Chapter 271
Lu Qiran: "Start the investigation from her father, someone will definitely have an impression of such a big event."

"Okay!" Zhu Wen stepped back without saying anything.

As soon as Zhu Wen left, Zhao Xu came in: "Brother Lu!"

Lu Qiran was not in a good mood, and Zhao Xu was too noisy: "Shut up!"

Zhao Xu saw Lu Qiran's face, closed his mouth happily, and lowered the volume, thinking that he and Qin Yuluo had quarreled again?

It doesn't look like it, if it's a quarrel with Miss Qin, at this time he would have to pierce the sky: "Well, Yu Fei said that she wants to meet Qin Yuluo."

Qin Yuluo is recuperating from her injuries. According to Lu Qiran, it is best for her not to see anyone these days!
"Brother Lu, look, Qin Yuluo was brought here by you, and her family doesn't even know about it. Let Yu Fei and the others see Qin Yuluo, and the Wan family can help you talk."

"Half an hour."

"Okay!" Zhao Xu happily went to the door, and brought Sun Yufei and Ye Wanwan in.

As soon as Qin Yuluo woke up, he saw Sun Yufei and Ye Wanwan sitting beside the bed: "You guys are here!"

Seeing his best friend, Qin Yuluo finally smiled a little.

Ye Wanwan looked at Qin Yuluo lying motionless, but his face was ruddy and his mood was good, he didn't look like a prisoner: "What's going on with you and Lu Qiran."

Qin Yuluo talked about the fact that he had a waist bump and was brought back by Lu Qiran to recuperate.

Knowing the cause and effect, these two people's opinions on Lu Qiran are finally not that big.

"By the way, Fu Shiwen and Jiang Yunwu have been looking for you recently." Ye Wanwan said, "I have already found excuses for your stepfather and stepmother, but those two people are obviously not easy to fool. "

Ye Wanwan leaned close to Qin Yuluo's ear and whispered, "Especially Jiang Yunwu, he seems to have discovered something."

Qin Yu frowned: "If you find out, you'll find out. I didn't do anything shameful. Besides, I can't hide these things. Lu Qiran seems to have found out too..."

When Sun Yufei heard that he was going to talk about a big secret, she glanced at the motionless man who was stuck in the room with wooden stakes, she really had no discernment at all: "Get out!"

"Hey!" Zhao Xu was pushed out of the room by Sun Yufei: "I said that you are turning your face and denying others. After all, we are also on the same side. Do you need to hide it from me? It's not that I don't know Qin Yuluo and Jiang Yun Wu's business!"

Sun Yufei didn't care about that, and closed the door tightly, including Zhao Xu's protest.

Zhao Xu slapped the door twice, seeing that no one opened the door, he muttered dissatisfiedly, and was about to go find Wu Yan and Zhu Wen for a drink, when he turned around, he saw Lu Qiran with a gloomy face standing at the stairs.

Zhao Xu's legs went limp for a moment: "Lu, Brother Lu..." When did he come!
Lu Qiran only glanced at Zhao Xu, then turned and went downstairs to the study.

Zhao Xu stomped his feet, it's over, Brother Lu is going crazy, they are going to be in trouble!
"Brother Lu!"

Zhao Xu chased him to the study room, he thought it was dark when he first went in, there was no light at all in Nuo Da's study room, Lu Qiran was sitting behind the desk, the opposite wall was projecting the picture in the bedroom.

There were also the faint voices of three women talking.

"I'm talking about Little Feather, how does that bitch Lu know about you and Young Master Jiang?" Ever since Lu Qiran kidnapped Qin Yuluo back to Jiangzhou once, Sun Yufei called Lu Qiran "Bitch Lu".

She just called this address in front of the two sisters, so even Zhao Xu didn't know about it. Although he didn't know, it didn't prevent him from being implicated!
He flinched and glanced at the moody Mr. Lu, and continued to listen to the deadly conversation of the three women.

"I don't know, but he came to test me that day, and I prevaricated." Qin Yuluo was not confident in his ability to lie: "But it seems that he has never deceived Lu Qiran."

Ye Wanwan poked Qin Yuluo's brain: "With your ability to lie, let alone Lu Qiran, who can you fool!"

Qin Yuluo pouted: "Isn't it okay for people to be kind by nature?"

"Okay!" Ye Wanwan rolled her eyes, she thought that Qin Yuluo was a silly Xiaobai and he was more or less the same.

"Then what did Lu Qiran do to you?"

"That's not there."

"Hey, I said Little Feather, what on earth are you thinking?"

"What do you think?" Qin Yuluo looked away.

The two girlfriends grabbed her and made her face the facts: "Don't pretend to be stupid! Young Master Jiang, Fu Shiwen, and bitch Lu, you have to choose one of these three."

Ye Wanwan was the first to make a suggestion: "I suggest you choose Fu Shiwen."

Before Qin Yuluo asked why, Sun Yufei quit: "Why, is Young Master Jiang not good!"

After several contacts, Sun Yufei thinks that Jiang Yunwu is not bad, handsome and rich, and the most important thing is that he is very interested in Xiao Yu at first sight!

Although Fu Shiwen is not bad, he is only a composer. Although he has a small income and is considered gentle and refined, compared with Jiang Shao, he is still a little bit worse.

"Sun Yufei, what, are you planning to move on?"

Zhao Xu stood in front of the curtain, staring at Sun Yufei with a ferocious face, she dared to turn his back on her!

"Sun Yufei, you bloody girl!" He couldn't help rushing in to grab Sun Yufei out, and pressed him on the bed to tidy up!

Sun Yufei didn't know that her nympho face had already been fully spied on by two people in the dark, she was still immersed in Jiang Yunwu's masculine charm, she folded her hands and imagined: "Jiang Shao is so handsome, he is obviously rich and powerful , but you can see that he is not the same as Lu Qiran at all, he is so approachable and a bit ruffian, let me tell you, usually this kind of man dotes on his own woman very much!"

"I will definitely spoil you after marriage!" Sun Yufei patted her chest seriously: "My mother, when I was in the newspaper office, I met so many men, and I was much more accurate than the two of you. If it wasn't for me..." Sun Yufei regretted He didn't continue: "If I want to be single, I promise to catch up!"

Ye Wanwan sneered, "Zhao Xu should really show your nympho!"

Sun Yufei pinched her waist: "I'm not afraid, he dares to do something to my old lady!"

Zhao Xu sneered: "Look what I can do to you later..."

Lu Qiran looked at Qin Yuluo's smiling face with unpredictable eyes.

"Let's talk about these things when I'm well. It's a bit early to think about these things now."

Ye Wanwan said: "Qin Yuluo, you can hide. You can hide past the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth day. Yesterday Fu Shiwen was discharged from the hospital. You promised to go, but you didn't go. Fu Shiwen has been discharged from the hospital now. He asked me to tell you You, you owe him a promise."

Sun Yufei rubbed her chin, and said with a look of surprise: "When did you meet Fu Shiwen, why do you feel that the two of you are very close..."

(End of this chapter)

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