Chapter 270

Lu Qiran doesn't care if he can't make it through, he only cares about whether the little girl in front of him is happy or not.

He lowered his head and pecked lightly on the tip of her nose: "Yes, it's all over."

Qin Yuluo closed his eyes lightly, feeling the warmth of the tip of his nose, which somehow became sore, and even his eyes were wet in coordination, a little proud, a little persistent, a little stubborn, and inexplicably became She acted softly: "Lu Qiran, I'm hungry..."

Before Lu Qiran got up, he heard her tone of protest and grievance, and immediately laughed: "It's my fault, I asked someone to prepare your favorite noodles for you, and it will be delivered in a while .”

It turned out that it wasn't that I didn't give her food, but that I prepared something else for her...

Lu Qiran is really too bad: "How do you know that I love noodles?"

Lu Qiran smiled mysteriously, and nodded her smooth forehead: "Secret."

What a secret, she must have been secretly investigated, think she is stupid!
But: "Lu Qiran, what should I do if I have a stomachache?"

It's been so painful that I can't bear it.

When Lu Qiran heard that she had a stomachache, he frowned: "Why does it have a stomachache?"

"I have a stomach problem." When she said this, she actually had some evil thoughts in her mind. She wanted to know how Lu Qiran would react when he found out that she had a stomach problem, especially: "If it wasn't for you not giving me a stomachache in the morning." If I eat it, I won't be in such pain."

"It hurts?!" Lu Qiran had noticed her abnormal expression a long time ago, but he thought it was caused by back pain. Who knew that Qin Yuluo also had stomach problems!

"I can't bear it anymore." Confessing his discomfort, Qin Yuluo was like a flower that withered in an instant, even his tone became sluggish.

Lu Qiran quickly opened the door and sent people to look for Wu Yan.

After treating Zhu Wen's injury, it was already late at night, Wu Yan was so tired that he couldn't keep his eyes open, so he slept with Zhu Wen.

When the bodyguards came to look for him, he was still playing chess with Duke Zhou, and he was carried to Lu Qiran's room in a daze.

When the whole person is awake, he doesn't need to ask Lu Qiran what's going on, he goes straight to Qin Yuluo: "It hurts again?"

Lu Qiran added: "Stomach hurts."

Wu Yan nodded: "It hurts in another place, it's good."

Lu Qiran's gaze is enough to kill Wu Yan hundreds of times.

Wu Yan coughed lightly: "Do you have a history of stomach problems before?"

Qin Yuluo shook his head and said, "I haven't been to the hospital for an examination, so I don't know exactly what's going on."

"How to get a stomach bug."


"Hungry?" Lu Qiran's voice raised several degrees.

Qin Yuluo nodded. It was the winter vacation of her freshman year. After becoming an orphan, Qin Yuluo could only rely on herself. Although the tuition was sponsored by the Jiang family, she still had to figure out the living expenses.

Every winter and summer vacation is the busiest time for her. She has to work several jobs every day. Changchang even saves the time for eating to get off work. She is tired until midnight when she gets off work and returns to the cold home. She is hungry. , but she couldn't think of cooking a bowl of noodles for herself, so she fell asleep.

During the winter vacation that year, she lost weight from [-] catties to [-] catties. She was as skinny as a skinny person. The stomach problem also came to her at that time.

It's just that there is no need to mention these now.

Lu Qiran breathed heavily, didn't say anything, went out and asked the servant to cook another bowl of porridge.

Wu Yan prescribed some traditional Chinese medicine for Qin Yuluo: "From now on, you have to eat on time, and drink this medicine all the time. After about three months of conditioning, you will be fine."

"Thank you."

Wu Yan said no thanks and left.

In less than 10 minutes, the servant came up with a bowl of porridge.

Lu Qiran took the bowl, dismissed the servants, and sat beside Qin Yuluo with one leg bent, feeding her the porridge.

"Open your mouth."

Qin Yuluo saw him puffing on the porridge, and touched it lightly with his lips, and suddenly said with emotion: "You are very much like my grandma."

Lu Qiran held up the spoon, if he couldn't free his hand, he would really hit her on the head: "I'm a man, and I'm not that old either!"

Qin Yuluo smiled and didn't speak, but his eyes were red in silence: "When I was sick when I was young, my grandma took care of me like this."

But grandma died, and her father couldn't even give grandma a decent funeral!

She doesn't hate her father for neglecting and abusing her since she was a child, but she hates why he can't even send grandma on the last journey safely!
She only has one grandma, she only has one grandma!

If it wasn't for her grandma, she might have died long ago, but now, she is still alive, but she doesn't know where her grandma is corrupt. She can't forgive her father, nor can she forgive her mother, she will never forgive her!
"Why are you crying again?" Lu Qiran put down the porridge bowl, sat over and hugged her gently in his arms, stroking the top of her hairy head with his delicate chin: "Qin Yuluo, tell me what wronged you have suffered."

Qin Yuluo's crying gradually became uncontrollable: "I miss my grandma, I miss my grandma!"

She misses her grandma's smile, her embrace, that simple house that can shelter her from the wind and rain, and everything about her grandma!
"Then I'll accompany you to pay homage to her, okay?" Seeing the little girl cry so miserably, Lu Qiran's tone was extremely gentle. He could always see Qin Yuluo remembering her grandma, but he never knew that grandma loved Qin Yuluo. Said, it's so important, so important that if any point is triggered, it can make her collapse like this.

"I can't find it, I can't find it! I can't find my grandma!" Qin Yuluo seemed to be in a trance: "They didn't even give me a decent funeral, and sent my grandma away with a quilt! I didn't even I know where my grandma is buried, but I don’t know if my grandma has been devoured by wild beasts for a long time!”

Qin Yuluo's fingers ruthlessly pinched into Lu Qiran's wrist: "I don't want to forgive them, I definitely won't forgive them!"

"Okay, don't forgive. If you say no, you won't forgive." Lu Qiran kept kneading Qin Yuluo's palm, letting her gradually calm down with enough sense of security.

Qin Yuluo leaned against Lu Qiran's arms, crying so much that he almost fainted, after crying so much, Qin Yuluo felt stupid, Lu Qiran brought the porridge to her mouth, and she mechanically opened her mouth , and then close your eyes little by little.

Lu Qiran had only fed half a bowl when he realized that Qin Yuluo had fallen asleep.

He sat by the bed, looked at Qin Yuluo's tightly wrinkled brows in his sleep, and pressed a kiss between his brows.

Zhu Wen was injured, and he was beaten mercilessly with ten sticks. Although it was not bloody, it still affected his activities. Zhu Wen walked a little stiff all morning.

Pushing open the door of the study, Zhu Wen saw Lu Qiran's back standing in front of the window: "Brother Lu."

Lu Qiran's cold eyes followed Zhu Wen's stiff body: "Send someone to investigate..."

After listening to Lu Qiran's request, Zhu Wen said in embarrassment: "Is there an approximate location?"

(End of this chapter)

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