Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 170 Revelation of God's Domain

Chapter 170 Revelation of God's Domain
"Are you really going?"

"Of course, I promised her."

"Okay, I won't stop you, but I hope you can remember what I said, God's Domain is not a symmetrical world with the present world, it is full of a lot of information, maybe you will see some bad things, but That may be something that hasn't happened yet or has already happened, please be calm.

"Whether it's an angel or a god, they are very sensitive to emotions. They don't like the emotions they resist. Once your emotions are perceived by them, you may never come back." Italin finally Said solemnly.

Xiao Hei nodded. He expressed his gratitude to Italin. At the same time, because of her words, he relaxed his vigilance in his heart. Yes, relax. He tried his best to stabilize his emotions between flatness and indifference.

The magic formula bestowed by the Momoka tribe unfolded. It was not gorgeous, nor did it fluctuate too much.

Soon, Xiao Hei's consciousness left, he got rid of the restraint of the physical body, but he did not return to the real world, but an extended scene appeared in front of him, just like when he opened the dark scroll, but it was also a little different, he No loss of perception of time.

In the end, his consciousness stopped in a very wonderful world. There are no mountains, rivers, vegetation, vegetation, birds and animals here. This place looks like the universe, but it is a little different. There is no dark space here, and everything seems a little bit different. Pale gold, covered with soft golden clouds, like big cotton blossoms.

In addition, there are spheres that look like planets, but they are very small, some are not even as big as Xiao Hei, and the largest he has seen is only a hundred meters in diameter.

Small houses were built on many spheres, and the place was not empty. He saw many... people, or other creatures, they lived here, at least it seemed that way.

But without exception, they are not entities, and the transparent body exposes all of this.

There is no place to stay here, relying on thoughts to act, the body walks at will, with a thousand miles of thought, Xiao Hei is looking for his goal, a male human being, and he has seen the video description of his face.

At this time, Xiao Hei is completely mental body, without the restraint of the physical body, his spirit can be extended to an exaggerated level, but this place is still too big, and it is not a matter of overnight to find someone here.

Accompanied by traveling forward, he came to a large lake in a space, like a thin slice, the lake is seen from top to bottom, but from the middle, it is just a gap.

One side of the lake is white and the other is black.

Perhaps out of curiosity, he approached the great lake, looked down from the white face, and saw a silver-haired girl riding on him, and he was leaving this planet with some people in the nest of the fortress.

what is this?future?Is it a good thing?Maybe, at least he saw that there was no sadness on his face, on the contrary, there was a little happiness.

This side should be a good thing, but what about the other side?Xiao Hei thought to himself, he decided to take a look.

He came to the side of the big black lake, and he saw a huge silver dragon, scattering silver light with silver flames outwards, and he saw himself, with a face so angry that he couldn't add it, he was roaring, The silver dragon roared, and countless swarms rushed towards the silver dragon under his anger.

It was a battle, and his swarm suffered numerous casualties, but in the end the silver dragon fell, and then he saw another scene, the silver-haired girl appeared again, lying beside him with blood and flesh on her body. Grief, howling, he was shedding tears, but the person in front of him was no longer alive.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao Hei's heart skipped a beat. Of course he knew who the girl was. Even though he hadn't been there, it was hard to hide the uneasiness and anger in his heart.

However, at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly distorted, and the originally peaceful scene turned into a bit... Xiao Sha.

"Not good!" Xiao Hei was startled, he knew that he had made a stupid mistake, he couldn't stay any longer, if the envoy here found him, then he might be bound here forever .

Thinking of it in his heart, Xiao Hei traveled through time.

And Xiao Hei left too hastily at this moment, he didn't see the black lake surface, and another scene emerged.

The sun that was burning with red light changed, blood red and black, spreading outward from one point, gradually, this red and black point completely swallowed the whole sun, the sun that brought light to the world, It became a ghost star that brought endless despair.

The world has fallen into darkness, countless creatures have turned into monsters, even human beings are not spared, but in this despair, there is still a place that shines brightly, bringing the last hope to the surviving people.

Just after Xiao Hei left here, not long after, a few balls of light came here first, and then, birdmen with extremely long wings flew here, yes, they were birdmen, their feathers were shining The golden color seems to have a very high temperature.

They did feel some nasty emotions, but then they couldn't feel them anymore. After looking at each other, the birds dispersed. Should they go on patrol, or spread out to find the source of their emotions?This is impossible to know.

But at this time, Xiao Hei, who had experienced a lot of escape, stopped, because the surroundings had restored the previous peace, maybe he was already safe.

I don't know if he was lucky, or if fate guided him intentionally. At this moment, he found the target he was looking for, a spiritless soul lying on a three-meter-diameter sphere.

Although Xiao Hei doesn't know much about this spirit body, he is still in the state of consciousness at the moment, and he can still feel what is lacking in this spirit body. Emotions, yes, are human emotions. You can't see most of them anymore.

He doesn't know if this guy is dead or not, but it doesn't matter, he just needs to fulfill his promise. At the same time, he wants to go to a place, because of what he saw in the lake, he becomes a little anxious, but He still suppressed it, at least for now, it's better not to reveal his emotions, who knows if the envoys here don't like to be anxious?
The spirit body looks like half... Well, it's a half-dead person. Xiao Hei approached, and he just glanced at it, and there was nothing else. It seemed that there was no need to talk to him. He was arrested, and the spirit body didn't resist, and was restrained in Xiao Hei's consciousness in a daze.

The goal was achieved, and Xiao He saw that it was operating according to the magic formula taught by Italin, using spirit instead of magic power. This was not a magical formula for him to return to the real world, but a signal to Italin.

When this signal passed through God's Domain and radiated from Xiaohei's body, Italin, who had been standing by the side, immediately noticed it. Hei, he also felt a change in his consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, the scene when he stepped into the God's Domain reappeared. His consciousness traveled through a space that he didn't know how to describe, and finally returned to his body.

(End of this chapter)

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