Chapter 239 Just Sad

After eating, Qin Yuluo didn't chat with the elders either. When he returned to the room and lay on the bed, he felt as if he had fought a battle, his limbs were so weak that he didn't even want to move his fingers.

Looking at the pure white roof, Qin Yuluo didn't understand why she lived in a way she least knew. She seemed to have lost herself, and she didn't know where to find it.

A video chat request came from the mobile phone, it was Ye Wanwan.

Qin Yuluo lay sideways on the bed, switched on the phone, and saw Sun Yufei's big smile: "Little Feather!"

Qin Yuluo tried his best to twitch the corners of his lips: "Hello, you guys are back home."

"Yeah, yeah, let me tell you, Little Feather..."

Before finishing speaking, the slender hand pushed Sun Yufei's head away, and Ye Wanwan appeared in sight: "Feifei is crazy, don't worry about her." Ever since Sun Yufei moved to Ye Wanwan's house, she has been in a kind of In a state of madness.

"I'm not, I'm happy, happy!" Sun Yufei's energetic voice came.

Ye Wanwan rolled his eyes at Qin Yuluo: "I'm not wrong."

Qin Yu laughed out loud, really envious of the two of them...

Seeing that Qin Yuluo was not in high spirits, Ye Wanwan frowned tightly: "What's wrong with you?" He didn't say a word, not quite like Qin Yuluo's character.

Qin Yuluo bypassed Lu Qiran's matter, and only said: "Tomorrow, I'm going on a blind date."

"Blind date?!" Sun Yufei screamed and squeezed into the camera: "Are you finally going on a blind date? Take me with you, take me with you!"

Qin Yuluo: "But there is only one blind date."

Sun Yufei waved her hands indifferently: "At that time, whoever our sisters are interested in will be the one who will be the one. If no one is interested, let him go!"

Qin Yuluo couldn't laugh at all, looking at the faces of the two sisters, tears gradually rolled out of his eyes and fell on the pillow.

"Yuluo, you..." Ye Wanwan looked at Qin Yuluo's slightly blurred eyes, the strings of sadness falling down, and the whole person panicked: "Don't cry, what's wrong?!"

"I don't know." Qin Yu opened his mouth to realize that his voice was already choked up and out of shape: "I'm just sad, sad, I don't know why!"

Sun Yufei kept silent, pursed the corners of her mouth, and the corners of her eyes gradually became moist: "Little Feather, it's fine, it will pass..."

Qin Yuluo closed his eyes, bit his hands and whimpered like a little beast that lost his home, why was he so sad, why was he so sad!She seemed to say she was wronged, but she didn't know where the grievance came from.

"Yu Luo," Ye Wanwan grabbed the phone vigorously: "Don't go, don't go on a blind date."

Qin Yuluo shook his head: "No, parents will be sad."

"When will you be able to think only for yourself!" Ye Wanwan yelled at her angrily.

Qin Yuluo also wants to be selfish, she also hopes that she can become that kind of monster without emotion, regardless of the life or death of anyone in this world, but she can't, she is a person, and a person needs someone's principles and bottom line.

Seeing Qin Yuluo crying out of breath, Ye Wanwan was also dizzy, she already knew what kind of virtue Qin Yuluo was, didn't she, why bother to lose her temper with her: "You still don't know how to reject others .”

It's not that Qin Yuluo can't refuse people, she just never refuses requests from relatives and friends. Every time they go out to eat together and ask her what she wants to eat, Qin Yuluo's answer is always what you want to eat.

She always considers the preferences of her friends and relatives first, and then thinks of herself later. Does Qin Yuluo know that her behavior really makes people feel distressed.

Can't refuse, rejecting them will make them sad, there are only a few people she cares about, she doesn't want to make them sad.

Ye Wanwan took a deep breath: "Blind date tomorrow, I will go too."

Qin Yuluo cried too much, wiped his nose, sat up and put the phone on his lap, and said in a muffled voice, "What are you going to do?"

What to do, what else to do, of course, look at the two of them!

"Tomorrow I happen to be free, so I'm going to join in the fun."

Sun Yufei glanced at the stubborn Ye Wanwan: "Then it's settled, Little Feather, where is the time and place?"

Qin Yuluo told them tomorrow's time, and the meeting place, and the three sisters chatted a little more. With Sun Yufei, a young expert with a lively atmosphere, Qin Yuluo's condition was much better.

After chatting for more than an hour, Qin Yuluo hung up the video and let out a long breath. It was strange to say that whenever she was alone, whether it was on the street with neon lights or in the noisy downtown, there was always something This feeling of loneliness is like a shadow, the outside world has become quiet, this bedroom has become Qin Yuluo's cage alone.

She enjoys solitude and is also devoured by it. The only thing that can accompany her is the flickering scarlet on her fingertips.

In the room, there was a song Qin Yuluo was used to listening to. Following the sad tune, she leaned against the window, looking forward to the bright neon lights outside, but she was afraid of exposing herself to the light.

The singing stopped abruptly and was replaced by a ringtone. Qin Yuluo looked at the mobile phone at the foot of the bed. Today is really busy. Why is Jiang Yunwu looking for her at this time?
She didn't want to answer, Jiang Yunwu sent voice requests again and again, Qin Yuluo counted again and again, every time she thought there would be no next time, Jiang Yunwu's voice requests still rang out happily.

At the next time, Qin Yuluo connected.

Before he could speak, Jiang Yunwu's deep voice came: "Sleeping?"

Qin Yuluo looked at the phone helplessly, with the same deep voice: "I know I'm asleep and I keep sending it."

Jiang Yunwu's smile came from the airwaves: "It seems that he didn't sleep."

Qin Yuluo's depression was slightly relieved by Jiang Yunwu's disturbance: "Speaking so late, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yunwu was still lying on the sofa in the office, his eyes were seeing the last gleam of neon before Binzhou was about to fall into a deep sleep: "I want to ask Miss Qin, but I don't know if Miss Qin will give me face."


"The answer is so straightforward, Miss Qin doesn't even need to think about it?" Jiang Yunwu wailed: "I'm sad, I'm sad!"

The corners of Qin Yuluo's lips raised unconsciously: "Okay, stop shouting, you don't care about it at all." How can someone shout sad and shout so happily, as if she couldn't hear it!

Jiang Yunwu casually threw the invitation on the coffee table: "Miss Qin doesn't give face, I can only find someone else, so don't be sad, Miss Qin!"

Jiang Yunwu had to go to LK's banquet. On the one hand, he had been curious about Lu Qiran for a long time, and on the other hand, Lu Qiran rarely held such a grandiose banquet.

LK's industries spread all over the world, and the arrival of Lu Qiran will trigger a series of reactions. The entire high society in Binzhou has recently begun to move around. As long as they can get on the train of LK, they might be able to become a world-class super group. In addition, I heard that Lu Qiran is not married yet, and many people are aiming for the position of the wife of the president of LK. This time, the banquet will definitely be very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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