Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 150 You chase me, if you chase me, I will... Hehehehe!

Chapter 150 You chase me, if you chase me, I will... Hehehehe!
Two days later.

Xiao Hei, who was marching in a hurry, had already slowed down, he was tired of the game of cat and mouse, no, to be precise, it was no longer necessary.

Within two days, the destroyed swarm showed signs of rebirth. With the blood of the earth from the demons, the swarm already had the capital to reorganize their combat power. Although there was only one brood, the hatching efficiency was not low. .

In the past two days, there have been hundreds of Thunder Needle Bees and thousands of Flying Arrow Scorpions forming an anti-air guard.

"Prepare to intercept, how about it?" Xiao Hei cast his gaze on Italin.

"The combat power is still not directly proportional, but..." Italin hesitated a little and said: "If you can destroy the local command carrier first, it is not impossible to fight!"

If it is said that with only one worm, Xiao Hei is not capable of fighting the entire fleet, but it is not difficult for him to take down a battleship.

"Simple, their protective barriers have no effect on me, so I leave the command to you!"

For Italin, Xiao Hei trusts it very much, well, relatively relatively, at least in terms of commanding battles, she is by no means inferior to herself, and in terms of strategy, she is even better. What Xiao Hei is worried about is that her so-called When will betrayal appear?

If according to what Itrein said to him, then I now suspect that she has betrayed, then she has not betrayed, but what if I have no doubt?It's really elusive.

"I guarantee your satisfaction! My master!" Italin showed a slight smile, and she took the order without hesitation.

At the same time, on the other side, a warship belonging to the demon race also left the airport early in the morning. Its target was not the swarm, but the imperial fleet led by Reinhardt.

This demon warship carried a human being, not someone else, but Jun Wu, Harun Kuner, who received the order from the Zulong Emperor the night before. After receiving the order, he was assisted by the demon ambassador Next, he stepped through the portal and came to the ancient city of Xinglin. After getting Enti's consent, he carried the warship of the demon clan and chased after his son.

At this time, Harun Kuner's face can be said to be extremely ugly. He is one thousand, ten thousand. I didn't expect that my son would violate the order of the Zulong Emperor and mobilize the army privately. This is not an ordinary crime. It was a treasonous crime that could send their whole family to the gallows.

Fortunately, Emperor Zulong is not the kind of foolish and unreasonable monarch who listens to slander. From a certain point of view, he is a wise monarch, or an extremely outstanding wise monarch.

Emperor Zulong doesn't like Junwu's brainless son, but since Reinhardt is Junwu's only son, and Junwu has been loyal to him for decades, Emperor Zulong may not want Reinhardt. Hart's life, but what this living crime is is unknown, but after thinking about it, it will never be taken lightly, and it may even involve his father.

The demon battleship is a new generation of warships, at least compared to the warships in regular service in the Zulong Empire, it is very advanced, and the fleet mobilized by Reinhardt is already an old-fashioned warship in the Zulong Empire that is about to be retired. Not fast.

"How long will it take for us to catch up?" Harun Kuner, who was in the cab, asked the captain a little anxiously.

Now is the time to race against time, the territory of the Demon Race is not considered vast, starting from the ancient city of Xinglin, and arriving at the territory of the Mingyue Empire is only more than three days at the speed of an old-fashioned warship.

This demon warship departed about six or seven hours later than Reinhardt's fleet. Although there was a speed gap between the two sides, it was not half as exaggerated. At most, it was [-] to [-] percent faster. , it takes almost two days to catch up.

The military position, although it looks like a military general, is actually a civilian position. When Harun Kuner was active in the battlefield, it was already more than 20 years ago. Now the development of magic technology and engineering is too fast , It is also difficult for him to determine the specific time to catch up with the target.

The captain is not a demon, but a goblin. He is also one of the engineers of this warship. The listed captain, the reason why he is in this position is to personally verify the various indicators of this type of warship, and will conduct inspections if necessary. The deployment will not be replaced until the work of this type of warship is completed. Generally speaking, this captain can be regarded as a person who has a lot of hands.

"According to my estimation, it will take about four hours to catch up."

"Four hours! It's still in the territory of the Demon Race!" Hearing the news, Junwu heaved a sigh of relief. If he hadn't caught up with Reinhardt on the territory of the Demon Race, he had entered the territory of the Mingyue Empire , that would be tantamount to fighting without a declaration.

I'm afraid that at that time, let alone his son's life can't be saved, as a father, he will have to play with the rope!
Of course, what Junwu is afraid of is also what Reinhardt is afraid of. He is also very anxious on the mothership of the fleet at this time. He is also afraid of entering the territory of the Mingyue Empire. Insufficient, but their anti-aircraft artillery is not a vegetarian. The fleet he is leading now is just an army. Although it is also the garrison of the fortress, it is not yet qualified to challenge the frontier defense.

However, in his anxiety, Breeze told him good news, the bug stopped.

Hearing this, Reinhard was very happy. Although he was already advancing at full speed, he still couldn't help but shouted: "Pick up the horsepower! Quick!"

In a few hours!

"Here we come!" Through the eye worm, Xiao Hei saw what was waiting, the fleet from the Ancestral Dragon Empire.

"Ha! I got you!" Through the engineering observation glass, Reinhardt saw Xiao Hei standing alone on a convex rock.

"Catch up!" Harun Kuner was close enough and could see the fleet ahead with his naked eyes!Cheeky cried out eagerly.

Looking at the approaching fleet, Xiao Hei squinted his eyes and counted down silently in his heart: "10! 9! 8! 7!..."

However, as soon as the countdown reached 5, the commander of the opposing fleet could no longer bear it anymore. The order to ignite was issued, and the artillery fire was released from the main gun of the battleship and the side guns of the hull.

Looking at the cannons falling towards him, Xiao Hei was still counting down the time unhurriedly. Those artillery fires were not threatening to him at all, and Xiao Hei didn't know why the opponent didn't directly use strong means to attack. But obviously, that's not what he should be thinking about right now.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! It's now!" Xiao Hei kept moving, and calmly responded to the oncoming barrage, dodging directly, or escaping into the sub-dimension, but in the end he wanted to reveal himself within the target's field of vision.

And just when Xiao Hei said "now is now", the Thunder Needle Bees staying in the extremely high sky took action, and at the same time, there were more than a thousand flying arrow scorpions that drilled out of the ground in coordination.

At this time, Reinhardt was careless. He never thought that Xiao Hei would have bugs at all. The so-called listening to the wind was nothing more than locking on Xiao Hei.

I couldn't react in time, and I didn't deploy the barrier in advance. The needle rain falling from the sky and the sharp spike storm that lifted off the ground formed a two-sided attack at this moment. As the commander of the swarm, Etrein, of course knew that the snake hit seven Inches, kicking people to wipe the crotch, the rainstorm acupuncture on the upper and lower sides, the attacking place is the vital point of the fleet!That is a warship with a strong magical response and capable of using mass destruction offensives.

And Xiao Hei!At this moment, a powerful psychic lightning burst out towards the iconic and the most conspicuous and largest warship in the fleet!

(End of this chapter)

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