Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 167 World Guardian

Chapter 167 World Guardian

Itrein and Cyril have a very close relationship, and their acquaintance can be traced back to the beginning of the Mingyue Empire, which was thousands of years ago.

As a mortal, Cyril can have an endless lifespan. From a certain point of view, the legendary mage council is not an ordinary mage organization. They may master spells that do not exist in this world, no, it is not possible, but Is the truth.

Itlein looked at Xiao Hei, and said in a frivolous tone: "Although I promised Cyril not to reveal the secrets of the Legendary Mage Council to others, it is a good thing that I promised to people, not other people. Telling you is not a breach of promise."

After a slight pause, in Xiao Hei's expectant eyes, Italin told him what kind of organization the so-called Legendary Mage Council was.

"The Legendary Mage Council was established for a very short time. About 7000 years ago, a supreme mage from Karnas came to the Violet Continent.

"Although Karnas is not much bigger than this world, the difference in quality between the two is more than a thousand times. You have seen the woman next to Cyril. She is from the Momoka tribe. Although she is a junior, but Her hometown is also Karnas, you can feel how tough her body is!"

Eitrein turned to the question between words, and obviously, she knew Xiao Hei's answer.

"Momoka Tribe" Xiaohei narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, it's half flesh and half elemental, and the individual is not powerful, but it is very special. The quality of the flesh body is somewhat beyond ordinary people's understanding, and the degree of toughness is stronger than that of the children of the ancient gods." Nothing less than that."

Italin revealed which girl's race, and at the same time, Xiao Hei, who was still a little puzzled as to why the other party gave him something, also understood what the book was. Since she is with Cyril, who can explore the future , obviously she also learned something, that book is probably the technique for sneaking into the realm of the gods.

Afterwards, Italin's words also gave Xiao Hei a preliminary understanding of what kind of world Karnas is.

"However, although the Momoka tribe is strong, they are a very weak race in Karnas. Because of this, some Momoka tribe stepped down as the supreme mage, Karnas No.18, the world guardian. Finally, when he was about to look for his hometown, the Momoka tribe happened to come to this world on the way with his power, and they have settled down since then.

"Which Supreme Mage was not in a hurry to leave. He saw the threat the world was about to face, so he randomly found a few farmers, imparted magic knowledge for a few days, and left behind a few items before leaving this world."

farmer?How many days?After some hearing, Xiao Hei's expression became a little strange. When did the mage profession have a crash course?Is it possible to go from a farmer to an indescribably powerful mage in a few days?
Perhaps, no, because he directly saw the meaning of Xiao Hei's weird expression, Itrein chuckled and said: "Don't be surprised, Karnas is not an ordinary world, it is the core of this material universe, and its star itself is The sleeping Tirram material body, and the sun of Karnas is the mother of the Holy Light, Hanna Rom, the satellite is the eye of Taznom, and the galaxy is the physical body link of Kama Kum, known as The lair of the material body of the fourth ancient god Hariram, known as the time worm, is also within the galaxy, and the boss of the ancient god Ram is also wandering outside the galaxy, do you understand? That is the gathering place of the projections of the ancient gods in the material universe !"

Projection, entity, is different from the life in the material universe. The ancient gods are completely spiritual existences. They are in the spiritual universe. If the projection of material life is false, then the projection of the ancient gods is the opposite. It is real. Like countless light sources reflecting countless shadows, casting them from all angles, of course, all the credit for this must be attributed to the Seventh Ancient God, the Unspeakable One.

What Itrein said was shocking, but Xiao Hei, who had witnessed the ancient gods with his own eyes, did not show any shock or surprise. After all, all material universes have projections that exist in the spiritual universe. , those projections are really nothing.

Afterwards, what Itrein said was mainly to introduce which supreme mage.

