Chapter 211 You have added uncle

"Let go of your prejudices to see the scenery."

From Jiang Yunwu's point of view, the little white rabbit is just stupid!It is so easy to forgive others, and no one will feel that there is anything wrong with hurting her in the future. Anyway, she can forgive others by saying sorry.

Jiang Yunwu didn't tell the truth, but the little white rabbit is so innocent, kind, cute, and cute, so he should protect her, let the little white rabbit depend on the little gray rabbit, and never leave her again.

"Come on, I'll take you home!"

Sitting on QQ again, finally there was no harsh singing, Qin Yuluo leaned back in the chair quietly, recalling this day, it was really a strong wind that whipped up thousands of piles of snow, from spring to winter, from warm to cool.

Fu Shiwen's warmth and dependence, Lu Qiran's tenderness and coldness, Lan Jing's resentment and resentment, her own sourness and sadness.

When all the faces were unfolded in front of her eyes, she didn't know how to deal with it except to escape. The marriage she thought was an illusion, the affection she thought was selfish, and the warmth she thought was stubbornness.

Everything is false, so what about her... Lan Jing has a saying that is right, if you don't love, you have to make it clear and don't hang on.

Tomorrow, she will make it clear to Fu Shiwen, and she will also completely clear Lu Qiran from her life. She should have abandoned the past long ago, but she is greedy and delusional, and she does not blame anyone for her current situation.

Her adoptive father and adoptive mother have been worrying about her marriage. After everything is settled, she may find an ordinary man and marry herself.

Jiang Yunwu looked at her with sad brows and thoughts, with tears in her eyes, as if she had made a major decision resolutely: "Are you thinking about something again?"

Qin Yuluo shook his head lightly: "It's not that there's something missing, it's because I'm thinking about my future."

The future of the little white rabbit is of course the little gray rabbit, so the little white rabbit is still thinking about something: "Don't think about that, maybe the future is already waiting for you."

Qin Yuluo didn't understand his suggestive words, her future might no longer be glamorous without worrying about food and clothing, nor would it be full of deceit and betrayal.

If the sun is warm for a moment once in a while, you will feel that life is stable and ordinary, and you will stick to the unity for the rest of your life, waiting for the promise of flowers in the next life.

At the gate of the community, Qin Yuluo was about to get out of the car when Jiang Yunwu called out: "I said little white rabbit, did you just leave like this?"

Qin Yuluo turned around and said thank you, but Jiang Yunwu still refused to let go: "No, you have to give me the fare!"

Qin Yuluo suddenly felt that he might have gotten into a thief's car, and this person actually asked her for the fare? !
A hooligan is a hooligan, acting so absurdly!
Qin Yuluo had no money on him, so he could only hold out his mobile phone: "Come here, I'll scan the QR code for you!"

Jiang Yunwu got ready early in the morning, called up the QR code of the phone, and then took Qin Yuluo's phone to scan it when she was not paying attention.


Hey, the little white rabbit has become his friend!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, Qin Yuluo didn't know what happened, Jiang Yunwu had already put the phone into Qin Yuluo's hand, laughed and ran away with fast QQ!
"Little white rabbit, let's chat later! Hahaha!"

Qin Yu stared blankly at the sentence on the phone screen: You have added uncle, now you can start chatting.

She turned her head and looked not far away, the red QQ was very conspicuous in the dark, the co-pilot's door was still swinging in the cold wind, her ostentatious attitude was exactly the same as that of the driver...

Qin Yuluo hummed in dissatisfaction, which gradually turned into a series of silver bell-like laughter: "Hey, the car door is open, idiot!"

Then an arm stretched out and closed the car door. No matter what happened today, this man who came out of nowhere still brought her a little joy. Little White Rabbit and Little Gray Rabbit, too. Thanks to him being able to come up with such a childish story, it really is...

When Qin Yuluo returned home, the elders were still awake.

Qin Yuluo didn't come back all night, Wang Sitong was startled when he saw Qin Yuluo appearing at home in such a mess, "Baby, what's wrong with you!"

Hearing Wang Sitong's exclamation, Wan Moyi hurriedly looked at it, and felt dizzy when he saw it: "Baby, what happened? Were you robbed? Are you injured?"

When she got home, Qin Yuluo was as exhausted as the waves, and she didn't have to try to make herself look good. She could only comfort her worried parents in a soft voice: "Mom and Dad, I'm fine, I just fell down accidentally. One fall."

Wang Sitong saw that she didn't carry her bag, and her clothes were all messed up, how could she fall like this!The child must be in danger, and he was afraid that they would be worried, so he kept silent.

This child is too sensible, and being sensible makes her feel distressed: "Hurry up, change your clothes, look at you, your hands are cold, go take a bath later, and mom will cook ginger soup for you!"

"Mom, don't be busy, it's so late, why are you still not sleeping?"

"You haven't come back, how can the two of us sleep!"

Qin Yuluo looked at the tiredness in the eyes of the two elders with great guilt. It was past twelve o'clock, but they were still waiting for him.

No one has ever waited for her before, no matter whether she returns home or not, no one will leave her a light to illuminate the way home, she is used to walking alone in the dark, used to not being cared or loved , not needed and not expected.

She didn't expect, she didn't expect that her adoptive father and adoptive mother would wait for her, leave her a lamp, and care about whether she was hurt or not. Her heart was like being wrapped in cotton, so warm and soft that she wanted to melt in it.

Qin Yuluo walked over and hugged Wang Sitong's neck, lying on her neck and crying like a wounded animal.

Neither of the old couple dared to ask, for fear that something had happened to Qin Yuluo, they just hugged her and softly comforted her: "It's all right, it's all right when you go home!"

"With your parents here, no one can bully you, stop crying!"

Qin Yuluo choked up crying, Wang Sitong was so distressed: "Don't cry, and if you cry, Mom will cry too."

How could Qin Yuluo make Wang Sitong cry? They gave her a home and warmth. She hoped that Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi would smile every day and live in peace and happiness. Tears are all sharp knives that hurt her.

She wiped away her tears carelessly: "I won't cry anymore, I won't cry anymore..."

Wang Sitong brushed away the broken hair in front of Qin Yuluo's eyes: "Go take a bath, get a good sleep, everything will be over tomorrow."

"Yeah." Qin Yuluo obediently entered the bathroom, tidied himself up, sprayed Yunnan Baiyao on his legs, treated the wound on his face with iodophor, and then walked out of the bathroom in fluffy pajamas.

Wang Sitong has already made ginger soup: "Come on, drink it while it's hot."

Qin Yuluo sat between Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi, holding ginger soup and sipping it.

(End of this chapter)

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