She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 203 The Story of the Little White Rabbit

Chapter 203 The Story of the Little White Rabbit
Jiang Yunwu just quietly watched her kicking her legs and yelling, neither comforting nor obstructing her, until her voice became hoarse from crying and she was out of breath from crying, then he touched her like a child. Touching the top of Qin Yuluo's head, she messed up her already messy hair even more.

"Crying for a while, then turning into a red-eyed rabbit."

"Go away!" Qin Yuluo kicked without any image: "Who wants you to care, you crazy!" She is so obedient and obedient, isn't she doing well enough!Why can't you be gentle with her, why play with her: "Asshole!"

Women cry, mostly silently, and people can't help but want to hold her in their arms and take pity on them, but why does Jiang Yunwu still want to hold her in his arms to cherish the woman in front of him crying so tearfully and without image... …

Qin Yuluo's nose was red and he was sobbing, like an abandoned child who was wronged and no one cared about it. He was no worse than a stray dog ​​on the street. She must have suppressed a lot of grievances in her heart.

Jiang Yunwu lowered his voice, for fear of scaring the poor little guy away: "How old are you, and you still cry."

Jiang Yunwu stretched out his hand: "Smoke a cigarette and calm down."

Qin Yuluo's crying stopped abruptly. At this moment, she really wanted, really pounce on Jiang Yunwu to death!
However, in the end she still took his cigarette. For some reason, when she looked at Jiang Yunwu again, she felt that he was not so hateful.

Jiang Yunwu also lit a cigarette, and sat next to Qin Yuluo. The two of them sat in the middle of the bar street like this, blocking the road, and smoked together.

"Broken in love?" Jiang Yunwu asked tentatively when he saw that Qin Yuluo's mood had calmed down a little.

Qin Yuluo shook his head: "It's worse than falling out of love." She did not agree with Lu Qiran's pursuit, they are not considered boyfriend and girlfriend, and now they are going their separate ways, so it is not considered falling in love.

If it takes a few more days, she might be defeated by Lu Qiran's attack, and she nods to agree to his pursuit. Everything Lu Qiran gave her, whether it be hurt or false love, is the most colorful in her dull life. For a period of time, her black and white life became beautiful because of Lu Qiran, just like a panda wanting to take a color photo, her obsession is a passionate emotion.

Lu Qiran had already made her feel that it was really difficult to reject Lu Qiran. If it hadn't happened today, maybe the tragedy between her and Jiang Mengzhe would repeat itself.

But Lu Qiran must have caused her several times more harm than Jiang Mengzhe, after all Lu Qiran had already taken root in her heart.

Even now, when everything is still inconclusive, leaving Lu Qiran, Qin Yuluo still feels unable to breathe, like drowning, she is sad, really sad.

"Then, divorced?" No, she doesn't look like she was married.

This time Qin Yuluo didn't say anything, Jiang Yunwu exclaimed in surprise: "I'm really divorced!"

Qin Yuluo turned his head, his eyes fixed on Jiang Yunwu's unbelievable face, and suddenly he had a good excuse to get away: "Yes, I have been divorced and given birth to children, and I have stretch marks all over my body, and my husband is because of It's too ugly, so I don't want mine."

Jiang Yunwu almost distorted: "Come and see how ugly it is."

Qin Yuluo slapped Jiang Yunwu's outstretched wolf paws, and smacked out a puff of smoke viciously, choking you dead man to death!
Jiang Yunwu laughed loudly: "You want to lie to me? I won't be fooled!"

"Hmph!" Qin Yu turned his head angrily.

"To be honest, you cried so hard and scolded so much just now..." Childish: "Who is that man who made you curse?"

"No one!" Qin Yuluo pushed away his leaning body: "You are a paparazzi, why are you asking so much!"

"Isn't this trying to vent your anger for you?" Jiang Yunwu continued to lure Qin Yuluo: "Tell me, who bullied you, and my brother will bring someone to find a place for you!" A joke, with three points of seriousness, in Binzhou In this place, there is no one that Jiang Yunwu can't touch.

Think of it as making the little white rabbit happy!

Qin Yu squinted his eyes, he really was a hooligan, he spoke so smugly, he wanted to hug other people every now and then, he was so stupid.

Jiang Yunwu has already been defined by Qin Yuluo as a punk. Although this punk is good-looking, looks like him, and doesn't have any malicious intentions towards her, she still doesn't want to get too close to this kind of unprofessional person.

Qin Yuluo glanced at Jiang Yunwu, and couldn't help but said: "Seeing that you are not very old, you should change your career and do something serious as soon as possible. If you have hands and feet, why can't you support yourself? You have to do this kind of thing."

Jiang Yunwu especially wanted to poke Qin Yuluo's angry face twice, but when he saw a few scratches on Qin Yuluo's cheek, he didn't poke cheaply: "I'll tell you about a little white rabbit. story?"

Qin Yuluo looked at him like a fool: "Is there anyone who has not heard the story of the little white rabbit?"

Jiang Yunwu raised his eyebrows, as if he was flirting with Qin Yuluo, more like showing off his charm: "The little white rabbit I'm going to talk about must be different from the little white rabbit you've heard before."

Isn't the little white rabbit just the little white rabbit.

Jiang Yunwu saw Qin Yuluo's eyeballs rolling around, and didn't know what he was thinking again, Jiang Yunwu didn't give Qin Yuluo a chance to say no, the majestic Jiang Shao actually sat on the messy street and began to tell people A story came up: "Once upon a time there was a little white rabbit that got lost."

Qin Yuluo wanted to say that he was forced to listen, but Jiang Yunwu's first sentence hooked Qin Yuluo.

"The little white rabbit wanted to go home, but it kept walking, walking, and lost its way."

Qin Yuluo suddenly interjected: "This rabbit is really stupid."

Jiang Yunwu glanced at Qin Yuluo, nodded with deep understanding: "It's a bit stupid."

Qin Yu frowned, why did he feel that he was swearing?It seems that he is scolding himself.

Before Qin Yuluo could ask, Jiang Yunwu had already continued talking: "The little white rabbit met a little gray rabbit when he was helpless from dawn to dark."

"The little white rabbit hopped over to ask the little gray rabbit, little gray rabbit, little gray rabbit, do you know where my home is?"

"The little gray rabbit looked at the little white rabbit and nodded, and pointed in a direction. The little white rabbit said thank you and went home happily. Later, the little white rabbit gave birth to a litter of little gray rabbits."

The turning point came so quickly, Qin Yuluo was a little confused: "Didn't the little white rabbit go home? How could it have given birth to a litter of little gray rabbits!"

Those around who understood it immediately covered their mouths and started laughing.

This smile made Qin Yuluo laugh even more, her watery almond eyes were full of confusion: "The little white rabbit got married later, did he marry the little gray rabbit?" Is this a story of a hero and a beautiful woman?Because the little gray rabbit saved the little white rabbit, so the two rabbits are together at last?

(End of this chapter)

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