Chapter 295
Lacking the love of her parents since she was a child, Qin Yuluo cherishes her current life very much. Wang Sitong, a foster mother, perfectly fits the image of a loving mother in her heart, and her teacher Wan Moyi has always taken special care of her.

In fact, she is also very lucky to be able to get a second family affection. Thinking of this, Qin Yuluo's eyes became more gentle. She squeezed Sun Yufei's hand, and her whole body was as soft and docile as a pool of spring water.

"Yufei, I miss my parents!"

Qin Yuluo looked at the empty information list on the phone, feeling a little melancholy in his heart. He didn't receive any message on WeChat, so he didn't know what his parents were doing now.

"Don't think too much, maybe uncle and aunt are busy. As for you, Little Feather, just recuperate obediently. If uncle and aunt come back and see you in such a miserable state, you must be worried again!"

After Qin Yuluo sighed and put the phone under the pillow, she let Sun Yufei put her back on the bed. Looking at the white ceiling, she suddenly thought of Zhen You, and she didn't know that the child had been in a mental hospital. OK.

"Yufei, do you think that mental illness can be quite happy sometimes?"

Qin Yuluo asked suddenly, and Sun Yufei was also a little dazed, "Little Feather, what are you thinking? Is mental illness still a good thing? You are not satisfied with being a psychiatrist, and you still want to try being a mental illness?"

Sun Yufei really doesn't know what Xiaoyu is thinking, why not take a good rest, what kind of mental illness is there to think about, really!She always felt that her family, Xiaoyu, hadn't learned anything very well in the past few years, and her methods of scaring people were well-versed.

"By the way, Xiaoyu, when I was holding your phone for you just now, I saw Fu Shiwen in the living room. He should have come to see you, but he was stopped by Zhao Xu. I think you were not in a good mood just now, so you didn't call He comes in, do you... want to see him?"

Qin Yuluo frowned imperceptibly, "Yufei, I'm sleepy."

After speaking, she pulled the quilt over her head and buried her whole body in it. It wasn't that she avoided seeing him on purpose, but she didn't know how to treat Fu Shiwen. When he was in the hospital, Fu Shiwen's friendship with her She sees it.

Such a resolute statement, even arguing with Fu Shijin because of her, obviously she did nothing, but once again became the fuse of a quarrel, sometimes thinking about it, how ridiculous!
Under the quilt, Qin Yuluo wrapped herself into a silkworm chrysalis, with her knees curled up to her chest, she hugged herself tightly, and the quilt was tightly pressed against her back, an inexplicable sense of security swept over her whole body.

When she was wronged and went home when she was a child, Qin Yuluo would be like other children, thinking that she could be hugged by her mother, even if it was just "Are you okay!" She would also feel that her mother loved her.

Nothing... nothing, she thought that as long as she was obedient enough, her father and mother would love her more, but that was an extravagant hope after all.

Her mother abandoned her, turned around and walked away without any reluctance; her father even vented all his hatred for his mother on her.

Except for grandma, Qin Yuluo feels that everything in this world is cold, no matter whether human feelings are warm or cold, in her little heart, human feelings are only cold, and there is no such thing as "warm" at all.

Until she met Sun Yufei and Ye Wanwan, she really felt happy at that time, and she really thanked God for allowing her to have such two good sisters.

She still remembered that the slogan that Sun Yufei yelled to her the most was, "Sisters are bigger than the sky, if any scum breaks my little feather's wings, I will smash his entire heaven!"

silly right?But Qin Yuluo was shocked, except for her grandma, this was the first person who kept saying that she would protect her, so she began to look forward to, she hoped that the world could give her more kindness.

Until the appearance of Jiang Mengzhe, she began to believe that the world is beautiful, and she even felt that she had never been as happy as this moment. When she knew that her love was originally a product under the control of the brain, her world collapsed.

What is real?Qin Yuluo felt that her life was like a dream, it seemed real and beautiful, but in fact, it was all hypocrisy, stinking hypocrisy!
Looking at the small ball under the quilt, Sun Yufei knew that her little feather had no sense of security anymore, she was always like this, habitually using herself to protect herself.

Sun Yufei gently laid down on Qin Yuluo's body, patted the back of the stopped body, and whispered, "Little Feather, take a good rest, I'm right outside the door, call me if you need something."

Qin Yuluo's body trembled involuntarily, she... saw it, Sun Yufei still saw her helplessness at this moment, she suddenly felt a little sore in her eyes, for no reason, just a little wronged, a little want to cry.

Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, drop by drop, and the pillow under his body was wet in a large area in an instant, Qin Yuluo let out a muffled "hmm".

A few minutes later, she lightened up, followed by the slight sound of "Gada" closing the door.

Qin Yuluo allowed herself to sob softly, tears kept flowing out of her eyes, without any emotional venting, she just wanted to cry, maybe she wanted to feel pity for her miserable first half of her life, or maybe she wanted to pay homage to her never to return. A child that wouldn't exist?
Thinking of the child, Qin Yuluo's hand slowly touched her lower abdomen. There would never be a life born there again. In fact, she had imagined countless times when she was young, what kind of child would she have in the future?
A living body that completely belongs to her, a piece of flesh that fell from her body, Qin Yuluo thought, she must love her child very much, and she should want to give this child all the emotions that she can't get .

But sometimes, she would be afraid, what if she didn't do well enough?Will her child be the second Qin Yuluo?second her?If it is really the second her, it will be a continuation of the next tragedy!
So Qin Yuluo was afraid, she was both looking forward to and afraid, fear of the unknown, yearning for fantasy, a clear entanglement.

But now it’s all right, God helped her make the choice, all the things she couldn’t decide, God will make choices for her, no matter if she is forced or willing, she is not the one who decides.

Moaning without illness...will be laughed at?If Qin Yuluo's thoughts were heard by outsiders now, she would definitely be ridiculed, right?But some people's lives are born filled with self-pity.

Those who have gaps in their hearts, such as Qin Yuluo, she has never grabbed anyone to show her wounds, but if she can't even do self-complaint, self-loathing, and self-compassion, she will definitely go crazy.

Qin Yuluo was tired from crying, very tired, she had a very long dream, in the dream, she saw a harmonious family, her parents loved her, they loved her even more, she was very happy, she I want to be this happy forever.

But dreams are dreams after all!Qin Yuluo had to face the reality after all.

(End of this chapter)

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