Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 157 Xingyue Tiankeng!

Chapter 157 Xingyue Tiankeng!

Night has come, and the red moon is rising.

Looking at the strange red moon that he had seen once in the sky that day, Xiao Hei, who was at the top of the fortress' nest, blowing the cold wind, couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Come again? Can you please fall next door? If I fall further here, I will really become the savior of the world!" Along with the headache, of course, there was speechlessness.

When the crimson moon rises, something will definitely fall. Now, of course, those things can't threaten him, and he doesn't need to care about it, but he doesn't want the people he knows to die and fall into the territory of the Mingyue Empire. He must You have to manage it, but if there are too many, his plan to go back to the past may be disrupted.

Although it is far from hopeful, it still reveals a bit of wickedness and narrow-mindedness. He doesn't want to mess with the messy status quo in the Kingdom of God. The so-called next door, of course, refers to the Zulong Empire. If Honglei Where it falls, although it is not a good thing for Xiao Hei, it is definitely not a bad thing, um, maybe.

I don't know if the goddess of luck heard Xiao Hei's voice. When the red tear dripped from the red moon, its trajectory should have come towards the Mingyue Empire, but suddenly, another red tear collided with the former. Together.

The Red Tears meteorite did not dissipate due to the collision, on the contrary, they merged together, and because of this, the orbit of the Red Tears was changed, and it happened to fall towards the territory of the Ancestral Dragon Empire...

However, no one can tell whether the red tears that fell on the territory of the Zulong Empire were a blessing or a curse to the Zulong Empire. Indeed, after a few days, it began to bring a series of blows to the Zulong Empire, but after that, Because of Xiao Hei's incidents in the Mingyue Empire, the target of "Red Tears" began to threaten the future identified by the Zulong Empire, and he moved away.

Fortress of Orderic, on the city wall, Frey is drinking a refreshing drink produced by the elves, looking at the woodland outside the city wall. Although he has not closed his eyes for several days, he still dare not rest, no, to be precise He couldn't sleep, even though he knew that the fallen creatures would come tonight, but during the day, he couldn't sleep. At this time, he could only rely on the blue liquid in the cup to boost his energy.

And at this moment, Frey's adjutant Zomar climbed up the city wall from the passage with an anxious expression on his face, came to Frey's side and said, "I found a huge number of biological reaction groups, they are coming towards us !"

Hearing this, Frey crushed the glass in her hand with a bang, and asked, "Distance!"

"58 miles!"

"Prepare Xingyue!" The delicate face and seemingly weak appearance did not conceal Frey's masculinity. A battle-hardened veteran!Even if he is still very young!

When Zuo Maer heard the order, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he said with a look of surprise: "My lord, there is no approval from His Majesty! This..."

"The general's life is not acceptable! I can't control that much anymore! Get ready!" Zuo Maer hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted by Frey's shout.

The situation is urgent, and it really can't be dealt with so much. The speed of the fallen creatures is very fast, not the human army. Even if they immediately start the teleportation to ask for orders and get approval, I am afraid that there is not enough time left to prepare Xingyue.

Zuo Maer was certainly not an idiot to be able to hold the position of adjutant, and he also knew that time was running out, but the destructive power of Xingyue was so terrifying, if this blow goes on, the damage done may not be recovered within a hundred years.

But at the same time, he also knows that the situation is urgent. Although they may not be able to stop the progress of the fallen creatures, they must buy time for the evacuation of the residents of the Mingyue Empire. As long as it can be completed within three days, [-]% of the evacuation work of the Mingyue Empire will be completed. It will be completed, which means that the Mingyue Empire is temporarily safe.


The monarch of the Mingyue Empire has always been wise. Disobeying the prohibition may not necessarily lead to death, but if one does not disobey orders, one will definitely die. Of course, at this moment, even if they disobey orders, they know that they will not survive. Those creatures are simply unstoppable, but as a soldier, one must first The most important thing is to regard death as home!Ever since Zuomar became a member of the Mingyue Empire army, he was ready to dedicate himself to the empire. It had nothing to do with his race, he just wanted to repay the kindness of an old general.

The order was conveyed, and the Luna Tower in Orderic's Fortress began to operate. It was a strategic-level magic launch tower built by the Mingyue Empire. The mages in charge of the operation inserted the magic circuit version into the tower. It is a necessary thing to run strategic-level magic. Under the injection of magic power, this is a forbidden technique of the Mingyue Empire, and it is gradually taking shape!

"Lock the position! Two hundred kilometers away! The yardage has been corrected by fifteen, and the distance has been corrected within eighty miles." The rapid operation of the device had an astonishing effect, and the stars and moons took shape in only 10 minutes. When the report came, Fleur Yi gave the whereabouts of Xingyue.

The strategic-level magic released by the stationed strategic-level magic facilities is not comparable to the so-called mobile devices. Both the range and the killing range are amazing.

This is the first time Frey has ordered the release of magic of this level. He is very nervous. He knows that if there is any deviation in the order he gave, the bursting stars and moons will come out of this world together with Orderic's barrier. is erased.

Just after the adjutant sent Frey's order through the signal gun, the Luna Tower shot a beam of magic light several meters thick into the sky, and after it sank into the sky, it formed ripples, and these ripples followed the order. The coordinates start moving in the specified direction.

A moment later, the sky that was far away, but seemed to be only in front of the eyes, was covered with countless ripple circles, and one of them seemed to cover half of the sky.

A bomb fell obliquely from one of the small corrugated circles with a width of more than ten meters, and smashed into the distant forest. There was a roar, and the burst of flares and waves lifted the ground within a few miles. , destroying woodland fields.

it's over?Do not!This is just...greetings!
Just after the first type of meteorite fell, countless streamers of light poured down from those ripple circles like a torrential rain, the earth roared, white light covered the world, and the world in front of everyone became a world of light alone. The sound coming, the shock coming from the feet, made the seemingly white brilliance look like a greeting from the end...

The forest dissipated, everything became extinct, and this destructive force covered everything within a radius of [-] kilometers in front of Orderic's barrier.

However, after the star extinction... the countless small ripples in the sky began to merge into the giant ripple at the core, and it began to grow crazily until it merged with all the ripples, becoming a super giant with a ring width of nearly ten kilometers ring.

And within this circle is the universe, the sea of ​​stars, and a...full moon!
The full moon revealed its figure from the ring, it passed through the ring, it was very slow, very slow, it looked like it fell to the ground like feathers falling.

It didn't cause a shock, it was very gentle, but when the full moon fell to the ground, it spun rapidly, and Frey also started to shout: "Stable figure!"

The adjutant immediately conveyed the order, no, there is no need for him to convey the order, the name of the stars and the moon resounded throughout the empire, everyone knew it, and all the soldiers had already found a bunker after seeing the full moon fall, and seized it. In order to grasp, hold on to what can be kept, and wait for the final moment.

The rotation of the full moon is getting faster and faster. It drags the surrounding air and frantically gathers towards it. Even outside the range of the stars and the moon, a hurricane is still blowing in Orderic's barrier.

No one can see that under the action of the stars and the moon, countless strange figures rise from the ground and are dragged past by the full moon. Except for living things, trees, flowers, grass, gravel, lake water, everything, even if it stretches for a hundred years The ground inside has been completely lifted.

When everything was dragged to the surface of the full moon, the ring expanded and fell, swallowing the huge full moon due to the accumulation of countless substances. After shrinking rapidly and merging a little, it became smooth a little bit. Blinking, Xingyue is over, it left, but... it still left a gift to the world, that is the Xingyue Tiankeng with a length and width of more than two hundred miles!

(End of this chapter)

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