Chapter 147 She flinched
Regarding this incident, many people think that Lu Qiran is justifying his fiancée.

It wasn't until Lu Qiran released the same video. In the video released by Lu Qiran, Qin Yuluo was covered, but his unforgettable handsome face was clearly displayed. In fact, he didn't have to do this.

He can accept everyone's misunderstanding and foul language, but he just can't tolerate others splashing dirty water on Qin Yuluo!
So after Qin Yuluo disappeared, Lu Qiran frantically dealt with those who talked about Qin Yuluo behind his back.

Two months have passed, LK photos are more prosperous than before, all the companies in Jiangcheng depend on Lu Qiran's face to live, and no one talks about the ridiculous wedding two months ago anymore.

Lu Qiran also thought about confessing everything to Qin Yuluo when he woke up, but she left as soon as she woke up, without giving him a chance to explain.

Just because of this mistake, this mistake, they missed two months, two months, it's not long, but to Lu Qiran, it seems to be worth his 28 years of life.

He doesn't want to lose Qin Yuluo again, if confession is the only way for him to keep Qin Yuluo, he is willing to admit everything he has done.

Lu Qiran confessed everything he had done, including Jiang Mengzhe sending her to the mental hospital and watching on by himself, including her buying a house, her job, the night when her nightmare recurred, making her eat seafood even though she knew she was allergic to it, etc... …

Qin Yuluo didn't expect that the person who broke into his home that night was actually Lu Qiran. He was angry because he heard the misleading conversation between her and Feng Yimo. Under the circumstances, he kidnapped her and did such a thing to her...

And in a corner she didn't know, he had done so many things that hurt her!

She didn't know what expression she should make, what kind of mood she should have, whether she was happy, happy that it wasn't someone else that night, but how happy she was, she almost paid the price with her life for this, and she is still living in a nightmare.

The experience of that night reminded her of the most tragic scene of that year. He made her live in hell and never climb out again!
But what's the use of her blaming Lu Qiran, Lu Qiran doesn't know anything, he doesn't know what kind of hell he has experienced, and he doesn't know what kind of fear she has in her heart, he just did this out of anger instinct!

Instinct, what a terrifying word...

Lu Qiran was waiting for Qin Yuluo's punishment, but saw that she just brushed his hand away and walked around the room in a daze.

"Yu Luo, I know I was wrong, you can punish me, scold me and beat me, don't keep talking!"

Qin Yuluo lightly brushed his hand away, and walked to the window step by step.

She tremblingly took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer. She didn't smoke at home, but at this moment, she didn't know what else to do except seek a little peace from the pungent smoke.

She lit the cigarette several times before she lit it. Lu Qiran was standing behind her. She knew that he was waiting for her to make a choice, waiting for her to give him an answer. Whether it was life or death, it was up to her.

Actually, Qin Yuluo wasn't very angry, really.

Although Lu Qiran had done so many bad things, he was also in a corner she didn't know, and treated her well, helped her buy a house, rescued her from the mental hospital, helped her get a divorce, cleaned up the Jiang family, bought her clothes and Buying a mobile phone and handing her his card, he taught her to resist, he made her grow...

These are enough to make up for the wrong things he did.

However, after experiencing so much, Qin Yuluo had to admit that she and Lu Qiran were people in two completely different worlds.

Their way of thinking, their way of life, all their dream needs, are all different!

Even if she begs for everything and insists, will there really be happiness between them...

She couldn't understand his specious words, and didn't understand his deep world. When one day, two people are speechless and unable to communicate with each other, how can their relationship last?

If you want to wait until that time to hurt each other again, it's better not to start again, she shrinks back, okay.

"Lu Qiran, you go first, let me think about it." Think about how the future should go.

He couldn't make her think: "What do you want, you don't need to think about anything, you just need to vent all the anger and unwillingness in your heart!"

He came over, stood in front of her, grabbed her hand and patted his face: "Just like this, hit me and scold me!"

She can't do it, she doesn't want to hurt him!

"Why bother." Seeing her crying, Lu Qiran could no longer suppress his bursting desire, and hugged her tightly.

"Do you want to run away, Qin Yuluo?" He grabbed her shoulders, fearing that she would turn into a puff of smoke and float away in the next second: "You provoked me, and now you want to abandon me!"

Qin Yuluo didn't have the strength to raise his hand and hugged him: "I didn't abandon you, I just let everything go back to the original point."

Lu Qiran stared at her with deep and dull eyes: "Do you want everything to return to the original point?"

"Yes." Let everything start over again, this time, let God decide!

"Okay." Lu Qiran let go of her: "I understand."

He just left without leaving a word, Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi looked at Qin Yuluo standing by the window, they both sighed silently and did not disturb.

As soon as Lu Qiran left, Sun Yufei and Xiao Wu arrived on the back.

There are two girlfriends, one standing at the door and the other by the window.

Before Sun Yufei could speak, tears had already flowed down her face: "You damn girl!"

Qin Yuluo opened his arms towards her with tears in his eyes: "I'm sorry."

Sun Yufei threw herself into Qin Yuluo's arms, crying for a while.

Xiao Wu stood at the door, meeting Qin Yuluo's eyes, he nodded lightly, and Qin Yuluo nodded in response.

After Sun Yufei calmed down, she dragged Qin Yu and scolded her, saying that she should not commit suicide.

Xiao Wu interjected: "Your suicide has had a great impact on Yu Fei."

"I'm sorry, I was completely hopeless at the time, and I didn't consider your feelings."

Sun Yufei couldn't bear to criticize her harshly. No woman could bear such a thing. She was content that Xiao Yu didn't die.

"Then when will you return to Jiangzhou?"

Qin Yuluo hesitated: "I don't intend to go back."


Xiao Wu can probably understand Qin Yuluo's psychology, but if Miss Qin doesn't go back, what will Brother Lu do?
"It's very good here, and my adoptive parents are also good to me, and they are getting old, I want to take care of them."

"Then we can take them back to Jiangzhou together!" Sun Yufei tried hard to persuade Qin Yuluo: "Your home is in Jiangzhou, and you grew up there, don't you want to go back?"

Qin Yuluo is not talking, her homeland is hard to leave, she wants to go back, but she is afraid of facing those strange gazes, in Binzhou, no one knows her, no one knows what happened to her, she can be at ease live here.

(End of this chapter)

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