Chapter 132 Treatment
She pinched the back of Qin Yuluo's head: "Go, take revenge on them with all your anger, anger, and hatred, eat their flesh, and drink their blood!"

Qin Yuluo was shaken by Lu Qiran, without saying a word.

She didn't respond again, like a robot pressed a switch: "Qin Yuluo!"

Qin Yuluo retracted into the tortoise shell, no matter how strong and aggressive Lu Qiran was, she would not come out anymore.

Facing Qin Yuluo like this, Lu Qiran was so powerless, he let go of his hand, Qin Yuluo just fell from his hands, onto the bed, bounced up lightly, and made no sound.

When Wu Yan came, he saw Lu Qiran sitting behind the desk, the whole room was filled with thick smoke.

It must be related to that woman again: "What's wrong."

"She talked and she smiled, is she okay..." She just didn't want to talk to him.

Wu Yan frowned: "She laughed after talking? What did she say and why did she laugh!"

Wu Yan asked in a hurry, Lu Qiran briefly described Qin Yuluo's reaction.

Wu Yan patted his forehead: "It's broken! Her condition is more serious than expected."

Lu Qiran's whole body tensed up, his eyes flashed a frightening red light: "What do you mean!"

"It's obvious that she not only has a mental problem, but also a mental problem. In other words, she is not far from the mental hospital!"

"Impossible, no..."

"Lao Lu, you must let Lao Wu come back immediately, otherwise, no one will talk about her."

"Zhu Wen, Zhu Wen!" Lu Qiran rushed out of the room and ordered Zhu Wen to lead the team to take a private jet to pick up the fifth child.

In Lu Qiran's bedroom.

Qin Yuluo was still the same as when Lu Qiran left, with his eyes open, staring fixedly at the ceiling, Wu Yan stretched out his hand and shook Qin Yuluo's eyes twice, Qin Yuluo didn't respond, he didn't even blink his eyes.

Wu Yan sighed, went back and opened a No. [-].

Lu Qiran grabbed Wu Yan's hand: "What are you doing!"

Wu Yan said helplessly: "There is no other way. Now we must let her fall into a deep sleep. If she is so awake, the death of brain cells will be accelerated."

"Death?" Now any word about death is a kind of stimulation to Lu Qiran.

"Yes! She obviously doesn't have any will to survive. If she is kept awake like this, it is like a kind of consumption. When the energy is exhausted, the person will be gone..."

Lu Qiran looked back at Qin Yuluo, she was lying on the pure white bed, white and transparent, Lu Qiran let go of Wu Yan's hand in a slump, looked at the thin needle, pierced into the back of Qin Yuluo's hand, looked at her a little close your eyes.

"No matter what, let her fall asleep like this first. After the fifth child comes back, I will discuss the plan with him. Don't worry too much." Wu Yan patted Lu Qiran on the shoulder and left.

Only Lu Qiran and Qin Yuluo were left in the room. They used to be so close, but now, there is life and death between them.

Lu Qiran lifted the quilt, lay down on the bed, and hugged her tightly. She lay in his arms so obediently, but she never yelled at him again. ,

Xiao Wu arrived in the early morning of the next day.

Unlike Wu Yan, Xiao Wu is a very serious person. Zhu Wen already told him about the situation on the plane.

Xiao Wu also communicated with Wu Yan through the satellite phone, and the two communicated on the phone. Xiao Wu also knew Qin Yuluo's current state.

When she saw Qin Yuluo, she had already woken up, and Lu Qiran was sitting next to him. He seemed to have not tidied himself up for several days, and blue stubble had appeared on his chin, and he looked very decadent.

In the past, Lu Qiran was vigorous and resolute, but now Lu Qiran is in a panic.

Seeing Xiao Wu coming in, Lu Qiran didn't say anything, Zhu Wen sighed, and said to Xiao Wu: "Let's take a look at Miss Qin first.",

Xiao Wu nodded, walked over to investigate, and tentatively said a few words to Qin Yuluo, but Qin Yuluo still didn't respond.

He said to Lu Qiran: "Brother, let's go out and talk."

As soon as he left the room, Lu Qiran lit a cigarette and asked in a harsh voice: "Is there any help for her in this situation?"

Xiao Wu took a look at Lu Qiran, and first asked: "Does it have anything to do with you, big brother, that she became like this?"

Zhu Wen and Wu Yan's heart suddenly jumped at the same time. This question has troubled them for a long time, and they didn't dare to ask it. Xiao Wu still went straight to the point as usual.

They were also curious, would Lu Qiran answer this question...

If he admits it, it means that he will bear the taint of rapist, if not for him, then he will also bear a green hat.

Lu Qiran has always been a person on the altar, there is no stain on him, but this matter, no matter whether he admits it or not, no matter what the reason is, it will make him a joke in the eyes of others, and they don't know what to expect Lu Qiran admitted that he did it, or let him deny it.

No one spoke, everyone was waiting for Lu Qiran to give a definitive statement on this matter, Xiao Wu reminded Lu Qiran: "I want to be honest, it's about whether she can be saved or not."

As soon as Lu Qiran heard about Qin Yuluo, he had to tell the truth: "I did it."

He spoke frankly, and heard people's hearts tighten.

Zhu Wen couldn't figure it out, what was the president doing?
Wu Yan sighed softly, as expected!
As early as the moment he saw Qin Yuluo, Wu Yan had doubts. According to Lu Qiran's personality, if a woman he cared about was made like this, he would have arrested her and chopped her up a long time ago, but this For a few days, Lu Qiran remained silent.

Xiao Wu nodded: "I see, then last time, who did she talk to, who stimulated her nerves, I want to see this person."

Seeing Lu Qiran's exhausted look, Zhu Wen said: "It's Miss Sun, she is Miss Qin's friend, I'll ask someone to bring her here."

Xiao Wu nodded, and then a group of people sat in the hall, waiting for Sun Yufei.

Sun Yufei had been forcibly driven away. She hadn't seen Qin Yuluo for the past few days and had been restless. As soon as Zhu Wen's men arrived, Sun Yufei followed without hesitation.

As soon as she came in, no matter how many people were in the room, she cursed at Lu Qiran who was in the main seat: "Lu Qiran, what did you do to Xiaoyu, why did she become like this!"

Lu Qiran remained silent, while Sun Yufei put her hands on her hips angrily.

"Sun Yufei?"

Sun Yufei followed the voice and said, "Yes, it's old..." She couldn't say the word mother again.

Why is he here...

Xiao Wu raised her lips and smiled, Sun Yufei!
Sun Yufei turned her head hastily, never expecting to meet again in such a place and in such a way after so many years of absence.

Xiao Wu smiled slightly and said, "This time I invite Miss Sun to treat Miss Qin."

"Treatment?" Sun Yufei forgot to dodge when Qin Yuluo was mentioned, and stared straight at Xiao Wu: "What's wrong with Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Wu supported his head and said lazily: "Someone will tell you the specific things later. Now, please ask Ms. Sun to come with us to see Ms. Qin."

(End of this chapter)

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