Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 158 is over?No, this is just the beginning!

Chapter 158 is over?No, this is just the beginning!
The violent storm has subsided, and the scattered clouds in the sky have long since disappeared. In the night sky of Orderic's Fortress, the stars have never been so shining, and the entire sky is not half covered.

Xingyue, a magic formula with such a simple name, but its power shocked everyone present, without exception, it was the first time that everyone in Orderic's Barrier had truly witnessed this magic formula that was only released in the test site. out of the magic.

Zuomar swallowed his saliva, and looked at the forest field that had disappeared outside Orderic's fortress. There, there was only a pothole that could not be seen.

If we say that in the past, as an elf, he didn't think highly of mages. Although there are quite a few mages in the elves, the majority are still druids. The magic developed by the mage made him break out in cold sweat uncontrollably.

Is there magic among the elves that can rival it?have!But that is not what ordinary elves can release, nor is it owned by the tree city full of forests.

The Violet Continent, although the area occupied by humans is not large, but with their strength, they can definitely be called the leaders of the Violet Continent. The dominant position, even the legendary members of the legendary mage council are all human beings without exception.

"Knot, is it over?" Zuo Maer murmured to himself with lingering fear.

Zuomar was a little scared, yes, he was afraid of this kind of magic mastered by humans, although on the Violet Continent, almost all races have people who can use magic, and the number is no longer a small number, who may use magic to such an extent , even the demons who teach magic to humans cannot achieve it.

Frey was standing beside Zuomar, and he was also shocked by Xingyue's power. Although he knew Xingyue's killing range and ability, it was all a description, and after witnessing all this with his own eyes, the shock, It cannot be described in writing.

Slowly, Frey also recovered from the shock. He heard Zuomar muttering to himself, looked at the sinkhole in front of Orderic's barrier, and said after a long while: "No, I'm afraid this is just a crater. ……start!"

To the east, outside the Xingyue Tiankeng, in the forestry, a figure hidden in the shadows looked at the Orderic barrier. Although such a range is out of reach from the human line of sight, it can You can see clearly, even the expressions of the humans on the city wall.

As Frey said, everything is not over, it is just the beginning...

There was a sudden commotion in the forest. Huge creatures covered with red scales overturned the trees and rushed out of the forest. Tens of thousands of them jumped down and jumped into the tiankeng. With the billowing smoke and dust, they rushed towards the Orderic barrier two hundred miles away.

In Orderic's fortress, the detective's life-response magical instrument suddenly sounded an alarm, following what Frey said to Zuomar, there were countless monster groups, even larger than the previous one, rushing towards them.

No, it's not that simple. Although the strategic-level magic is powerful, it is also extremely restrictive. Once such a level of magic is fired, the Luna Tower is already close to overload. If you force it, use the strategic-level magic again, don't say Whether it can hit the enemy, the disordered aim may fall on their heads.

"The blocking artillery is ready! The giant god soldiers are activated! The bomber fighters are fired!" After receiving the biological response information from below, Frey gave the response order without hesitation.

The soldiers on the city wall understood when they heard the order that the group of fallen creatures hadn't been completely wiped out under the moon and stars. They were all shocked, and they were all looking at the number of those fallen creatures. How many are there?
But at this moment, it is useless to think too much. They are a group of people who have no retreat. They are stationed on the silver light circle, and behind them is the motherland that has no resistance. If they retreat...

The fate of the Mingyue Empire now depends entirely on them. Even if they cannot stop the fallen creatures, at least they must fight for the last time for the people and relatives behind them.

Morale is a wonderful thing. It is a fire in people's hearts, and this fire will burn to its peak at two moments. One is when the army sees the hope of victory, and the other is the complete opposite. despair!
This situation is the latter. When the soldiers know that they have no life to speak of, under the persecution of despair, when fear tears their hearts, a ray of flame that ignites in their hearts will burst into despair. For the food, it burns even fiercer than the nourishment of victory!


Countless roars can be heard, without any rules at all, which contain the catharsis of various emotions, converging into a kind of anger that will pull people back even if they die.

Accompanied by bursts of roars, the city wall opened, and a row of hundreds of giant god soldiers came out of the city wall. These giant god soldiers are the giant T-3 model developed by Zulong Empire. It is not the most advanced, and it is also It is not the most backward, but the one with the most balanced data indicators. At the same time, it is also the main product of the Zulong Empire's arms trade. It is not strong, but it is extremely reliable.

The forest no longer exists, and without any cover, the bombing fighters flying out of Orderic's barrier should have an excellent vision, which greatly improves their bombing accuracy.

The blocking artillery fire has also been reloaded, but due to the limited range, they are not the first attackers, and it is the bombing planes that actually carry out the first round of attacks.

These engineering creations have gained strong horsepower under the turbo boost, and the fallen creatures have already come to the sky above them before they are within the range of the blocking artillery fire, and molten bombs are projected from the bomb bay down.

When the molten bomb fell into the sky and fell into the biota, within bursts of crackling sounds, red fireworks were set off. The first explosion was within a range of tens of meters, and then another explosion occurred in the explosion. Numerous bullets were scattered, and after hitting the target, a small explosion with a range of several meters was performed twice.

The bombing planes used cluster bombing, and the range of the first round of bombing reached nearly a thousand meters. The fallen creatures are very strong, but they are not elemental creatures, but real flesh and blood creatures. The high temperature generated by the explosion of the molten bomb And strong pressure is not something that the word "biology" can bear.

Anything touched immediately ignited, crushing the viscera and bones of the fallen creature under strong pressure, but all existences within this kilometer range could not survive the moment when the fireworks bloomed.

 what! ~Catch up, I’m so busy today that I got home at [-]:[-], I hurriedly typed, and almost broke the update!Take a shower and go to bed, there is still a lot of work to do tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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