Chapter 146 Confession
Lu Qiran was still talking, but Feng Yimo stopped him: "Stop talking, don't provoke her anymore!"

From Qin Yuluo's tone, Feng Yimo heard her deep panic, if he forced her again, it would really drive her crazy.

It seems that he was wrong, he thought that if Lu Qiran could untie all the knots in his heart, Qin Yuluo would be able to get out of the loss of control, but now it seems that Qin Yu has fallen too deeply, and she doesn't want to save herself at all.

Fu Shiwen was like a spectator from the beginning to the end. He listened to Qin Yu's hoarse shouts and looked at Lu Qiran's tall figure, becoming lonely.

It turned out that the man who made Qin Yuluo's eyes dim and the man who scarred her to the bone was really Lu Qiran.

Feng Yimo pulled Lu Qiran to sit on the sofa, and glanced at Fu Shiwen, as if silently giving the order to dismiss the guest. What he was going to say next was not suitable for an unfamiliar acquaintance to hear.

Fu Shiwen also knew that he had no intention of staying any longer, so he said goodbye and left. It was very cold, and Qin Yuluo's two faces kept intertwining in his mind, digging out human nature, and the pain was not only for the parties involved, but also for the listeners. Just seeing Qin Yuluo's current state, Fu Shiwen was already affected, he thought, he was about to fall into Qin Yuluo's world...

He never thought about saving himself, nor did he want to save himself. Some people say that a literati hides the soul of a madman. He, Fu Shiwen, may be really crazy...


After hearing Wan Moyi and Feng Yimo's statement, Lu Qiran became even more frustrated, his eyes were red like a beast on the verge of madness.

When I heard that Qin Yuluo was still alive, Zhu Wen had already suffered a blow. Standing here alone, hearing with my own ears what happened to Ms. Qin's manager during this period, as well as her current psychological state, as a man, Zhu Wen could I can't listen anymore.

Feng Yimo looked at Lu Qiran's icy side face: "If she can't come out for a long time, we will have to carry out drug intervention and psychological intervention."

Zhu Wen thought for a while, and sent a message to Xiao Wu on his own initiative, asking when he would arrive.

Outsiders don't know that LK is an international chaebol on the surface, but secretly there is another way.

Many years ago, Lu Qiran established a mysterious base deep in the Amazon, and Xiao Wu and Wu Yan walked out of that base.

Wu Yan focuses on intractable diseases, such as cancer drug research and development and experimentation. Xiao Wu has to be a little bit more eccentric. He has learned a lot of strange things, and one of the most refined things in Xiao Wu is psychology.

Xiao Wu freed up a hand to reply Zhu Wen's message.

"10 minutes later!"

When Zhu Wen was about to tell Lu Qiran the news, Lu Qiran got up and walked towards Qin Yuluo's room with big strides.

Everyone felt him, the rage that had spread out like a volcanic eruption.

"What are you doing!" Feng Yimo was the youngest with the fastest legs, he wanted to stop Lu Qiran, but was knocked down by Lu Qiran's arm.

Lu Qiran looked at Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi with those blood red eyes: "I will be responsible for all the consequences."

"You!" Wan Moyi is not threatened by Lu Qiran, he can't let others bully his daughter like this!
"Mr. Wan." Zhu Wen stood in the way, although he also felt that it was a bit too arrogant for the president to tear down other people's houses like this, but there was no way, who let the room be their future president's wife, you know, these subordinates The quality of life in the future depends on the relationship between the president and his wife.

At this time, no one can disturb the relationship between the president and the president's wife: "Mr. Wan, don't worry, our president will not hurt Miss Qin."

"Look at his appearance, does he seem harmless!"

Zhu Wen turned his head and saw that Lu Qiran quickly removed the doorknob, pushed the door open and entered the room, and then the door was closed: "The president won't hit Miss Qin when he hits anyone..."

What he said was very firm, and it relieved Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi's anxiety.

They listened attentively, and there was no strange sound coming from the room.

Lu Qiran moved the wardrobe to the door and blocked the door, no one could come in and no one could get out.

Dudu footsteps, accompanied by Qin Yuluo's uncontrollable heartbeat, she had nowhere to escape, she could only cover her face, squatted on the ground, and shrunk herself into a ball.

She is so wary of him...

"Qin Yuluo!" Lu Qiran angrily stepped forward and lifted Qin Yuluo from the ground: "Qin Yuluo, you dare to run away from my life for two months, why don't you dare to face me now! "

Qin Yuluo covered his face: "No, it's not you, it's not you!"

Lu Qiran pinched her shoulders, as if he wanted to crush her: "Why, you want to be a turtle again, don't you? Look at me, I'll let you look at me!"

"I don't want it!" Qin Yuluo shook her head frantically, she couldn't face him, how could she have the courage to face him: "Lu Qiran, I beg you, you go, just pretend you haven't seen me When I'm dead, you go, go!"

Lu Qiran did not expect that Qin Yuluo's appearance turned out to be a kind of dislike for him. He missed her for two months and tortured himself for two months. He hated himself for hurting her and for her death. , also resent the world.

But she let him think that she was already dead: "Qin Yuluo, why don't you really die, since you hate me so much, why do you still appear in my life!"

Hot tears escaped between the fingers, Qin Yuluo heard Lu Qiran's roar, unable to breathe in distress: "How can I still have the face to see you, how can I still deserve to see you..."

How could she hate him, he is her favorite person!

"Lu Qiran, you shouldn't have come to see me. My existence is a disgrace to you. You shouldn't have come..." Hearing her desperate words, Lu Qiran could no longer control his overflowing emotions, She was in her arms.

"No, no shame, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's my fault and it's all my fault. I never told you that the man that night was me. You have never been raped by anyone!"

Qin Yuluo almost forgot to breathe, she finally raised her head from her hands, looked at the man in front of her who had been thinking about it for two months with tears in her eyes: "What did you say..."

"Yu Luo, I," when he told him what he had done, he felt so damned: "That night, I was the one who hurt you..."

There has never been a sentence that was so difficult to say, and he exhausted all his strength, and what he got was boundless silence.

Standing behind the curtain, Qin Yuluo was in a state of out-of-body state. Was she hallucinating? What did Lu Qiran say?
"Can you say that again."

In fact, at the wedding that day, Zhu Wen had already clarified with everyone that the male protagonist of the video Han Yun posted was Lu Qiran, and this was just a private matter between their fiancée, and he didn't want it to be used as a fuss by the wicked.

(End of this chapter)

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