Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 166 Courting Death!

Chapter 166 Courting Death!

The army of the Ancestral Dragon Empire had been prepared long ago, but it was not Impelux, but Junwu prepared for his own expedition.

But now, the command of these armies fell into the hands of Pelux.

This is not a good thing, neither for him nor for the soldiers in the army.

And just as Pelux went to the place where the army was stationed, in another place, a cloud-like swarm of flying insects also came to the place where certain creatures gathered.

The biological reaction prompted by the eye worm is very close. The fallen devil has never escaped the surveillance of the eye worm, but in the same way, the fallen devil is naturally aware of the arrival of the swarm. He has ordinary creatures that are not directly related to the eye worm. With the visual distance and the lack of cover in the air, he clearly saw the bugs flying towards him.

Is the swarm aboveboard?No, it's not. During the pursuit, the insect swarm kept a considerable distance from the Fallen. As for why they approached openly now?Simple, because there is no need to hide anymore.

The number of insect swarms has been increasing along the way, and it has already exceeded the previous peak moment. The number of fortress broods alone has reached forty or fifty. At this moment, they are leading other flying insects in the air to encircle them. Approaching the Fallen.

Perhaps the fallen devil thought that he might be tracked at the beginning, or he didn't have the power to continue to radiate other species for the time being, and now the fallen devil is alone, without minions.

After escaping for many days, the Fallen Demon thought he was safe, but now seeing the swarm approaching, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, no, it was fear.

The fallen demons are crazy intelligent creatures, but this does not mean that they have lost the emotions they originally had. The fear is still hidden in their hearts. When he saw the killing of the fallen creatures by the swarm... the slaughter scene, he already knew However, those weak transformed creatures cannot be the opponents of these bugs in front of them. Perhaps only when the real army of fallen demons arrives can they be wiped out.

But it is a pity that those large armies are still unable to come here.

The swarm began to project air-dropped vesicles. When the endless swarm of swarms really formed an encirclement circle, the Fallen would have no chance of escaping. It can be said that his fate was already doomed. Even Hanus, the descendant of the ancient gods, It is impossible to confront the insect swarm head-on in the case of the ancient god alone. As a child of the ancient god, how can he make some waves?

There is no way for the Fallen to escape, there is no way to escape, and finally surrounded by swarms of insects, and Xiao Hei and Italin also descended from the sky into the encirclement. Of course, their arrival methods are slightly different. The former became The elemental body flies, and the latter arrives in an airdropped scorpion like the velociraptor and the flying arrow scorpion.

The fallen devil standing in front of Xiao Hei is not big, only about three meters in size, wearing a well-made protective gear, yes, it is a very sophisticated protective gear, and even has a good artistic component, which also shows that They are indeed intelligent beings.

"You guys, what is it?" Suddenly, a strange spiritual sound came into Xiao Hei's mind.

This made Xiao Hei look a little surprised. He turned his head to look at Italin next to him, and asked jokingly: "You never told me that these guys can communicate telepathically!"

Hearing this, Italin smiled lightly and said, "These are just small details, so don't worry about them!"

"Small details?" Xiao Hei laughed twice and said, "The little details in your mouth are really not a trivial matter."

As Xiao Hei said, this telepathic communication is indeed not a trivial matter. It can be used for many things, one of which is that Xiao Hei always uses it to command troops. Not much of a difference per se, well, except for speed and range.

"Okay! Let's ask this friendly neighbor what he knows, oh yes, it's not verbal, it's physical!" Xiao Hei said this sentence not only to Italin, but at the same time It was still to the Fallen Demon, and even more so to the swarm of insects behind him.

As soon as this sentence fell, the fallen devil was stunned, and countless spines and steel thorns sank into his body. In less than a second, this son of the Yagu god died in the arrow scorpion. under the caress.

From this point, it can also be seen that the so-called descendant of the Yagu God, compared with the authentic descendant of Tazinom, is much worse in terms of physical strength and own strength, but the individual should still be Can fight with a few velociraptors.