"In Karnas, both the spirit and the body will be unimaginably sublimated. Which supreme mage is not a local resident of Karnas, but a foreigner, which is not uncommon in Karnas. Race, the outsiders of Karnas account for one-third of the total population. Those who can come to Karnas are either the strong or the extremely lucky lucky ones. You know the word mortals, it is the ancient gods There are titles that despise the primordial god, but what you don't know is that the creator of this word is not the existence of the ancient gods, but the first guardian of the world of Karnas.

"Karnas' world guardians, they are a special kind of individuals, powerful, but they cannot be summed up in terms of strength. Can you imagine the situation of contending with the ancient gods with a mortal body? Karnas is sleeping The ancient god Til Ram, who will wake up sooner or later, will cause the extinction of species, and in order to stop all this, you can't imagine how crazy those people are, No.17, the guardian of the world, released Kasim, I mother!
"It's not simply releasing the projection, but actually releasing her from the realm of eternity. She asked the ancient gods to exile her. The existence of her mother threatens all the ancient gods in the spiritual universe. She is no longer what she once was. A young individual, no ancient god can exile her again, relying on the contract reached with her mother, No.18, the guardian of the world, and the third ancient god, the creator of energy and magic, Kamaku Mu reached an agreement. Since then, his spirit has been freed from the shackles of the material universe. Although he is still a mortal body, the body shell can no longer be the source of power, but a seal.

"He killed Tirram's physical body and completely prevented his awakening. After doing everything he thought he could do, he left Karnas and went to find his hometown, but his hometown is In a world without magic, without the magic net, he can only traverse through his body, searching for one world after another, and no one will know what happened after that.

"And the few farmers he taught when he came to this world, got together after he left, established the legendary mage council, and assumed the role of world guardian. Well, although it is just a fake, but the ability is still the same. It's very scary. The little bitch that Cyril mentioned is the current archmage of the legendary mage council, Hatherine. The supreme mage once broke Harry Ram's teeth. People know why he did this, it may be the same as what Cyril said, there is such a shameful friendship between them!"

Xiao Hei listened quietly at the side, and after Italin stopped, he wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Italin interrupted as if thinking of something: "Oh yes! The Dark Scroll of the Ancient Gods was written by the Supreme Mage who did not disclose his name. I heard Hatherine say that the Supreme Mage seemed to ask them before leaving, saying that he lost something and couldn’t remember what it was. I couldn't find anything, but then the matter was left alone, until Hatherine saw a scroll describing the deeds of the ancient gods in a record left by the supreme mage, and then the disaster broke out in the southern continent Only then did they realize that it was the pitch-black Tome of the Ancient Gods, but as their creed, the members of the Council of Legendary Mage did not intervene.

"My understanding of the Black Scroll is only on the surface. Maybe there is detailed information about the Black Scroll in that record. Going to the Melting Heart Islands may help you understand the Black Scroll as soon as possible."

To say that Xiao Hei's expression didn't change much after listening to Iterlein's foreword, but the last sentence made his eyes widen. For some reason, the source of all evil popped up in his mind These four words.

Shaking his head and getting rid of the messy words in his head, Xiao Hei looked at Italin and asked the question he wanted to ask before: "You seem to know Karnas very well, don't you also come from where?"

In this regard, Italin shook his head and said: "No, Karnas does have Kasim's heirs, but my hometown is not there, but a world called Xiliaens, and Karnas My understanding, um, how should I put it, is old information. I heard it from some elders when I was in my hometown, because there are divisions of time star regions in the material universe, and the timelines are not consistent. Maybe I was hoping The information that Lianes has learned is that the future information of Karnas is also unknown. The universe is endless, and we cannot despise it because it appears small in the spiritual universe. All possibilities exist. This is not something I can do. To be clear, after all, apart from the real ancient gods, no one is truly omniscient and omnipotent."

Italin's words did not stop because of this, and a lot of information she heard when she was in her hometown was shared with Xiao Hei in the following time.

Of course, Itrein was not the only one who wanted to say something. As time passed, Pelux also had some words in front of all the soldiers in the camp outside the imperial capital of the Ancestral Dragon Empire in the early morning of the next day. , want to tell.

(End of this chapter)

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