Chapter 238 Invitation
Jiang Yunwu didn't even intend to stop him, and let the folder be thrown precisely on his face, which felt a little painful.

He raised his hand and touched the painful place, there was no blood, and his eyes were lost: "Hey, Xiao Jiji, I knew you were jealous of me for a long time," he himself was very helpless: "I am so good and handsome, and I am so good There is no way, hey!"

This is not mad at him, is he uncomfortable? Is it easy for him? He has been with Jiang Yunwu for so many years, and he is also a grandfather and grandson.
Who is the man who comes to the office to sleep every time he gets drunk?Who is the man who left him to go out alone every time he didn't like his partner?Every time a woman pounces on him, who is blocking the woman for him? !

It's him, it's him, Ji Bin, how is his chief secretary!
He has self-knowledge and has never been compared with Jiang Yunwu. When did he envy him for being outstanding, young master and ancestor, can you say what you want without touching your lips?It's so sad to be a subordinate!

Jiang Yunwu put one hand on his forehead, his eyes were heavy and drowsy: "It's strange, I didn't drink yesterday, why am I drunk..."

Ji Bin: "..." Don't make excuses if you're lazy!
"The banquet is tomorrow. Ancestor, have you decided to bring a female companion?" Want to sleep?There are no doors!
Jiang Yunwu's drowsiness was like a flood at low tide, and disappeared without a trace. He was lying on the sofa, his light green pupils were a little ready to move: "I want to take her."

"Her?" Ji Bin asked, "Who is she?"

Jiang Yunwu didn't say a word, just repeated: "I want to take her, I want to take her, I want to take her to see the sunrise, I want to watch the sunset with her, I want to sing her a lullaby, I want to..."

There were veins popping up in Ji Bin's hands, and he roared unbearably: "Just say that you want to sleep with someone!" What are you doing talking so much nonsense, showing affection, Ji Bin is not single!
Jiang Yunwu looked at Ji Bin quietly: "Your thoughts are really dirty..."

Ji Bin died of blood at the age of 29...

Ji Bin: Author, calm down, I don't want to die yet!
"You are pure, you are the purest, okay, I am 28 years old, and I have never touched a woman. Is there a man more pure than you in the whole world!" Ji Bin angrily patted the invitation on Jiang Yunwu— — body.

He originally wanted to slap Jiang Yunwu's face, but, but, he couldn't bear Jiang Yunwu's face, yes, that's it.

"Tomorrow, you can handle it yourself!" Then Ji Bin left without looking back.

Jiang Yunwu held the gold-plated invitation card, curled his lips, and muttered in a very unhappy way: "Come on, come on, what kind of banquet are you going to do with such a big fanfare, isn't Lu Qiran too tired?"

However, he could take the opportunity to meet the little white rabbit.

When Qin Yuluo got off work at night, he first took a look at Fu Shiwen, so when he came out, he was half an hour late.

When seeing Zhu Wen at the door, Qin Yuluo thought he was delusional. Seeing Zhu Wen walking towards her, Qin Yuluo was sure that Zhu Wen was indeed looking for her.

"Is there something wrong with Assistant Zhu?"

Zhu Wen took out an invitation card from his bosom, and handed it to Qin Yuluo: "Tomorrow LK has a banquet, and Ms. Qin is specially invited to attend." Zhu Wen didn't know why Lu Qiran wanted to do this, no matter what the purpose of the banquet was, it didn't matter. It should be where Qin Yuluo appeared.

But Brother Lu asked him to deliver the invitation, and he still came. Zhu Wen knew very well that with Qin Yuluo's personality, she would definitely not go. In some respects, Qin Yuluo was very self-aware.

Qin Yuluo looked at the invitation card in front of him. The cover was traced with delicate patterns of gold silk, and the two letters LK in the lower right corner were flamboyant and phoenix, revealing luxury and restraint everywhere.

This is Lu Qiran's world. A small invitation is made of gold. If ordinary people receive such an invitation, they will definitely keep it or sell it for money, but Qin Yuluo doesn't want to accept it, nor does he want to accept it. Take it and sell it for money.

She is short of money, but she is not short of Lu Qiran.

Qin Yuluo pushed the invitation back to Zhu Wen: "Tell your president, I won't go, that's not where I should go."

Maybe she shouldn't have declared war with him, Lu Qiran has countless methods to crush her, just thinking about LK's banquet, she knows that it is a place of right and wrong, not a place where ordinary people like her should appear.

She is a little ant, how can she live in a herd of elephants, she will be trampled into mud by them...

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuluo nodded slightly to Zhu Wen, and left.

"Miss Qin!" Zhu Wen stood behind Qin Yuluo and called to her: "The president asked me to ask you, are you afraid?"

Qin Yuluo stood in the middle of people coming and going, and the eyes of others looking at her made her feel like an actor on the stage, illusory and unreal, was she afraid, she said no, but her heart didn't know whether she was afraid or not afraid.

She just doesn't want two people who have nothing to do with each other to be entangled with each other, that's meaningless.

Zhu Wen walked slowly to Qin Yuluo's side, and calmly cast his eyes from under the gold-rimmed glasses: "I have already delivered the president's meaning, he said, if you are afraid, you can surrender directly, and he can act as if you have nothing to do." happened before."

Zhu Wen grabbed Qin Yuluo's hand, put the invitation in her palm, and bowed to leave.

Qin Yuluo's hand holding the invitation card was shaking, what do you mean, as if nothing happened?Did he think that as long as nothing happened, they could go back to the past?Or, as if he and her have never met before, just let her go...

Qin Yuluo's nose felt sore, she actually wanted to cry, why was she crying, why!
He closed his eyes, forced back the tears, but forced out Lu Qiran's face, which was still so clear, as if he had never left...

Qin Yuluo put the invitation card in her bag and forced herself to forget it. She pretended that she had never seen Zhu Wen today, and never received this invitation card!
Qin Yuluo went home with a complicated mood, and even more complicated after returning home.

Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi have already made the decision and made an appointment for her on a blind date.

"Baby, I found out about this person. His identity and background are similar to ours, and he is very gentle. He will definitely treat you well in the future."

Qin Yuluo looked at the man wearing glasses in the photo. He looked very ordinary, but he was very warm when he smiled. Could this be her future man?

It clearly fits all of Qin Yuluo's ideas, why is she not happy at all?

Looking at Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi's expectant gazes, Qin Yuluo nodded in agreement, thinking nothing of it.

Wang Sitong made an appointment to meet at a cafe opposite the hospital: "Tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon, he will wait for you there."

"it is good."

Wang Sitong looked at Qin Yuluo's reluctant smile. She also knew that it was not good to do so, but if she didn't push her to take this step, she would probably keep walking in place. She was also doing it for Yuluo's own good. I believe Yuluo will understand in the future .

(End of this chapter)

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