Chapter 212

Seeing how well-behaved she was, Wang Sitong smiled and said, "At the beginning, I was too..." At this point, Wang Sitong suddenly cut off, and Wang Sitong looked at Wan Moyi, who was looking at Wan Moyi's darker and darker eyes.

Wan Moyi cut off Wan Sitong's words: "Daughter is tired, after drinking ginger soup, go to bed early."

"Yes, yes, look at me, what are you talking about?"

Qin Yuluo always felt that Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi had secrets, but she had no right to ask more about the past of her adoptive mother and adoptive father. After all, Qin Yuluo couldn't hide the uneasiness in her heart because of the blood relationship. When dealing with Wan Moyi's private matters, he was always very careful, for fear that if he said something wrong or did something wrong, he would anger his adoptive father and mother.

After drinking ginger soup and saying good night, she went back to her room to sleep.

Lying on the bed, she didn't feel sleepy, her fingers were eager to pinch something, but there was no smoke at home.

As if there was a tacit understanding, a message came from the phone.

Little Gray Rabbit: Smoke a cigarette and chat?

The headshot of the funny little gray rabbit with eyes staring and sticking out its tongue, the name of the little gray rabbit, it's not that dead man, who is it!
He was called uncle just now, but after a while, why did he become a little gray rabbit? Is he always thinking about how to take advantage of her!

A photo was sent over, showing a slender and bony hand with a thin cigarette burning in the slightly curved fingertips.

Little Gray Rabbit: I put a cigarette in your pocket, look for it.

Qin Yuluo couldn't stand this kind of drowsy offering of pillows, so he turned his ragged down jacket from the ground, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

The cigarette case was water blue, the same as the one the man handed him before. When did he stuff it into her clothes?Why doesn't she feel anything?

Qin Yuluo sat cross-legged on the bed holding a cigarette.

Rain falls at dusk: When did you put cigarettes in my pocket?

Little Gray Rabbit: Secret!

This is a surprise he specially prepared for Little White Rabbit. In the future, he will not only set off cigarettes for her, but also set off other things for her!Abduct the little white rabbit into his own nest!

Qin Yuluo could still think of the man's stinky expression on the phone.

There is smoke, but there is no fire.

Wan Moyi also smokes, but not often, there is still a lighter at home, Qin Yuluo quietly opened the door, and looked for the lighter in the living room with the weak light of the mobile phone.

In the storage box under the coffee table, I found a lighter. When I returned to the room, I passed by Wan Sitong and Wan Moyi and put it in. I heard voices in the room. Parents are not asleep yet?
But the speaking stopped abruptly, Qin Yuluo thought that he had startled the two of them, so he walked more quietly, and quickly returned to the room.

Back in the room, Qin Yuluo opened the window to light a cigarette, and her whole body relaxed. She stood in front of the window, and the cold wind came through the screen and hit her face.


Little Gray Rabbit: Little Gray Rabbit calls Little White Rabbit, have you smoked?
Qin Yu was courteous and reciprocated, and sent him a photo of himself with a cigarette in his hand.

Little Gray Rabbit: Hands are so pretty!

Qin Yuluo was almost choked by the puff of cigarette, blushing and frantically clicking on the screen, why did she owe her so much, why did she send him a photo!Get mad, withdraw, withdraw!

Little Gray Rabbit: The picture has been saved, and it will be washed out tomorrow and hung on the bedside.

Rain falls at dusk: Are you sick? Hanging your hands on the wall, aren't you afraid?

Little Gray Rabbit: Hanging on the top of the head, it is like a little white rabbit stroking the little gray rabbit.

This feeling of being so angry that he wanted to find someone to fight for his life, but had nowhere to vent, was like a flood that burst a bank, and there was no bone left that swallowed Qin Yuluo.

Yuluo Dusk: Really, this is because you are not in front of my eyes, otherwise I will slap your face on the phone!

Little Gray Rabbit: Do you want me to go there now?

Rain falls at dusk: Get out!

Qin Yu lost his temper and directly muted the phone. The anger that was provoked can't be relieved no matter how much he smokes. Damn it, damn it, go to your sister's little gray rabbit!

One night, Qin Yuluo's dream was nothing but a lively little gray rabbit...

She was tortured by the little gray rabbit, and when she opened her mouth to call Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi the next day, it was the little gray rabbit who called Zao.

Wang Sitong thought that Qin Yuluo wanted to eat rabbit meat: "Mom is going to buy some rabbit meat tonight, and come back to cook it?"

Qin Yuluo held the toothbrush in his mouth, and the little gray rabbit was really angry to the bone: "No need, Mom, I don't eat rabbit meat, I was just talking about it."

Wang Sitong snorted, handed over Wan Moyi's briefcase, and said, "Be careful on the road."

Wan Moyi was about to leave for work: "Do you want me to ask you for leave, you can't go to work with a limp."

Qin Yuluo originally wanted to go to work, but when he thought about his current embarrassing situation and that her legs really needed to be raised for a few days, he agreed.

Not long after going to work, she has asked for leave many times, which is really shameful, and even caused her adoptive father to be criticized. Qin Yuluo made up her mind to go back to work after her leg injury healed. As for the cold-eyed comments of her colleagues, she Just pretend you can't hear it.

As soon as Wan Moyi left, after Qin Yuluo finished her breakfast, Wang Sitong drove her back to bed and lay down: "My leg is injured, what are you doing here, go back and lie down!"

"Mom, I just hurt my leg, it's not a serious illness!" Wang Sitong was so careful, as if she was fragile porcelain, Qin Yuluo couldn't help but act coquettishly.

"Don't act like a baby with me, hurry up and go back and lie down!" Qin Yuluo couldn't hold back Wang Sitong, so he went back to lie down honestly.

Suddenly idle, it becomes very boring...

Qin Yuluo asked for leave again.

Seeing that Qin Yuluo hadn't come, Zhao Yaoyao and the others whispered guiltyly: "Doctor Qin, are you angry with us?"

"I'm also very guilty, but I really didn't expect that the fiancée of Emperor Lu who was making a lot of noise at the beginning turned out to be our Doctor Qin. I couldn't accept it for a while, so..."

Wang Yulan looked at the two partners who were also guilty, and thought for a while: "Why don't we go see Dr. Qin after get off work?"

This idea was echoed by the other two people, but before they could put it into action, another gossip about Qin Yuluo spread in the hospital.

The news came from the Department of Orthopedics.

The reason was that when Dr. Wen got off work in the morning, another colleague who came to take over the shift mentioned that Dr. Qin jumped out of the car last night and was picked up by a man to see his injuries.

It happened to be overheard by an orthopedic nurse passing by. This nurse has a big mouth and talks to everyone, so in the early morning, basically no one knew that Qin Yuluo was injured by jumping off a car and was carried by a man to see him. up...

Fu Shiwen was of course the first to get the news. He was in a hurry and couldn't get out of bed, so he could only call Qin Yuluo anxiously.

Qin Yuluo was bored, so he received a call from Fu Shiwen.


"Why did you jump off the car? Where did you get hurt? Is it serious!"

(End of this chapter)

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