Chapter 248
"So many of you beat us, Doctor Qin, to the point where we, Doctor Qin, have no strength to fight back. Now she is covered in wounds all over her body, maybe she has hurt her internal organs. I will take Doctor Qin to have her injuries checked in a while. After the injury is identified, you are ready to sue!"

"You, you are blackmailing!"

Just how about blackmail, Zhao Yaoyao's face was puffy and her eyes were round: "We have convincing evidence! There are all kinds of certified and physical evidence, and there are so many people outside who have witnessed how you commit violence with their own eyes. Even if you are sued for bankruptcy, it is you Do it yourself!"

"I, I..." What Zhao Yaoyao said was well-founded and full of confidence. In addition, the patient's family members were inherently guilty, and suddenly they were so confidently refuted that they couldn't find a place to refute.

Several other family members looked at the young man in unison. It seems that this young man is the leader of this incident. No wonder he is so shameless and shameless!
Regardless of his father's life or death, just thinking about asking for money, no one can do such a shameless thing!
"You, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

"Yo yo yo, hit, what else can you do besides hitting people, the guy below you is so white, you are not a man!"

Such sharp and violent words came out of a girl's mouth, and several male doctors present clamped their legs. Fortunately, Zhao Yaoyao was a teammate and not an enemy.

Seeing Zhao Yaoyao's blushing and thick neck, Qin Yuluo stretched out his hand and pulled Zhao Yaoyao down: "Calm down for a while."

Just as Zhao Yaoyao was about to finish scolding, Qin Yuluo continued, "Slow down and scold again."

Zhao Yaoyao stood still for a moment, then patted Qin Yuluo's arm hard: "Doctor Qin, I didn't know you until today!" If I had known that she was such a doctor Qin, Zhao Yaoyao would not have pretended to her for so long!
Did she scare Zhao Yaoyao? She accidentally let go of the little devil in her heart. They must not be used to this kind of self. Qin Yuluo said this because of the atmosphere. It seems that people really Can't expand...

"Then forget it." Qin Yuluo said in another word.

Zhao Yaoyao disagreed, and she looked at Qin Yuluo with distress: "Doctor Qin, you don't have to sympathize with them, they are just a bunch of inhuman villains, such people are not worthy of living in this world!"

Qin Yuluo is a little confused, she has never been able to guess people's hearts, and her parents never gave her this skill when she was young, and she doesn't understand so many meanings expressed in the same sentence, which one is the real speaker? meaning to express.

She can only rely on guesswork, so she always does wrong things and says wrong words. Could it be that she misunderstood Zhao Yaoyao's words just now?
"It's not sympathy." Seeing Zhao Yaoyao's protective expression, Qin Yuluo smiled helplessly. He would not sympathize with this group of people. She just didn't want her situation to be exposed in front of Lu Qiran. It is not an honor to be beaten. And if you say too much, it will make people think she is hypocritical.

Qin Yuluo is not afraid of being misunderstood, but no one wants to be misunderstood by others.

"Doctor Qin, if you don't feel well, go back first." Dean Sun's words were out of caring for Qin Yuluo, and he also wanted Qin Yuluo to go back and calm down. Zhao Yaoyao alone is enough to cause headaches, plus On Qin Yuluo, he had to fight again later.

Qin Yuluo also knew that she had done something wrong, and if she stayed here, not only would she not be of much help, but it would still add to the chaos. What's more, she really couldn't sit still, and the wounds all over her body were hurting.

"Then I..."

"Sit down!" Lu Qiran dismissed Qin Yu without saying a word.

Qin Yuluo frowned, looked at the leisurely Lu Qiran, let her sit on a cold chair with injuries all over her body, and endure constant pain. Is this his punishment for her?revenge?

Although he knew that he had no reason to feel sorry for her, Qin Yuluo still felt angry. Even an ordinary man couldn't be so ruthless when he saw a woman get hurt.

If she is angry, Lu Qiran will not be angry?His woman, when will it be someone else's turn to bully her!
He wanted Qin Yuluo to watch with his own eyes what would happen to these people if they dared to do anything!
Zhu Wen only felt an icy coldness spreading over him, he looked down and saw Lu Qiran's hand resting on the tail ring, dark clouds gradually piled up in his deep eyes, it was about to thunder and lightning.

Hey, beauty is a disaster...

After another hour, a nurse walked in with a relaxed expression and said happily, "The patient is out of danger and is now in the ICU."

All the people sitting here let out a long sigh of relief. They are still alive, and their hospital can temporarily get rid of the mountain of morality on them. The rest is to find out the cause of the patient's illness. Self-defeating!

"Families should have heard that the patient is out of danger. Next, according to the hospital's procedures, we will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient to find out the cause and give you an explanation, as well as the general public." The dean clapped his hands Overlap: "I hope you can fully cooperate during this time."

The matter has come to this point, if the patient's family members are smarter, they should understand that it will be of no benefit to them if they continue to pester them. If they can cooperate with the hospital and find out the cause and effect, the incident will subside and they will be able to escape unscathed. If you don't repent, you must make trouble. When the results come out and prove that the hospital is not responsible, the hospital has the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the patient's family!
"Well, maybe this is your lie! Saying that my father is fine, you may have killed him a long time ago!"

"You can go and see your father now to see if he is still alive!"

The young man's eyes dodged: "Even if, even if you see it, it may be an illusion created by you, just because you don't want to spend money with us!"

It's really speechless: "I think even if your father is standing here alive, you will say that it is an actor hired by the hospital to deceive you, right? Are you so wishing that your father is dead?" A doctor in psychiatry.

Dean Sun sat with Li Jiao, and was very curious why the psychiatrists, from doctors to nurses, seemed to be very aggressive...

The young man was left speechless, and Dean Sun didn't bother to talk to them anymore.

Dean Sun motioned to Li Jiao: "Director Li, please introduce the patient's situation to us now."

"Okay!" Li Jiao stood up and opened the case in her hand: "Wu Gang, male, 56 years old, native of Binzhou, suspected of suffering from mental illness..." Li Jiao read the case files in the hospital one by one.

"Most of these cases were provided by the family members of the patients, as well as the medical records and diagnosis certificates at the Haibin Hospital." Li Jiao handed them to Dean Sun, and Dean Sun handed them directly to Lu Qiran. Lu Qiran had no intention of looking at them. Pass it down, and everyone read it again.

(End of this chapter)

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