Chapter 268 The Breakfast Storm
At that time, she did a lot of bold things and said a lot of bold words, which the previous Qin Yuluo would not do. She should be quiet, never talk much, and have no sense of presence.

It was like when she was a child, playing with the children in the neighborhood, she would never have any right to speak, not even share in the small food she shared. At that time, she understood that she was not important at all.

To do private work with them, she is a dispensable person, but to herself alone, those children are her cherished friends, so no matter how many grievances she has, she can comfort herself by saying that the snacks are not enough...

She thought that her leaving would not have any impact on Lu Qiran, he was obviously such a cold and heartless person, sitting high in the stands, watching her being imprisoned, watching her being tortured by life.

Qin Yuluo understood that the reason why Lu Qiran watched from the sidelines was because she was not important to him, she was not the one in his heart, but the last trace of tenderness and warmth that he missed, so he did not leave for a long time.

Thinking about it now, if she had not been provoked by Han Yun at that time, but had left Lu Qiran directly, would everything that happened afterwards would not have happened? It is possible that she is now in an unknown place, and has begun a period of innocence. strange life.

She won't meet a teacher, she won't have a family, she won't meet so many people, and she won't meet Lu Qiran again.

Qin Yu's originally high spirits became depressed, and Lu Qiran knew that she must have thought about the past: "The past is in the past, don't think about it anymore."

How can you not think about it, a person has only one life, and all the good and bad experiences are evidence of living once. If there is no reminder of these pains and sorrows, how can you prove that you are still alive...

Hearing Qin Yuluo's sigh, Lu Qiran's interest in flirting with her gradually disappeared, but some things and words suddenly became clear, for example, Han Yun's original sentence - that person told me.

who's that person……

It seems that there are still many things that have not been investigated clearly. For these things, Lu Qiran does not intend to tell Qin Yuluo: "You might as well think about what you want to eat."

Qin Yuluo didn't have any appetite. He was already in a bad mood because of his injury, but now he was in a bad mood. He was heavy and depressed: "Don't worry about me, you can eat by yourself."

Lu Qiran coaxed her softly: "Then have something to eat with me." As he spoke, he asked someone to bring breakfast.

Two servants brought in a meal and placed it beside Qin Yuluo's bed. The breakfast was very rich, with Chinese and Western fruits and desserts all available.

She hasn't eaten well for a whole day and night. Last night, she fell asleep without eating two bites of the supper brought by the servant. It is a lie to say that she is not hungry. The Temple of the Five Zang-organs has issued a protest.

Qin Yuluo looked at Lu Qiran with some resentment.

Lu Qiran sat down at the table, picked up the knife and fork and ate by himself.

Qin Yuluo became more resentful and hungrier. She didn't know if Lu Qiran could hear the sound of thunder from the Wu Zang Temple. Anyway, she could hear it quite clearly, and she could still feel her stomach deflate a little bit and the top of the protest. stand up.

Lu Qiran ate very quietly, and it was this quietness that made Qin Yuluo's stomach growl even louder.

Qin Yuluo's lips also became abnormally dry. She looked straight at Lu Qiran, trying to put pressure on him with her eyes, but she underestimated Lu Qiran's concentration, and he continued to eat breakfast without changing his expression. , she raised her head and smiled brightly at her from time to time, and dangled the fork with the fried egg in front of her eyes slowly, making her eyes tremble, following the fried egg to see it fall into Lu Qiran's mouth little by little. inside.

The whole body is so popular that I can't wait to jump out of bed!

unacceptable!This is not asking her to eat with him, it is obviously torturing her!

At first, Qin Yuluo thought that Lu Qiran was just making excuses to let her eat something, but after Lu Qiran finished his breakfast, he didn't see Lu Qiran giving her anything!

Such a large table of food, Lu Qiran only ate a quarter of it, and those pastries, desserts and fruits seemed to have little hands, and they were hooking and hooking towards Qin Yu.

Qin Yuluo felt like his heart had been hooked away!
The grapes with morning dew must be very sweet, the cake with strawberries must be very fragrant, the moderately fried eggs must be smooth and tender, and the milk must be very mellow.

Qin Yuluo gulped down several mouthfuls of saliva, couldn't Lu Qiran not see it!Can't he be a little gentleman and ask her if she wants to eat!
As long as he asks, she will definitely nod!
Ask her, ask her!

Lu Qiran wiped his mouth gracefully, clapped his hands: "Take it off,"

"Yes!" The servant waiting outside the door came in and carried the table down. Qin Yuluo watched the table of delicious breakfast disappear before her eyes, and seemed to be able to hear the wailing of some food, and asked her why Don't eat them!
Qin Yuluo: "..." Her breakfast!
Lu Qiran!what--!
Qin Yu looked at Lu Qiran angrily, and Lu Qiran smiled brightly: "I'm full."

Fuck you!You are full, she is still hungry, she will starve to death!

Isn't Lu Qiran just waiting for her to ask him for food, but she won't, even if she is killed!Let's see who can carry who!
Qin Yuluo grabbed the brocade quilt and let the temple of the five internal organs stir wildly in her stomach, and then gradually became uncontrollable, the blood color faded from her face in an instant, and under the sunlight, it seemed that she could see the tenderness under her skin. Blood vessel.

After Lu Qiran finished his breakfast, he lazily leaned against Qin Yuluo's bedside: "Does your back hurt?"

Qin Yuluo ignored him.

Lu Qiran got his hands on her and turned her over, facing the bed.

"What are you doing!" This posture is so convenient for Lu Qiran to do something!

She felt the silk pajamas brushing her back and slowly heading towards the top of her head. Thinking of her current predicament, Qin Yu was so angry that she dropped her hands on the bed: "Lu Qiran, you scum, I'm already like this, you still don't let me go!"

Sensing the attack of the cold air, Qin Yuluo's body trembled densely, and felt a kind of itching climb up her spine to her mind, and it exploded, making her dizzy and confused: "You, don't move!" I!"

Lu Qiran's fingers ran on her smooth back, and he leaned over to her ear, touching his lips ambiguously: "What am I going to do to you? Miss Qin?"

"You you!" Isn't Sima Zhaozhi aware of what he wants to do to her?
"Speaking of which, I need Miss Qin to help me answer something. If the answer is solved, I can consider letting Miss Qin go. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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