The so-called torture on the physical level in Xiao Hei's talk is just the beginning, and soon the velociraptors pounced on the corpse of the fallen demon, and began to feast on it. Some gene sequences that Xiao Hei felt somewhat familiar also appeared on him at this moment. heart.

"Well, it is somewhat similar to the fallen ghost, but the fallen ghost is completely disordered, and this is like a stable core wrapped in disorder, which is interesting." After muttering to himself, Xiao Hei asked Italin : "Are you interested in trying to make a virus bomb?"

What Xiao Hei said seemed to be nurturing his subordinates, but in fact, he just didn't want to do it. This is not an easy job. With intelligence, Xiao Hei has self-knowledge. He knows that he is purely intelligent. It is inferior to Italin in the world, and it is very important to make a virus bomb against fallen demons. In addition to borrowing the hands of Italin, he also wants to take this opportunity to let Iterin be more familiar with it. Integrate the gene sequence to prevent him from accidentally belching that day, and no one is in control of the overall mutation during the remodeling period.

"Master Master! I think you have gained weight recently?" Italin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

Xiao Hei knew what she meant by what she said, it was nothing more than mocking himself for becoming lazy, but he didn't care: "Nonsense! I'm training you!"

As the master, Xiao Hei has the ability to completely control Italin, but he has never done so, nor has he ever forced Iterin to do anything, and he has never said anything even about the things the latter concealed from him. For him, he didn't just train Italin as a commander, there may be a deeper meaning.

In the face of Xiao Hei's request, Eitrein never expressed disobedience, even though she often said the word "betrayal", at least for now, she is more loyal than some self-proclaimed loyal ministers. loyalty.

Itlein sighed softly and said, "Yes! Thank you for your cultivation! Would you like me to serve you well at night to express my gratitude to you?"

This sentence is a joke. As the two get along longer, the scope of what they can say between them will increase, and sometimes they don't care about making some inappropriate jokes.

"I can't do that, I already have a master! How can I be half-hearted?" Xiao Hei said.

And Ethlein still jokingly replied: "But as far as I know, you probably don't just have three hearts! Can't you grow another heart?"

Just when the man and the beast were joking with each other and returning to the mother's nest of the fortress, Pelux, who had just left the Ancestral Dragon Emperor's Capital on his army horse, also met a person who wanted to fight him...?

The army of the Zulong Empire was stationed outside the capital, and they had to pass through an official road in the forest. Pelux, who was galloping, suddenly pulled the reins. The reason was that a three-meter-sized animal appeared in front of him. A monster in a black cloak.

Humanoid, four-armed, tall, but very thin, giving people the feeling... a little bit of wood.

He doesn't look human, of course, is there anyone with limbs and arms?It almost feels like a stick insect.

"Hello! God of War of the Empire!" The voice came into Pelux's heart. Although the words seemed to be respectful, the tone was very disdainful, and even sarcasm.

Pelux snorted lightly, turned over and dismounted, and the army horse, having sensed the threat of the creature in front of him, neighed, and Pelux let go of the rein, allowing it to run away.

"Hey! Everyone says that I have no plans, but now it seems that I am still a little conceited. I am so stupid that I would think that you idiots will not be stupid to come and seek death!" Kex was also mocking, and seemed even more disdainful.

Obviously, for fallen devils, the taunts of lower creatures are extremely powerful, which is also considered to be the weakness of higher biological units, and fallen devils are no exception.

Although nothing can be seen on the surface, the fallen devil's heart has been aroused with anger. How can he, who considers himself a superior creature, allow the contempt of what he considers a lower creature?
"Ah~! Very good, I'm curious, what gave you such courage and confidence?" Fallen Demon's voice became extremely cold, and just as he finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared.

Pelux felt a gust of wind blowing by, followed by a puff, and the fallen devil's palm penetrated the position of the heart from the back of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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