Zulong Empire up.

The fleet has entered the battlefield. The fleet has been ordered in advance to join the battle and assist the swarm to launch a fierce attack on the True God Sect. The two sides disarmed. The artillery fire of the Emperor Dragon Fleet was overwhelming. The artillery fire of the Emperor Dragon Fleet was extremely powerful. Just a face-to-face confrontation The Fallen Ghost Fleet of the True God Sect caused a lot of damage.

And Reinhardt also saw those giants on the ground, the heirs of the ancient gods.

"Is that the child of the ancient god recorded in the literature?" Reinhard was shocked by the performance of the child of the ancient god when fighting the swarm.

The power displayed by those behemoths is so powerful that in his eyes, those insect swarms that easily destroyed the Goshawk Fleet seemed so fragile.

"Kalum!" Reinhardt took a deep breath and shouted with the loudest voice.

Not long after, a goblin ran up to him and asked, "General, what are your orders?"

Reinhard clenched his steel teeth and said, "Notify the vanguard, use the Mistalla bomb!"

Hearing this, the goblin named Karum jumped, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely a few times: "General! Are you serious? Doing so will wipe out those bugs as well!"

Reinhardt stared at Karum coldly, saw that the other party could not help but shudder, and immediately said: "Yes! This subordinate takes orders!"

Mistala Bomb, named after Mistara, the creator of strategic magic and space severing, the Mistara bomb equipped by the Dilong Fleet is a small model. Although it is not as powerful as the full type, it is But it is easy to fight.

After answering the order, Karum picked up the loudspeaker and conveyed the order to the vanguard fleet.

"Unlock the firepower limit, use the Mistalla bomb, and let those descendants of the ancient gods witness the unstoppable power of the empire!"

After the avant-garde ships received the order, they fully powered on, the propulsion devices were overloaded, and rushed to the sky above the army of the descendants of the ancient gods at an astonishing speed. The barrier provided by the powerful latest magic devices made the attack of the fallen ghost warships within a short period of time. There is simply no way to pose a threat to the warships of the Zulong Empire within a short period of time.

After several vanguard ships rushed over the ancient gods' army, the bottom cabin opened, and several metal balls with a diameter of several meters fell from it very, very slowly.

After dropping the Mistalla bomb, the vanguard immediately turned around and returned to the Emperor Dragon Fleet with full power.

(End of this chapter)

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