Chapter 247

Anyway, Li Jiao didn't ask any more questions.

In the short time that followed, Qin Yu huddled in the corner, with Dean Sun talking to Lu Qiran in his old voice, but what did the hospital have to do with Lu Qiran?
Is it necessary to tell him an outsider about these inside stories and experiences? It is already very strange for him to appear in the hospital, and it is also strange to see the dean's attitude towards him...

Qin Yuluo couldn't figure it out and simply didn't think about it. She leaned her tired body against the cold wall. For now, she should take care of herself first.

Ever since Qin Yuluo said that he didn't know Lu Qiran, Zhu Wen discovered that Lu Qiran's mood swings were like a turbulent undercurrent lurking under the surface of the water, enough to strangle all prey that fell into the water.

Zhu Wen sighed inwardly, Brother Lu came here to support Ms. Qin, but in the end, Ms. Qin said she didn't know him, Brother Lu, tell yourself that you are a tragedy!
After getting out of the elevator, a group of people followed Lu Qiran. He walked with the wind, and there was a kind of arrogance that sentient beings retreated while walking. The people behind all sighed at his majesty. Only Zhu Wen knew that Brother Lu was just because of Miss Qin's words. If so, sulking here.

In the conference room, the hospital and the patient's family members sat on both sides of the huge conference table.

Lu Qiran sat on the main seat, without changing his aura, Zhu Wen had already sorted out the cause and effect of the dean's narration, and placed it in front of Lu Qiran.

Lu Qiran didn't even look at it, as if he didn't care about the medical trouble at all, he sat in the chair like a sculpture, he didn't speak, and no one dared to speak, the quiet needle drop could be heard in the room.

The few family members of the patients sat together obediently, looking around, no longer as arrogant and domineering as before.

Qin Yuluo sat at the end with his head bowed, secretly rubbing the wound on his leg, now that he wanted to be in the same space as Lu Qiran, Qin Yuluo was inexplicably flustered, Qin Yuluo still remembered what he said last time, this time , what is he going to do to make himself bow his head...

"Do it?" The indifferent voice sounded faintly.

The dean added: "Yes, Dr. Qin in the psychiatry department was beaten by the patient's family."

Hearing the dean mentioning himself, Qin Yu's back stiffened and he didn't move. He didn't speak or look up, let alone express any opinions.

She didn't even reach out to brush away a strand of broken hair hanging down.

Lu Qiran saw Qin Yuluo sitting there alone, but wherever he could see, there were faint wounds, especially that mouth.

Lu Qiran didn't see how Qin Yuluo was beaten, but as long as he knew that Qin Yuluo was beaten, it was enough...

The young man stared at the mouse-like disgusting eyes, and stammered, "Hey, don't pour dirty water on me, it's obvious that the woman wanted to rob people and destroy the evidence, we did this to get my father back. Rise up and resist, we call it self-defense!"

The man also bit Qin Yuluo back: "I am also a victim, you see my face was injured by her, she is a shrew, there is not a single good thing in their entire hospital!"

"She hit you?" There was no trace of ups and downs or emotions in the calm voice.

"Ah!" The young man moved closer to Lu Qiran, wishing he could put his whole face on Lu Qiran's face: "Look, look, such a long wound, I'm disfigured, luckily I'm married, Otherwise, I'll tell you, I'll make her pay with my body!"

Although Qin Yuluo's appearance is not top-notch, it is difficult to overwhelm everyone. Ever since Qin Yuluo said that he was molesting himself, this man was actually a little moved. After all, no matter his figure or appearance, Qin Yuluo They are much stronger than the tigress in his family.

The young man has already made up his mind. When the hospital loses money, he will kick his tigress, and then go after the female doctor. When the time comes, hehehe...

Hearing such blunt words, Qin Yuluo frowned: "I still have one shoe, do you want to do it again!" Qin Yuluo had already taken off the other shoe and raised it above his head, ready to throw it at him at any moment.

"Hey!" The young man yelled and hid behind Lu Qiran: "Look, I'm right, this woman hit me! A doctor dared to hit someone. Let me tell you, you've got something wrong. You're in for a big deal!"

Anyway, he has already committed a crime, hitting once is hitting, hitting twice is hitting, isn't he clamoring, Qin Yuluo directly threw the shoe at the man: "I'm in trouble, why not!"

The black high-heeled shoes drew a not-so-beautiful arc in the air, and landed precisely on... Lu Qiran's arms...

Qin Yuluo could almost hear the panting sound from the whole room, she was standing there, neither sitting nor standing, watching Lu Qiran pick up her shoes foolishly, then raised her eyebrows at her.

Not only did she not hide, but she still felt like she was being sent to her door. Qin Yuluo couldn't describe her shit luck anymore.

Only Zhao Yaoyao didn't seem to think there was any problem with this. Anyway, with the relationship between Dr. Qin and Young Master Lu, it was impossible for Young Master Lu to do anything to Dr. Qin. On the contrary, why do you feel that the two of them are so romantic...

Zhu Wen and Zhao Xu had the same thinking as Zhao Yaoyao. In the eyes of these two, Qin Yuluo was definitely molesting their Master Lu!Didn't you see Master Lu was about to be elated, tsk tsk tsk, isn't it just a high-heeled shoe, holding it in your hand like a treasure, it's really boring.

Dean Sun shook his head at Li Jiao, the meaning was obvious, Doctor Qin was hopeless...

Li Jiao's gaze towards Qin Yuluo was really hesitant to speak.

"Hey, brother, she hit you!" The man poked his head out from behind Lu Qiran: "Just this kind of woman, do you think she beats you lightly!"

Lu Qiran was playing with the high-heeled shoes in his hand, an ordinary shoe, he just played with it to give it a bit of an antique charm, and when he heard the noise in his ear, he was in a good mood and didn't lose his temper: "She just hit you with the high-heeled shoes of?"

"That's right, do you think there's something wrong with me beating her!" Is this to clear up the fact that I beat someone myself?

There are no doors!

"You really dare to say it!" Zhao Yaoyao jumped up against the case, she really couldn't listen anymore, just now Doctor Qin was sitting beside her, secretly rubbing the wound on his body, did Doctor Qin say anything to accuse them since he came in?

Doctor Qin didn't want to cause trouble for everyone, so he said it's okay, Zhao Yaoyao is not stupid, how could it be okay to be besieged by so many people!

Doctor Qin has already done enough, but their family members are the ones making trouble out of nothing, biting Doctor Qin and refusing to let go, these people are simply wolves!
If she, Zhao Yaoyao, doesn't say a few more words, Dr. Qin will be wronged to death by them!Isn't this group of people blackmailing people, and she, Zhao Yaoyao, will also blackmail people!
(End of this chapter)

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