She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 296 Jiang Yunwu's Thoughts

Chapter 296 Jiang Yunwu's Thoughts

When I woke up, it was already dark outside the window, and the moonlight shone in through the gauze curtain. The cold light made people feel a little chilly.

Qin Yu was stunned for a while, and then staggered down to the window. Her stomach hurt, and there were many small injuries and bruises all over her body. She felt a little unwell.

The pain made her think more clearly, and the chill on her body became heavier and heavier. She clutched the curtains hard, the veins on her hands were bulging due to the unconscious force, and her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh through a thin layer of gauze. Inside, little bits of blood flowed out, and the snow-white gauze immediately turned red.

Late night is often mysterious and dangerous. Behind those shadows is a fatal temptation that you will never think of.

It was also such a night, so quiet and terrifying, that night seven years ago was Qin Yuluo's lifetime nightmare, seven years ago?
Qin Yuluo has always been very reluctant to recall that night, because it was an extremely painful thing, but now, when she tried to recall it, she only remembered some general ideas.

There were bursts of stabbing pain in his head, Qin Yuluo beat his head vigorously trying to relieve the terrible pain, there were bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead, Qin Yuluo felt a little light-headed.

Everything in front of her eyes had phantoms, and she fell to the side uncontrollably, because she was still holding the gauze curtain in her hand, and an inertial force actually tore the entire curtain down.

There was a loud bang. It was the sound of the curtain rod falling to the floor. It was very loud and echoed in the quiet room, making it particularly sharp.

Thick curtains covered his body, and Qin Yuluo was pressed to the floor by the curtain frame. This was what Jiang Yunwu saw when he came in.

He rushed up in a hurry and pulled Qin Yuluo out. Fortunately, the curtain frame was not too heavy, so she was not injured.

The curtain above his head was raised, and through the raised gap, Qin Yuluo could only see a tall figure, a man.

"Lu Qiran?"

Qin Yuluo's voice was a little trembling, and if you listened carefully, you could still hear crying. Jiang Yunwu's body froze, and before he could speak, Qin Yuluo had already thrown himself into his arms.

"Lu Qiran, why... why did you come?"

When he spoke, his tone was sad, which he had never heard before. Jiang Yunwu felt a little panicked. The little white rabbit in his family was still thinking about that man in his heart. How naughty!
Jiang Yunwu stroked Qin Yuluo's hair one after another, his movements were gentle and tender, as if filled with countless warmth, and every touch of that hand seemed to be telling a word of love.

It was supposed to make people sink, but Qin Yuluo suddenly became sober. This is not what Lu Qiran would do. He would also comfort her, but he never had such a strong sense of love.

This is not his smell either. Lu Qiran always has a noble aura about him, which makes him a little cold. He has always had a faint fragrance on him. That fragrance is like a cold spring, a refreshing coolness. .

And the body of the person in front of him was warm everywhere. When he touched her head, the ragged feeling that inadvertently emanated was Jiang Yunwu's right.

Qin Yuluo didn't expect that Jiang Yunwu was still at her house so late, her mind gradually became clear, her body stiffened involuntarily, she subconsciously hid back, and she easily escaped from that embrace.

"Little white rabbit, why don't you lie down obediently?"

Jiang Yunwu naturally hugged Qin Yuluo, and he strode to the bed and put him in.

"You should rest well!"

Qin Yuluo lay quietly, and did not ask the phrase "Why are you here?" Thinking of the scene where Jiang Yunwu proposed to her in the hospital a few days ago, she was inexplicably embarrassed.

It is impossible for Qin Yuluo to accept Jiang Yunwu's marriage proposal, and the emotional entanglement with Lu Qiran has not been resolved yet, so it is impossible for her to plunge into another relationship with enthusiasm.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Jiang Yunwu suddenly laughed, the little white rabbit has gone through so much, why is it still like this stupid and cute look?
"Little white rabbit, I like you, pursue you, and propose to you. It's all my business. Why do you feel embarrassed?"

Jiang Yunwu laughed playfully, many girls are green tea whores nowadays, while holding on to their boyfriends tightly, they flirt with the spare tires around them at the same time.

Want to be Aquaman?sure!As long as you have the capital, who doesn't want to be a Neptune!But you have to have the ability to make people speechless, you can be bad and plain, instead of standing up and bitch.

Maybe Qin Yuluo was regarded by many people as the kind of shameless green tea whore, but Jiang Yunwu knew that Qin Yuluo had already rejected him very clearly, just like Fu Shiwen, maybe Qin Yuluo didn't even have a friend in his heart. Don't want to do anything with them.

It was they who had been hovering by her side, disturbing her life.

But how short is a person's life?This hasty life is fleeting, how many times will he regret it?So he is persistent, and Jiang Yunwu never hides his preferences.

Just like how he likes Qin Yuluo, the kind of liking that wants to possess comes from the most primitive impulse in his heart, he is not that great, saying "As long as the person you love can be happy, you will be satisfied," that is bullshit.

In Jiang Yunwu's eyes, that was the behavior of a coward. The things Jiang Yunwu likes must stay by his side, but Qin Yuluo is his exception.

Jiang Yunwu can break all his principles, as long as Qin Yuluo can be happy, he can set her free, if he hadn't met Qin Yuluo in a place like a bar, he probably would never have had the chance to know the heart of this woman.

Just the tip of the iceberg is enough for him to change. If Lu Qiran can make Qin Yuluo happy, Jiang Yunwu will really let go, but no, that man's heart is simply hard-hearted.

Emotional intelligence is not enough, patience is not enough, Lu Qiran seems to have concentrated all his advantages on IQ, Lu Qiran likes Qin Yuluo, Jiang Yunwu admits this, but Lu Qiran's liking is like the thorn of a rose.

It looks beautiful, but it is actually full of dangers. He may have exhausted all his strength to love Qin Yuluo, but often it is this kind of love with all his strength that can pierce people more physically and mentally exhausted!
"Go to sleep."

Jiang Yunwu didn't say anything more, he just tucked up the quilt thoughtfully and went out.

Time passed quickly, and Qin Yuluo's injuries were healed little by little. Fu Shiwen came over often. At the beginning, Fu Shijin always followed, but gradually, Fu Shijin stopped coming.

Qin Yuluo didn't know why, maybe something happened between Fu Shiwen and Fu Shijin, she wasn't interested in knowing about other people's family affairs, especially if this matter might involve her, it's better to pretend to be stupid than to embarrass everyone by telling it out Come easy.

Jiang Yunwu would also come here every day, and every time he would bring Qin Yuluo some new gadgets to make her happy, and the two of them kept silent about what happened that night, which seemed to be a very tacit understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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