Chapter 269 Massage
Qin Yu's earlobe felt hot, and it fell into the mouth of some wicked man. His panting breath occupied half of her face, and she felt that the air became thinner and more and more suffocating: "You, you say... ..."

Lu Qiran narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his voice was still melancholy: "How did you meet Young Master Jiang?"

Hearing the words Jiang Shao, Qin Yuluo was confused for a moment: "Who is Jiang Shao?" After saying this, she woke up, Jiang Shao is Jiang Yunwu!
How did Lu Qiran know about her relationship with Jiang Yunwu!
Qin Yuluo hardly had time to think about the consequences of what Lu Qiran knew, and he had already subconsciously prepared: "What is it, Young Master Jiang, I don't know."

Lu Qiran traced Qin Yuluo's side face, the first sentence was true, the second sentence was obviously fake, it seems that he really guessed correctly, Qin Yuluo and that Jiang Yunwu really had something to do with each other .

But it doesn't matter, how could the person he was eyeing be abducted by others, let alone someone like Jiang Yunwu!

Yes, Jiang Yunwu is a piece of junk!
Lu Qiran didn't expose Qin Yuluo's lies, she wanted to see what kind of relationship Qin Yuluo had with Jiang Yunwu, so close that Jiang Yunwu was willing to trade a piece of land in the city center for Qin Yuluo's love. Hospital!

"There is no best, my Miss Qin is the most obedient." As he spoke, he completely overwhelmed her.

Qin Yuluo felt that she was about to be crushed to death by a big mountain. She wanted to breathe, but someone took it away. She was suffocated, her heartbeat was flustered, and the feeling of dying was not good.

"Woohoo!" Qin Yuluo desperately moved his head away, trying to avoid Lu Qiran's entanglement.

Lu Qiran had punished Qin Yuluo enough, let go of the back of her head, and left for a while, leaving Qin Yuluo a space to breathe: "Miss Qin, how do you feel?"

"Feeling..." Feeling your uncle!Qin Yuluo thought angrily, breathing desperately, the discomfort in his lungs gradually faded, and then his stomach roared loudly!


Qin Yuluo can assure you that Lu Qiran definitely heard it!
Lu Qiran was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahahaha!"

She buried her face in the pillow in embarrassment, what a shame!what!
"Hey, little mental illness," Lu Qiran laughed enough, and dug Qin Yuluo's face out of the pillow: "Hungry?"

Qin Yuluo was not only hungry, but also hurt. She had a stomach problem, so she never dared not eat on time, but yesterday and today, she only ate the glutinous rice balls cooked for her last night, and only ate two.

Originally, as long as she woke up early in the morning, she would eat something and drink some porridge. Maybe her stomach was upset, but it wouldn't cause such a big discomfort, but she was angry with Lu Qiran, and Lu Qiran was really ruthless. They didn't give her any food.

My stomach, which has been rattling all morning, is already going crazy.

Qin Yuluo bit her mouth, the pain was so painful that she wanted to curl up into a ball, and wanted to say that she was hungry and wanted to eat, but when she thought of what Lu Qiran did this morning, she was so stubborn that she didn't want to bow her head to this man!
Lu Qiran knew that if the little girl got angry with him again, it's fine, anyway, he wasn't the one who was hungry, if the little girl wasn't hungry for a while, she would still pretend to be reserved with him.

Lu Qiran's hand covered Qin Yuluo's waist.

Qin Yuluo shouted angrily, "What are you doing again!"

She is in pain, she really wants to be quiet for a while, just let her hurt silently, don't move her, it will make her very anxious and want to go crazy.

Lu Qiran moved his hands down.

Qin Yuluo was in pain and ashamed, and he couldn't resist. He couldn't even kick his legs to vent his frustration. He felt like a fish about to be thrown into the frying pan, and Lu Qiran was the damned chef!
"If you're disobedient, I really want to do something else to you." Lu Qiran's hand began to move around her waist, bringing itching and comfort.

Qin Yuluo groaned unconsciously, feeling the feedback from her waist, she turned her head and asked, "Are you giving me a massage?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Qiran knelt beside her, turned his head and glanced at her: "Miss Qin, are you comfortable?"

Obviously his question was comfortable, and the question was so indecent, but Qin Yuluo didn't feel being molested, she lay on the pillow sullenly, even the pain in her stomach was relieved.

I heard that for someone with a protruding waist, massage will help relieve the discomfort in the waist, but she never thought that Lu Qiran would give her a massage. He always does things to her that are very ordinary and shouldn't happen to him. and: "Lu Qiran, have you ever learned massage? Don't break it for me."

Lu Qiran: "..."

His hand rested on her waist, and he smiled sinisterly: "I, won't you?" He scratched her waist twice viciously: "If I can't, Miss Qin, get up and teach me ?”

Seeing that Qin Yuluo didn't feel a little uncomfortable, and was still looking at him with those big watery eyes, Lu Qiran's hand on her waist scratched again with much stronger force than before.

But Qin Yuluo still didn't respond.

"Aren't you itchy?"

Qin Yuluo shook his head: "It's not itchy."

Lu Qiran raised his eyebrows, does a little mental illness have no peripheral nerves...

"It really is different from ordinary people."

"That's not it." Qin Yuluo said while enjoying Lu Qiran's massage: "In elementary school, everyone liked to tickle each other and play, and they liked competitions, whoever laughed first would lose."

Lu Qiran listened to her talk about when she was a child, the movements of her hands were absolutely undisturbed.

"At that time, whoever could hold back his smile would get admiration from many people."

Lu Qiran laughed when he heard this: "So you turned yourself into patience?"

"Isn't it good?" Qin Yuluo turned his head, the light in his eyes was clean and clear: "Look at me now, I'm not afraid of others tickling me anymore, I have lost a weakness."

"Then Miss Qin, have you received the admiration of others?"

"No." Because no one wants to tickle her...

Lu Qiran put his face in front of Qin Yuluo, looking at the rapidly enlarged handsome face, Qin Yuluo's eyelashes trembled slightly, the suffocating kiss just now, and the numbness on his lips that hadn't disappeared, began to go back to his old ways.

"Then have you seen my adoring gaze?" Lu Qiran had never experienced such a childish and ordinary childhood, so he couldn't imagine why children never get tired of such a childish and ridiculous game.

But he knew that Qin Yuluo had no classmates when she was a child, so when she said that she didn't get the admiration from her classmates, he already knew why...

His little mental illness is really distressing.

Qin Yuluo looked seriously at the pair of flirtatious and alluring eyes in front of her, and there was no way to express the emotion in her heart. She raised her hand and gently traced his eyes: "Actually, it's all over."

She has always told herself that, she always told herself that everything will become yesterday, and it will be fine.

She also thought that she really didn't care...

(End of this chapter)

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