She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 202 Smoke a Cigarette and Calm Down

Chapter 202 Smoke a Cigarette and Calm Down

Qin Yuluo was ashamed to smoke again. She originally wanted one, but in the end, she smoked the whole box: "Well, how much are the cigarettes, I'll buy them from you."

Seeing that Qin Yuluo was not moving, Jiang Yunwu decided to do it himself, opened the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, and handed it to Qin Yuluo's lips: "Come on, open your mouth."

Qin Yuluo hid back habitually, did she hear correctly, this man, is coaxing her to smoke?What are you doing, why is this man so abnormal!
Worse, she remembered that Ye Wanwan said that in places like bars, there are all kinds of methods to deal with people. Moreover, some people hide drugs in cigarettes and smoke them for others on purpose, making others addicted to drugs!

Qin Yu's hands and feet felt cold, she felt that she had met this kind of person...

Looking at Ji Yunwu's bewitching smile again, he is not a good person no matter how you look at it. No wonder I smoked his whole pack of cigarettes, but he didn't respond, and even encouraged me to continue smoking. There must be something wrong with this cigarette!
"I, I don't need it, I really don't need it!"

Jiang Yunwu didn't miss the panic that flashed in Qin Yuluo's eyes just now, this stupid woman, did he treat him as a bad person?Think he's up to no good?But it was a little late to find out.

Jiang Yunwu's complexion changed suddenly, he slapped the cigarette on the stage, and grabbed Qin Yuluo's arm to prevent her from hiding: "Smoke, if you don't smoke, I'll send someone in and take you away!"

"Me!" Qin Yuluo's eyes were red with annoyance, what kind of misfortune had she experienced in eight lifetimes, why did the men she met become more abnormal than the other!

What to do now, if she is taken away, the result is almost predictable, she must not be taken away, absolutely not!
Qin Yuluo suddenly exploded, and when Jiang Yunwu was not paying attention, she kicked his leg. She was wearing thick high-heeled shoes. Although Jiang Yunwu couldn't be seriously injured by this blow, it was enough for him to hurt for a while. !

Jiang Yunwu took a deep breath, bent down and touched the sore leg that was kicked by Qin Yuluo: "I said, you are a woman, you really are!" He was just teasing her, but she came for real!

Seeing that he still didn't let go, Qin Yuluo lowered his head and bit Jiang Yunwu's hand.

"Damn it!" Jiang Yunwu's lower pain has not disappeared, and the pain on his wrist is even more menacing: "You are crazy, let go!"

Qin Yuluo was like a little wolf dog, biting Jiang Yunwu's hand, staring at him fiercely, telling you to kill me, kill you, kill you!

If I don't tell her clearly, I can't save my hand: "I'm kidding you, miss, I'm kidding you!" Although he didn't mind the many scars on his hands, his body could only be his. Woman touch!
Qin Yuluo didn't believe it!When she is stupid!They coaxed him to smoke, and they wanted to take him away. Who would believe it was just a joke!
Jiang Yunwu really had no choice but to scare Qin Yuluo viciously: "If you continue to bite, I will acquiesce that you want to be my woman!"

Qin Yuluo loosened his mouth and fell into a dilemma. Who wants to be her woman?Where did this neurosis come from?
Jiang Yunwu took the opportunity to get out of Qin Yu's mouth and saved his own arm. Seeing a small blood pressure mark on his wrist, Jiang Yunwu felt so powerless for the first time in his life, and it was against a woman!
Qin Yuluo touched her mouth and saw that Jiang Yunwu was still staring at the wound, looking shocked, she had an idea, jumped off the high chair, turned around and ran away.

"Hey! I didn't give you any money!" It was too late for the bartender to catch Qin Yuluo.

Seeing Qin Yuluo running towards the door, Jiang Yunwu's eyes were full of interest: "Her wine will be credited to my account." After finishing speaking, Jiang Yunwu went to chase someone. It was not easy to meet such an interesting person, but Can't let go.

Qin Yuluo ran out of the bar, the icy evening wind hit her face, the alcohol dissipated a little bit, Qin Yuluo's leg was hurt, she didn't run fast, Jiang Yunwu caught her within a few steps.

Without looking back, Qin Yu knew who was grabbing her, and was about to kick Jiang Yunwu's legs, "Bastard, kick you to death!" However, Qin Yuluo forgot that she was wearing long skirts today A knee-length down jacket, not to mention raising her leg to kick someone, even taking a big step, when she raised her leg, she tripped over her own pair first, if Jiang Yunwu hadn't grabbed her, she should have To embrace the earth.

Jiang Yunwu smiled and looked at Qin Yuluo's stupidity. The anger provoked by a dead gay during the day has long since disappeared. He used to like to go to the bar to drink some wine when he was free, pretending to be ordinary people.

I don't know how this habit has been revealed. There are often some women who pretend not to know him and strike up a conversation with him, wanting to hook up with him, so today, he deliberately chose an inconspicuous small bar. Meet such a big baby!
Qin Yuluo knew in his heart that he would not be able to run away. Thinking of his tragic fate and all that he had to bear in a while, Qin Yuluo sat down on the ground in despair, with a look of nothing more than heartbreak.

Jiang Yunwu squatted in front of her, with a high bridge of nose, making him look a bit like a half-breed: "Stop running?"

Qin Yuluo turned his head away and didn't say a word to him.

This is angry?Tsk tsk tsk, the anger is so cute, in order to annoy Qin Yuluo, and to bring him closer to Qin Yuluo, Jiang Yunwu took out a cigarette and handed it to Qin Yuluo: "Come smoke a cigarette calm down."

One sentence annoyed Qin Yuluo, who had resigned to his fate. It was smoke after smoke. If it wasn't for this cigarette, how could she have put herself in danger? He even let her smoke. Come on!

Let her calm down, why is she calm!
"I'll let you smoke!" Qin Yuluo snatched the cigarette case from Jiang Yunwu's hand, broke it into pieces and threw it on him, his round almond eyes were full of anger that Jiang Yunwu loved.

There were some onlookers who wanted to get close and didn't know what to do, but after Jiang Yunwu glanced at them, they backed away, and only watched this woman who dared to provoke Young Master Jiang not far away.

Jiang Yunwu didn't get angry, and took out another pack of cigarettes from his pocket: "Come on, keep tearing, it's not enough for me."

Qin Yuluo looked at the cigarette case in his hand, and then at his smiling face, completely driven mad: "Ah! It's too bullying, why, why do you always bully me! Who did I offend? Ah, woo hoo!"

"Bastard, bastard, bullshit, why do you bully people like this!" Jiang Yunwu ignited the anger accumulated in her heart. Qin Yuluo's rationality no longer exists, and her words and deeds are all based on emotions Dominate, like a shrew, burst into tears.

Jiang Yunwu just quietly watched her kicking her legs and yelling, neither comforting nor obstructing her, until her voice became hoarse from crying and she was out of breath from crying, then he touched her like a child. Touching the top of Qin Yuluo's head, she messed up her already messy hair even more.

(End of this chapter)

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