Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 151 Great idea! Sao Nian!

Chapter 151 Great idea! Sao Nian!
However, although this psychic lightning is at the speed of light, Reinhardt, one of the four great Juggernauts, is extremely powerful. He has been observing Xiao Hei and saw blue lightning bursting out from the opponent's body, although he himself I haven't tasted it myself, but the information held by the empire clearly shows the danger of this kind of lightning.

Almost at the moment when Xiao Hei sent out the psychic lightning, Reinhardt jumped up, and under Karum's desperate eyes, he abandoned all the subordinates on the ship.

The mothership of the Imperial Fleet hit by the psychic lightning was not the psychic lightning caused by the lightning needle of the Thunderbolt Bee. Began to break down into the most primitive atoms.

Looking at his hands, his body turned into flying dust, Karum's last thought was filled with unwillingness, reluctance, annoyance and sadness.

The huge mothership disappeared completely within two seconds, and the scattered atoms were beyond the reach of human eyes. People on the decks of all other battleships showed disbelief after seeing this scene. Look, this is not magic, it is something that magic cannot stop. Even though some of them know how dangerous a certain bug's lightning is, they still underestimate his threat.


And not far away, on another demon battleship, Junwu saw the mothership of the imperial fleet suddenly turned into smoke and dust, and couldn't help but yelled loudly. As the person in charge of the military, in the Zulong Empire No one knows better than him the method by which a certain bug in the Goshawk fleet instantly destroyed the ghost troops of the True God Cult.

Missing a hit, Xiao Hei was not disappointed. When attacking the holy city before, the commander of the imperial fleet also showed his hands. Although his psychic lightning itself is the speed of light, it can be said in some words , the front swing is too big, and it can be recognized at a glance. For a strong man who prefers physical fitness, as long as he concentrates, it is not difficult to avoid it.

After Reinhard jumped out of the deck, he fell down. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Hei added a few extra bolts of psychic lightning. Although Reinhard couldn't fly, he could use it in the air. With a trick similar to stepping into the air, he dodged all the psychic lightning that was later replenished.

However, Reinhardt avoided Xiao Hei's psychic lightning, but the imperial fleet above him was not so lucky. Because the barrier was not deployed in advance, almost every battleship had at least one or two bolts inserted into it. lightning rod.

Why does the thunder needle bee of the swarm exist?Of course, it is not to deal with the descendants of the ancient gods. They exist to target human magical equipment, and the battleships are naturally among them.

Under the command of Itrein, even though the imperial fleet has now deployed the barrier, as her order was issued, all the Thunder Needle Bees began to induce the Thunder Needle to burst out spiritual lightning.

The lightning that burst out from each lightning rod began to connect with other lightning rods, and almost instantly, all the lightning rods were connected, burst out, and traveled through the sky-filled power grid.

The magical equipment of the imperial fleet was completely paralyzed under the interference of the psychic lightning, and the engineering equipment even sparked directly, burning all the circuit boards.

Painful wailing and bewildered exclamations echoed in the fleet, and the equipment was scrapped. The most direct consequence was that the entire fleet began to crash faster than anyone else...

The effect of the ambush is outstanding, no, it is too efficient, which is beyond the expectation of Iterlein. In the plan in her mind, the imperial warship arrived with the barrier fully opened. Powerful, but at least those barriers can bounce most lightning rods away.

What Itrein thought was that when the lightning needle was bounced and fell, it just showed a surrounding situation, and the lightning bursts interfered with the magic fluctuations of the barrier, causing it to shatter in disorder, and then the lightning needle was inserted, and then the power grid burst out to interfere with the ship.

But who would have thought that the commander of the Imperial Fleet would have reached a new level of stupidity. As the saying goes, the lion is fighting the rabbit and he is going all out. Emotional Etrein would be thinking too much. Reinhard never thought of it, or It was he who felt that there was no need to deploy a barrier against a strong attack against a bug on the ground.

"Oh, it's really boring! I don't even have the ability to resist at all. When will I meet an opponent?" Italin, who had been observing the imperial fleet, sighed softly. She turned her attention to Xiao Hei. Of course, at the same time, she also gave the order to sweep up the Arrow Scorpion. Although the imperial fleet began to crash, the surviving soldiers started to escape by relying on the glider or the slow-fall device. .

Ethlein is not a soft-hearted man,
On the other side, after Reinhard landed on the ground, the wailing, exclamation, and engine failure did not escape his ears.

Now he is no longer full of self-confidence when chasing Xiao Hei, and some only remain in disbelief and horror.

Reinhardt has never confronted the swarms head-on, and he has only a half-knowledge of the power of the swarms. Of course, this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that he has no idea where the swarms that suddenly appeared came from. popped out?Isn't the swarm already wiped out?Even if it can hatch, it can't be so fast, right?

However, this is the fact. Reinhardt's cognition of the swarm is still limited to the concept of a very threatening swarm-type monster swarm. He never imagined that the swarm is not an ordinary life form, but Biological clusters that can tamper with life characteristics at will from the genetic level.

For Reinhardt, the battle has completely changed from the previous Imperial Fleet VS a bug to a 180-degree change, becoming the Sword Master of the Wind Reinhardt VS the swarm...

"I'm curious! What made you want to eradicate Chongqian? Don't you know that the biggest threat to human beings is not me, but the red moon in the sky. Being hostile to me seems to only consume you Your vital strength, if you are not sure, you may sink into the long river of history!"

Looking at Reinhardt whose face I don't believe is real, Xiao Hei said in a teasing tone.

Faced with Xiao Hei's teasing question, Reinhard gritted his teeth tightly. Without the imperial fleet, and surrounded by bugs, there is no doubt that whether it is life or death, the bug in front of him can decide.

Although Reinhardt is arrogant, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can defeat the bug who killed the Pope of the True God Church in front of him. But no matter what, he is also a very strong existence.

"Up to now, I have nothing to say, but if I can't get it, no one can get it!" Reinhardt shouted angrily, and took out a metal ball from his arms.

When he saw the round ball, Xiao Hei couldn't help frowning slightly. Although the size was different, he could recognize it. It was the same as the ship-borne Mistala bomb. It could be said that it was a small Miestra bomb. Tara Bomb.

Of course, Reinhardt's words also told Xiao Hei why the other party would not let go of chasing him, and his frowning brows gradually turned into squinting eyes.

"Oh? You came here for the volume of darkness? Well, you have a great idea, Sao Nian. It is not shameful to pursue power. I also admire those who dare to pursue power. I sincerely admire such people. Because the pursuit of power is to overcome all kinds of difficulties, and sometimes risk your life. It can be said that this kind of person has the courage to face death, which is admirable!
"Seeing you chasing me for power, to be honest, hey! I am very moved! That's it, don't you want the scroll of darkness? Then... take it!" Xiao Hei The tone of voice when she said these words was very... contrived!
But this is not a joke!As soon as the words fell, Xiao Hei had already taken out the pitch-black scroll, and in Reinhardt's locked eyes, a parabola was drawn, and he threw it towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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