Chapter 213 No Future
Qin Yuluo didn't know which answer to answer after the repeated inquiries: "Shiwen, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just sprained my leg, don't worry."

"How could I not be worried!" He was so worried. In the morning, he heard a few nurses talking about Dr. Qin from the psychiatry department jumping off the car, so he knew it must be Qin Yuluo, but why did she jump off the car?She will die, what is it that forced her to the point of jumping off the car!

"Jump out of the car! Qin Yuluo, who forced you to be like this!" Fu Shiwen tightly held the quilt covering his body, and the bulging veins on the back of his hands were terrifying and frightening.

"It's really okay. When I jumped, the speed of the car was slow, and I saw that the car behind me was far away, so I dared to jump." She didn't want anyone to worry about her, and she didn't want Fu Shiwen to get stuck.

"Awen, don't worry about me." She is not worthy, nor worthy of his concern.

The voice on the other side of the phone fell silent for a long time before I remembered Fu Shiwen's deep and cold voice: "Qin Yuluo, do you think that even if you die, no one will mourn for you?"

The speed of the car was slow, and the car behind was far away. In other words, the environment she was in at the time should not be dangerous, that is to say, she was not kidnapped or coerced by anyone. She actually had a better choice, but she chose to jump out of the car , so there will be no way out!

When she did this, did she ever think that someone would worry about her? She probably never thought about it at all, whether it was herself, her parents, or her friends!

Whenever Qin Yuluo has one thing in mind, when she jumps off the car, she will hesitate, and she will be reluctant to hurt those who care about her!

No, Qin Yuluo shouted in her heart, she didn't think so, she knew that if something happened to her, Yu Fei Wanwan, her parents would be sad for her, but when she jumped off the car, she just wanted to escape quickly Lu Qiran, she never thought of more serious consequences...

She admitted that it was her lack of thoughtfulness that caused everyone trouble, but he couldn't explain this to Fu Shiwen. Her explanation only made Fu Shiwen fall into a deeper trap. If only in this way can Fu Shiwen leave her, forget her, and give up on her, then Qin Yuluo can never explain.

Originally, Qin Yuluo wanted to find an opportunity to explain clearly to Fu Shiwen, but now he was suppressing his anger and dissatisfaction with her. Now that he had reached this point, there was no need to delay those words any longer.

"Fu Shiwen, I know you're worried about me, and I know what you're thinking, but we're really not suitable. You should know what's going on with me. I have no future for me. Don't waste your time on me."

She was always rejecting him. Fu Shiwen's smile was so bitter. Is this the only topic to talk about between her and him? !
He understood what she meant a long time ago. He understood and remembered what she said that day, but he didn't want to miss Qin Yuluo. It was hard for him to be tempted by a single person, and finally found a muse that matched his soul. , but she made a prison for herself and refused to take a step.

He didn't even dare to venture forward, he was afraid that if he took a step further, she would retreat back to the original place, and the relationship that had finally broken through the ice would fall into the freezing period again.

"Unless you get married, I won't give up. You don't need to say anything else." Fu Shiwen called in a hurry, and hung up the phone in a hurry. He was afraid of hearing more ruthless words from her.

Qin Yuluo was in a terrible mood, and Lu Qiran was in a worse mood than her.

LK has almost reached the point where no one dares to make a sound, those who wear high heels walk with their feet tapped, and those who wear flat shoes don't speak.

As for Lu Qiran, staring at the blue bag on the table, his eyes were deep and his face was fierce enough to bite his prey.

This bag was left by Qin Yuluo on his car yesterday, and it reminded him all the time how decisive Qin Yuluo was when he jumped out of the car last night!She didn't give him a chance to hold her, if she died under the wheel last night...

Lu Qiran tightly closed his eyes, trying to suppress the bloody scene in his mind, but what climbed up was her indifferent and distant figure, who staggered away, and when he asked Zhu Wen to drive away, she didn't say a word to bow her head and admit her mistake.

Lu Qiran thought about it all night, but he didn't know which sentence it was that hurt Qin Yuluo's nerves!

"Let her pick up the bag."

Zhu Wen knew that this was the step that Brother Lu had found for him, but based on what he knew about Miss Qin, he might not be someone who would turn back easily. Zhu Wen didn't hear Brother Lu's conversation with Qin Yuluo yesterday. Otherwise, at this time, I can help Brother Lu analyze the reason why Qin Yuluo jumped off the car.

Zhu Wen nodded, and was about to go out and make a phone call.

"Hit here!"

Zhu Wen sensiblely dialed Qin Yuluo's number and pressed the speakerphone.

The first time, Qin Yuluo died, and the second time, Zhu Wen was blacklisted.

Seeing that Lu Qiran's face was so dark that it was about to drip ink, Zhu Wen felt a dark cloud covering him, and hurriedly asked for another secretary's phone number, took it in and continued to call Qin Yuluo's phone number.

Miss Qin, Aunt Qin, you can answer the phone!

The second time, Qin Yuluo finally accepted.


Her feeble voice echoed in the empty room and got into Lu Qiran's ear, she seemed very tired...

Lu Qiran glanced at Zhu Wen, Zhu Wen nodded and said, "Hi, Miss Qin."

On the phone, there was only the sound of a long breath, soft and shallow, like spring water being blown wrinkled.

Zhu Wen called again in embarrassment: "Miss Qin?"

Qin Yuluo came back to his senses, the first thing he did was grab the cigarette beside the bed, lit it several times before lighting it up, the smoke rose, and Qin Yuluo's trembling gradually returned to calm.

she is smoking...

Lu Qiran grabbed the cigarette case on the table, followed by another crisp clicking sound.

Zhu Wen could only hold the phone, listening to Qin Yuluo smoking and watching Lu Qiran smoking, he couldn't do anything.

"Is Assistant Zhu right?" Her words were neat and distant, without any emotion, as if she was asking a patient.

They were acquaintances anyway, but Qin Yuluo didn't seem to be familiar with him at all: "Well, Miss Qin, your bag was left on the car. Let's see when you come to pick it up."

"No need." Qin Yuluo replied crisply.

But, what do you mean no more?She doesn't want it anymore!

Lu Qiran was sitting behind the table, under the expensive silver-gray shirt, one could see a bulging and powerful silhouette, his handsome face was obscured by the smoke, but Zhu Wen seemed to have seen the coming of the god of hell.

Zhu Wen's scalp tingled: "Miss Qin, your ID wallet and everything are in it. It will be very troublesome if you make up for it."

Qin Yuluo deliberately left the bag on the car yesterday.

That bag was given to her by Lu Qiran, including the clothes she was wearing yesterday, all prepared by Lu Qiran.

(End of this chapter)

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