Chapter 133 Hypnosis
Sun Yufei thought that Qin Yuluo was suffering from an old problem, and she would be fine in two days, but who knew that this time it was so serious that Xiao Yuluo didn't even know anyone.

She sat beside Qin Yuluo's bed, grabbed Qin Yuluo's hand, and couldn't help but burst into tears: "Little Feather, look at me, do you know me?"

Qin Yuluo remained motionless, no matter what Sun Yufei yelled, he remained indifferent.

Lu Qiran scratched his hair impatiently: "What now? She doesn't respond, what should I do!"

Xiao Wu and Wu Yan looked at each other: "It seems that we need strong medicine..."

After that day, many people who should not have appeared in Lu Yuan, a closed private territory, had had more or less interactions with Qin Yuluo's life.

Originally, Zhu Wen suggested that Lu Qiran take Miss Qin to another place for treatment. After all, this is Lu Yuan, not anyone can set foot here.

But Lu Qiran vetoed it, and he asked Zhu Wen to leave all the work to Lu Yuan, and sit on Qin Yuluo's bedside every day, handling official business and accompanying her at the same time.

There are people coming and going in Lu Yuan every day, today is Feng Yimo.

Originally, Lu Qiran didn't want to see him, but when he thought of what Feng Yimo had done to Qin Yuluo, he wished he could kill Feng Yimo!

But Xiao Wu insisted, so Feng Yimo appeared.

He knew that Lu Qiran had power and power, but this power and power seemed to be more unfathomable than what he knew.

As soon as Lu Qiran saw Feng Yimo, he felt something was wrong, especially when Feng Yimo approached Qin Yuluo, Lu Qiran almost couldn't control himself and strangled Feng Yimo to death.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu and Wu Yan held Lu Qiran down.

Lu Qiran watched Feng Yimo look at her with such affectionate eyes, something was wrong with him, but Feng Yimo didn't say anything.

When Feng Yimo was about to leave, he looked at Lu Qiran and said, "There are some things I want to tell Young Master Lu."

The others left wisely, but Lu Qiran didn't say a word to Feng Yimo.

Feng Yimo pondered: "I don't know why Yu Luo became like this, but I think it has something to do with what happened that day."

Lu Qiran knew what day Feng Yimo was talking about.

"That day, after I left the hotel, I sent Yu Luo home, and left..."

Lu Qiran frowned: "You guys sent her home after you left the hotel?"

"Yes." Feng Yimo nodded.

Lu Qiran seemed to have been hit on the head by someone. The day they left the hotel, they were not together, so he...

"In the middle of the night, Yu Luo called me and said a few strange words. I thought she must have encountered some danger at that time, and then hung up the phone."

After that, Lu Qiran didn't hear what Feng Yimo was saying, he was already riddled with holes by the truth.

He thought that what happened between her and Feng Yimo, he thought that she had betrayed him, and he did that to Qin Yuluo in anger.

If, if everything is false, then he...

Lu Qiran, you are the culprit!He didn't even dare to think about how he would ask for her forgiveness if Qin Yuluo woke up one day.

Every day after that, Lu Qiran looked at Qin Yuluo lying unconscious on the bed, feeling as if the world was ending.

That day, Qin Yuluo's parents were brought back by Zhu Wen. As soon as they stepped into Lu Yuan, the two of them were speechless because of Lu Yuan's luxury. He assumed the posture of a mother-in-law seeing her son-in-law.

Lu Qiran ignored her at all, Zhao Feng saw Qin Yuluo lying next to Lu Qiran.

Zhao Fengnao didn't understand what was going on, in front of Lu Qiran, she still had to take care of her status as the best mother, and get something more out of Lu Qiran, to understand this, she showed a loving mother, went up to welcome.

"Oh, Yuluo, what's wrong with you, are you sick?" She stretched out her hand to touch Qin Yuluo's forehead.

Lu Qiran suppressed his impatience and carefully observed Qin Yuluo's expression and expression.

Seeing that Qin Yuluo didn't respond, Lu Qiran was once again disappointed.

Seeing that Qin Yuluo didn't talk to her, Zhao Feng couldn't hold back his face: "You said you are such an old man, why are you still lying on the bed, get up!"

Lu Qiran didn't expect Zhao Feng to stretch out his hand to pull Qin Yuluo: "Let go!"

With a roar, he nervously grabbed Qin Yuluo.

Zhao Feng didn't have time to stop, Qin Yuluo had already been pulled up, and when Lu Qiran yelled at him, Zhao Feng let go of his hand, Qin Yuluo fell straight backward.

Lu Qiran hugged Qin Yuluo dangerously, his heart went from tight to loose, he gently put Qin Yuluo down, and suddenly found that Qin Yuluo opened his mouth, as if to speak.

Lu Qiran was dazed by the sudden surprise, grabbed Qin Yuluo nervously and asked, "Are you awake? Do you want to talk? Do you know me?"

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, and everything returned to calm...

Lu Qiran attached himself to Qin Yuluo's cheek, with a sad voice: "When did you wake up, you woke up, scolded me, beat me, don't do this again, I can't take it anymore..."

It was also at this time that Zhao Feng discovered Qin Yuluo's abnormality. What happened, Qin Yuluo was sick?

Xiao Wu and Wu Yan also knew about Qin Yuluo's reaction. They were worried about how to wake up Qin Yuluo's sanity. After looking for so many people, Qin Yuluo didn't respond to anyone except his mother and stepfather...

Then these two people cannot leave Lu Yuan.

After learning that Qin Yuluo had reacted, Xiao Wu decided to take advantage of the body's instinctive reaction to perform a deep hypnosis on Qin Yuluo.

They must figure out where the deepest panic and collapse in Qin Yuluo's heart came from...

This hypnosis succeeded under the full force of drugs and Xiao Wu.

They were also the first to peek into Qin Yuluo's devastated heart.

Because of the need for treatment, Xiao Wu and Wu Yan had to be present, and Lu Qiran refused to leave no matter what, so the three of them became spectators of this tragedy.

Her name is Qin Yuluo, she is seven years old this year...

Qin Yuluo lay on the recliner under the sun, his voice gradually changed...

Her mother left. On that rainy day, my father told the neighbors that she ran away from other men. The classmates all said that her mother was a bad woman, and she was the child of a bad woman. They threw garbage at her and rejected her. Insulting her and giving her all kinds of ugly nicknames.

The teacher didn't care about her, and when she got home, her father would still beat her for these things.

But fortunately, she still has her grandma, who would hug her and comfort her every time her father beat her.

It was also grandma who went to the parent-teacher meeting. She still remembers the irony and mockery on the faces of the classmates when they saw that it was grandma who held the parent-teacher meeting for her.

She didn't want her grandma to go either, but she didn't have anyone to hold a parent-teacher meeting for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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