Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 169 The Archmage

Chapter 169 The Archmage

Volunteer?No, this doesn't sound like Xia Zhiqiu. Among the disciples of the supreme mage, no one respects his mentor more than Xia Zhiqiu. To him, the words of his mentor are the truth, and it is precisely because of this that the words "do not break, do not establish" are firmly established. engraved in his heart.

He thought of an idea, which might anger the four gods in the archipelago, but the chaos caused might give him a little respite, at least it would bring some trouble to the Council of Legendary Mages.

Due to diplomatic relations, Hatherine also had to negotiate, and he could take this opportunity to get rid of Hatherine's pursuit.

Just when Xia Zhiqiu was thinking, suddenly, he seemed to realize something, his eyes narrowed slightly, his figure flashed, and he disappeared on the spot.

And less than 1 second after he disappeared, a figure appeared in the place where he left. It was a woman. The endless arcane energy dyed her originally fair skin a deep purple. It even reveals the brilliance, making her appear to be not a mortal creature.

She is Hatherine, the head of the legendary mage council, the archmage, a woman who has undergone arcane infusion for thousands of years and has become extraordinary and beautiful.

Hatherine is not a cruel woman, at least she was not in the past, but after mastering the endless power, she became a little... paranoid about magic, but even so, her original intention remained the same, she wanted to pursue Which one do you admire in your heart?

But she also knows that this is impossible, her mentor has reached the level where he is not bound by the material universe, in other words, he can dance with the real ancient gods, well, in fact he did However, a dance partner that made all the ancient gods tremble.

Desiring to catch up with her mentor, Hatherine is extremely eager to understand the spells mastered by Xia Zhiqiu, the kind of supreme magic that can fiddle with the laws of the universe, and the skill that can mobilize the magic net of the universe.

But unfortunately, what she wanted was not what others wanted, so she chose to use all means. As long as she can master the spirit word technique, she can use this skill to find her mentor through the magic network of the universe.

This is not impossible. The legendary mage has already transmitted his magic seal into the magic net. Each magic seal is independent. It represents a person's spirit, and the login direction is not the so-called World Monet.

The magic net of the ordinary world covers the whole world. As the core of the magic net, the magic net nodes transmit magic power all over the world. In the material universe, the world with magic power is equivalent to the magic net nodes in the world. The universe is shrouded in the magic net of the universe. Similarly, the material universe is also the node of the magic net of the spiritual universe, which is jointly connected with the creator of that energy.

Like legendary mages, their mentor was not so powerful when he was born. He also experienced a period of weakness, and he also landed his magic seal on the magic net.

As long as she masters the art of fiddle with the laws of the universe, then Hatherine can find the existence she yearns for by connecting to the magic net of the universe.

Is this love?No, but it may also be that Hatherine has never suppressed her mentor's emotion, it has been in a state of eruption, this is known to all legendary mages, but even if they know it, so what?She is still too paranoid. This kind of emotion may be normal for ordinary mages, but it must not be found in this group of legendary mages who have taken on the role of guardians.

The road of magic is a journey of adventure. When they first entered, they saw the bright avenue in front of them, which was extremely spacious, but as they went deeper, they would see the abyss. The avenue under their feet turned into ropes, and the light turned into darkness. Deep, you will fall into the endless abyss.

Xia Zhiqiu has already rubbed against the side of the abyss. The inverse magic addiction he suffers from is the arm stretched out from the dark abyss below him, trying to pull him in, and why not Hatherine? ?

Her current body is no longer a body of flesh and blood, but more like an aggregate of arcane energy. She has completely transformed herself for power, which allows her to peek into the twisting void and draw directly from the void. All kinds of magical powers, and this is something that other legendary mages don't have.

But precisely because of this, all kinds of weird emotions in the twisting void began to invade her spirit. It has to be said that her spirit is very powerful, stronger than all legendary mages. Facing the endless invasion of negative emotions, her spirit There is still not much change, this is not only as solid as a rock, it is simply indestructible.

But the impact is still there, small, but it is small, but it is still fatal. At least the gentle girl who used to be gone is now a bit cold and ruthless, and she will not show the unbearable expression she used to because of killing .

"I know you are here, you should stand up honestly, as long as you hand over your spiritual words, seeing our friendship for thousands of years, not only will I not kill you, but I will help you heal the wounds on your body." How about a cure?" Hatherine narrowed her eyes and looked around.

She didn't lie, because she didn't want to treat anyone as an enemy in her heart. As long as she can get what she wants and fulfill her wish, what else is worthy of her concern?
As Hatherine said, Xia Zhiqiu did not use teleportation magic to leave. The big light bulb with tens of millions of watts dangled close to Hatherine's face, because Xia Zhiqiu and the others knew each other well, so naturally they would not be so stupid as to do such a stupid thing.

But the problem also followed, how to get rid of Hatherine?She is not an ordinary mage. Now Xia Zhiqiu is hiding in the sub-dimension without daring to move, because even a trace of unnatural space fluctuation in the sub-dimension will be noticed by her. The spear of the sub-dimensional is about to penetrate his chest.

"You are really patient, aren't you? But you can't do anything now, and you know that I don't want to kill you. I just want to call it out, it's good for you and me , even my artifact, and the position of the archmage, I can give you."

Hatherine continued to negotiate. Xia Zhiqiu knew that what she said was not a lie, but he was still unmoved. Their mentor had already seen through everyone's heart, and every item he gave had its reason. Haliram This is also the reason why the fang fragments are in Hatherine's hands.

She is selfish, very selfish, she can do anything for what she thinks at all costs, but at the same time, she is also very selfless, why has she always been the master of the legendary mage council after thousands of years?And other legendary mages have never objected, because she has made selfless choices that are difficult for others to make in every matter that she thinks has nothing to do with herself.

Contradiction, yes, it is a contradiction, and this kind of contradiction is not only in Hatherine. It can be said that all the members of the legendary mage council have contradictions that ordinary people don't understand. That's too stupid, isn't it? ?

The same is true for Xia Zhiqiu. For him, there are only advantages and no disadvantages, but he will not give in. But at the same time, perhaps it is this weird contradiction that wonderfully balances the state of the legendary mage council, at least for thousands of years. Come on, nothing major happened in Parliament.

Time passed slowly, and the two were still spending time here. Xia Zhiqiu was very patient, but Hatherine was more patient than him, and this exhaustion took a full three days.

Until a teleportation hole appeared beside Hatherine, and a letter flew out of it.

Opening the letter and reading it, Hatherine snorted softly and said as if talking to herself: "Hmph, you are very lucky Xia Zhiqiu, but don't forget, as long as you are still in this world, no matter you escape No matter where you go, you will never be able to escape from my palm."

After the words fell, Hatherine's body disappeared like a flash of a star. This is a short-distance flash teleportation, but in Hatherine's hands, it can achieve the effect of teleportation anywhere in the world.

Hatherine left, but the letter in her hand did not take away, but fell down. It was not that she forgot, but left it for Xia Zhiqiu.

Slowly, Xia Zhiqiu broke away from the sub-dimension. He picked up the letter on the ground, read it, and then smiled wryly: "If your heart can change, maybe you will become my last letter." One of the people I admire, Archmage!"

(End of this chapter)

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