Chapter 294
Lu Qiran looked at Qin Yuluo in Jiang Yunwu's arms, he needed to know this woman's attitude, he cared about this woman's attitude very much!

"Qin Yuluo, are you sure you want to go with Jiang Yunwu?"

His tone was cold, without the slightest hint of warmth. If Zhu Wen hadn't known him well, he would have thought Lu Qiran was a ruthless man. As Lu Qiran's special assistant, Zhu Wen had been by Lu Qiran's side for many years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the person who knows Lu Qiran best, maybe other people can't see it, but Zhu Wen can see it clearly, when Lu Qiran asked Qin Yuluo this sentence, the two arms behind his back were trembling .

He once felt that Miss Qin was the best match for his family's president in this world. Ever since seeing Qin Yu's backwardness, Lu Qiran's gray life seemed to suddenly come alive.

He began to have the anger of a normal person. He would be happy, sad, regretful, and blame himself. He was decadent, and he was secretly happy. All the emotions piled up into a brand new Lu Qiran, a Lu Qiran who lived like a human!
But gradually, Zhu Wen found that things began to develop in an uncontrollable direction. For a person who has been emotionless for a long time, the sudden perception is like a violent storm.

Lu Qiran's seven emotions and six desires are violent, such extreme venting is like a double-edged sword, not only stabbing Qin Yuluo beside him, but also deeply tormenting himself.

Lu Qiran didn't know how to control himself well, he only knew that Qin Yuluo must be by his side!

Qin Yuluo remained silent, she pulled the blanket up, she didn't want to see Lu Qiran for the time being, she was afraid that the inexplicable hatred would hurt him.

"Qin Yuluo!"

For Qin Yuluo's avoidance, Lu Qiran obviously didn't expect that, he expected that Qin Yuluo would cry with him, fight with him, beat him, scold him, but he didn't expect... that Qin Yuluo would hide from him he.

Qin Yuluo, who avoided seeing him, destroyed the last line of defense in Lu Qiran's heart. He absolutely could not tolerate Qin Yuluo having other men by his side.

"You...will regret it, Qin Yuluo, I will make you regret it!"

Lu Qiran pulled down the blanket on Qin Yuluo's face, and he pinched her chin fiercely, for fear that she would look at him, Qin Yuluo's eyes were calm and lifeless.

What kind of look is this?Don't want to live again?Want to commit suicide again?How do you want to die this time?Cut your wrists?Or jump into the river again?Lu Qiran felt pain in his heart, he didn't understand why Qin Yuluo had to live like this.

So helpless, but will she have no regrets?Compared to fighting to the death, Lu Qiran hated Qin Yuluo's inaction even more, not fighting or grabbing, why?Do you really think that you are living a Buddhist life?
He stared at Qin Yuluo, and said word by word: "You! You will... regret it, I promise!"

Lu Qiran left, and when he shook his hand vigorously, Qin Yuluo could clearly hear a "click" sound from his mandible, but she didn't care, regret it?Is there anything else she can threaten?

Closing his eyes, Qin Yuluo felt dizzy. Is this broken body already so weak?It really is the body of Miss Qianjin, and the life of the nanny!

Her lips were so dry that Qin Yuluo really wanted to open her eyes to look around, but her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn't open them no matter how hard she tried, and Sun Yufei was crying in her ears.

"Why must it be Xiao Yu? Why? Xiao Yu is obviously so good, Zhao Xu, do you know that Xiao Yu is sensible and makes me feel bad!"

"Hey, Qin Yuluo will be fine, my wife, don't cry!"

Sun Yufei was sobbing and choking, her whole body was shaking because of the hiccups, and she couldn't understand what she said. Zhao Xu hugged her distressedly, and gave her comfort one by one.

Qin Yuluo, who was in a coma, couldn't help feeling amused, that silly girl Sun Yufei was worried about her affairs again, it seemed that she was still causing trouble for Yufei.

It was already the second day when she got up, Qin Yuluo felt that her arms were a little numb, and looked down, it turned out that Sun Yufei was lying on her bedside and fell asleep.

Qin Yuluo looked at Sun Yufei's eyelids swollen into walnuts, and felt a warm current in her heart. She stretched out her hand to caress Sun Yufei's hair, looking at the girl who was sleeping peacefully, Qin Yuluo felt warm all over her body.

It is no longer the biting cold like yesterday, in fact, God is not mean to her, isn't it!
Perhaps it was because Qin Yuluo's rubbing movements were too loud, Sun Yufei blinked her eyelashes uneasily, and she woke up after a while.

Looking at each other, Sun Yufei rubbed her eyes vigorously, "Little Feather, you are awake!" Her voice was hoarse, and she cried for a long time when she heard it.

"Well, why didn't you go back to sleep?"

Hearing Qin Yuluo's voice, Sun Yufei felt aggrieved again. She was not a sentimental person, but when she looked into Xiaoyu's devastated eyes, she just wanted to cry.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably. Sun Yufei wiped her tears while crying. She held Qin Yuluo's arm tightly and choked up and said, "Little Feather, don't scare me anymore, okay? Do you know You burned all night last night, and you almost scared me to death!"

Sun Yufei's tone was resentful, Qin Yuluo couldn't help laughing, and made a "puchi", which was very abrupt in the quiet room, Sun Yufei also laughed, she was crying and laughing at the same time, it was so funny.

Qin Yuluo patted her head and comforted her softly, "It's all right."

Sun Yufei also imitated her, patted Qin Yuluo's head, puckered her small mouth and smashed it, and then pouted a few times towards the bedside with a look of disgust, rubbing her tongue with her fingers, and said in disgust :"Salty!"

Qin Yuluo got up and leaned against the head of the bed, looking around, it was her room, her home!

"Where are my parents? Are they freaked out?"

Sun Yufei sat on the bed, raised her numb leg and knocked vigorously, "No, when I come back, my uncle and aunt won't be there."

not there?She remembered that her adoptive father hadn't been on a business trip recently. Could it be that something happened suddenly?

Qin Yuluo frowned and rummaged under the pillow, as if looking for something, Sun Yufei saw her anxious look, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, but she was still sick, how could she be so fussy!

Sun Yufei pulled Qin Yuluo, "Little Feather, what are you looking for? Let me help you."

"Where's my phone?"

"At Zhao Xu's place, just wait a moment."

Speaking of which, Sun Yufei opened the door and yelled outside, "Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu... you take Xiao Yu's cell phone, Xiao Yu wants to use it."


Zhao Xu obediently went to get the phone, and after a while Sun Yufei brought Qin Yuluo's phone over.

"Here, take a look, Little Feather, I see that there is a WeChat notification."

Qin Yuluo took the phone, and her adoptive father and adoptive mother should have told her if something urgent happened. Thinking of her parents, Qin Yuluo's heart softened a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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