Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 168 Legendary Mage Xia Zhiqiu

Chapter 168 Legendary Mage Xia Zhiqiu

"Junwu and Karimos really paid for it this time." Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Pelux murmured to himself.

In front of his eyes, a total of 20 troops gathered, and these were only infantry. The Zulong Empire was not a backward country that relied on infantry to fight. Most of the fighting methods were long-range strikes, aerial bombing and giant vehicles. sweeping battle.

The infantry usually only has mop-up work. Just from the number of infantry sent, it can be seen how many vehicles the Ancestral Dragon Empire will dispatch this time.

There are so many troops that it is impossible to transmit information by mouth alone. Pelux called the magicians accompanying the army, and with their assistance, his voice reached everyone's ears.

"Before I leave, I have something to say to you all."

As soon as Pelux opened his mouth, the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent, thanks to the deterrence of the Imperial God of War.

"I don't know what the upper echelons of the empire have conveyed to you, but what I want to tell you is that we will end up in failure in this war."

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers, without exception, showed expressions of disbelief. The undefeated God of War declared defeat, how could this be possible?

Although they still haven't made a sound of discussion, the expressions on their faces have undoubtedly revealed their emotions.

But Pelux did not explain the reason, but said: "This battle is a way to seek death, but at the same time, it is also a way to survive. We will be defeated and die in battle, but the Ancestral Dragon Empire will die in the battle." Reborn in the flames of war, I will not force you, you have the right to choose your destiny, I once said this, those who know defeat and never retreat, are stupid, you can choose to escape wisely, or choose to die stupidly.”

What Pelux said was really inappropriate. Before the battle, he would definitely stimulate the morale of the soldiers, but he did the opposite.

Of course, Pelux knows the pros and cons, and the reason why he said this is very simple, because he couldn't bear it. If it was an ordinary war, he would ruthlessly use the soldiers as pawns, but this is not a war, it is simply seeking death , even if the process is no different from ordinary wars.

He has seen through the end of the war, not because he understands his enemy, but because he understands a person, a person he cannot defeat at all, and at the same time, even if he can really defeat that person, this war , he can never win.

"You guys, think about it carefully!" After saying this, Pelux turned and left.

After Pelux left, the discussion sounded like a wave in the crowd. They didn't understand that the message sent to them by the upper echelon of the empire was to avenge the Zulong Emperor. They didn't know that Pelux participated in the war before. Now that I see it, in their hearts, this war is sure to win, but why does Lord God of War say that this war is sure to lose?
However, it doesn't matter whether they discuss it now. What they can do is to choose, whether to leave or move forward?The former is undoubtedly an act of treason, but the latter, according to Pelux, is suicide.

While these soldiers were making choices in their hearts, there was also a person in another place who was suffering and choosing from the heart.

Melting Heart Islands, the place where the continent is divided, the residence of the four major elemental gods, the place where the legendary mage council was established, and a remote place far away from civilization.

Here is an island group composed of thousands of small islands, and in the middle of it, there is still a sea pit caused by the doomsday impact caused by the four major elemental gods when the continent was split. Around the sea pit, there are land , that is the evidence that this place was once left as a continent, and those islands were also fragments that burst out at that time.

Xia Zhiqiu, a survivor of the original Eastern Continent, his ancestors crossed the ocean from the Eastern Continent, across the country of a hundred islands, and came to the Violet Continent. When he was young, he met his mentor, a mage who he couldn't describe how powerful he was.

In just a few days of teaching, he has mastered magic knowledge that ordinary people can't even imagine. His understanding of magic is extremely gifted, which surprised his mentor a little, so he taught him a special set of magic. A type of spiritual language technique created, Lingyan.

This also made his village friends feel jealous, especially Hatherine, who showed her desire for Xia Zhiqiu's mastery of spiritual words and magic.

But Xia Zhiqiu was never willing to share this kind of magic with other villagers, because he had mastered a part of it, so he knew that this kind of magic was different from ordinary magic, but a technique that fiddled with the laws of the universe. It must never fall into the hands of those who demand power.

Of course, he also has a desire for power, but his desire for power is somewhat... deviant compared to ordinary people. He is demanding of power, but he doesn't like to use power to change anything. What he likes is to delve into power and explore them .

But also because of this, on the way to explore magic, he suffered from a strange disease, inverse magic addiction.

Ordinary magic addiction will make patients demand infinitely for magic power, but their own constitutions cannot store magic power due to pathological changes, and the absorbed magic power will quickly pass away, which intensifies the patient's demanding magic power. In the end, patients with magic addiction , either died of exhaustion of magic power, or turned into a monster that crazily absorbed magic power.

However, although Xia Zhiqiu's inverse magic addiction is similar to ordinary magic addiction, it is somewhat different in essence, which makes him very eager for all energy, and converts all the energy he absorbs into magic power. Due to disease, his body has become a physique that consumes mana to strengthen itself.

Seems like a good thing, right?However, this was not a good thing for him. The increasing desire made his will almost unbearable. The ordinary magic power absorption could no longer satisfy him. Only the energy of life could calm his restless body.

He began to look for some life forms and absorb their lives to obtain magic power with life characteristics to satisfy himself. He also tried to cure his inverse magic addiction, but all failed. In the final analysis, it was because of Lack of magical knowledge.

His mentor has such magical knowledge, so indescribably powerful, the so-called knowledge of magic addiction and reverse magic addiction, he also heard it from his mentor, this world has never had such symptoms, the reason is very Simple, although the magic in this world cannot be said to be insignificant, its categories are poor, and many fields have not been covered, and the induction of magic addiction is inseparable from absorption, transformation, and self-transformation.

Xia Zhiqiu believed that if his mentor was still by his side, the inverse magic addiction he was suffering from would be cured. Even in front of his mentor, it was easier than picking up a cup to drink water.

But he couldn't, which made him miss his mentor infinitely, but obviously, he didn't have so much time to miss his mentor, because the great mage of the legendary mage council, Hatherine, had , in the name of defection, launched a hunt for Xia Zhiqiu.

Of course, who would believe such nonsense?Who doesn't know Hatherine's desire for word magic?This is just an excuse, but she is the archmage of the Council of Legendary Mage, has absolute authority, and is also the strongest existence in the face of the Council of Legendary Mage. She couldn't use this magical weapon with infinite divinity because she had already traveled through time and space and strangled Xia Zhiqiu to death.

Although Xia Zhiqiu is living well now, his situation is not optimistic. In addition to the magic addiction, he also suffered a sneak attack from Hatherine, and he can no longer make a sound, whether it is physical or spiritual. All the same, there was a line between his spirit and his body that was severed by time, a wound that would not find a way to heal unless he could get the shard of Haliram's fang from Hatherine's hand .

The activation of spiritual language is inseparable from the cooperation of spiritual language and physical language. At this moment, Xia Zhiqiu is already half a useless person, um, why half?That's because for mages who have reached his level, the so-called chanting is a joke. They are already connected to the magic net, which is called login by the instructor.

They can achieve the effect of integrating magic by sending spiritual commands to the magic net. The silence has no effect on the release of magic by the members of the legendary mage council.

But now Xia Zhiqiu, who is unable to use the spirit words technique, can't fight against Hatherine at all. Coupled with the torment of Reverse Magic Addiction, he can already predict the end of his future.

He must now make a choice, whether to live to death, or to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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